
Chapter 871

Chapter 871

The existence of Audrey He shows that NPCs can be converted into player identities, but these are the benefits given by "Arrival of the Female Gunner", other NPCs cannot.

The power of Yue Chuan's communication system endowed these Celestial Clan female gunmen with player identities. This process is similar to inviting other creatures to enter the game world, except that the process of creating characters is omitted, and they themselves are the characters in the game.

When they became players in the game world, they immediately gained many player rights, such as the most needed package at present. This is an indescribable convenience for them. Putting the equipment into the backpack, the originally bloated and clumsy female gunman instantly became clean and heroic.


Other Celestial Clan officials and scientists around could only admire, but they didn't delve into the reasons for this change, they just regarded it as the benefit of signing a contract with Yue Chuan, but they were either Celestial Officials or the top scientists in the Celestial Realm, no one could understand. He didn't dare to sign a contract with Yue Chuan for this little convenience.

Yue Chuan checked the information of these female gunmen. The nicknames are all code names, and the occupations are all branches of the female gunmen. Their levels are judged according to their strength, and most of them are around 40. The only exception is the female gunner named Sijue. The big gun has more than 50 levels.

Level 50 is a watershed, because level 50 represents the holy level, that is to say, the strength of the four finals has already surpassed the ordinary, and even the Queen Rose is a top powerhouse.Think back when Yue Chuan subdued Audrey, she was only over 30 levels, not to mention competing with the final four, even those other female gunmen were much stronger than Audrey.

But now Audrey He is over 60 levels, but is still above the four finals. Perhaps it is this that makes the officials of the heavenly realm feel that the world where Yue Chuan lives can make the strength of the heavenly warriors improve rapidly, so they send fighters to Yuechuan in the world.

"They must have thought too much."

Yue Chuan secretly sighed. Although the Continent of Gods can practice magic, it is definitely not a holy place for cultivation. The reason why Audrey He's strength has improved more is the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".However, there is a place that is very suitable for them in the four finals, and that is the fighting spirit training camp.Let them hone in the fighting spirit training camp for a period of time, and at the same time let them speed up their training. When they are at level 60 and have enough anti-magic equipment, they will be sent to another world to hone.

Anyway, during this period of time, they could fight for themselves as mercenaries. Since it was military training, fighting was inevitable, so there was nothing wrong with sending them to fight.

But before that, Yue Chuan and others went to the Musketeer Legion of the Great Qin State. These female gunmen are all elites in the heavens. The Musketeer Legion of the Great Qin State was taught by Audrey He. But Audrey He was born as a roaming gunner after all, and she only knew a little about other professions, not proficient in them.There is still room for improvement in the Musketeer Legion of the Great Qin Kingdom, but there is no opportunity for improvement.

The appearance of the female shooter in the fourth round just solved this urgent need.

After the teachings of these Celestial female gunmen, the bullets and grenades of ammunition experts are more powerful, the speed of refitting heavy firearms of gunners is faster, the power of heavy firearms is stronger, and the robots of mechanics are more flexible and changeable. In general, the combat effectiveness of the Musketeers Legion has risen several levels, as if it has entered the electric age from the steam age in an instant.

Immediately, Yue Chuan brought these female gunmen to the Soul Fighting Training Camp in Ice Wind Valley.

The first phase of the Soul Fighting Training Camp has been training for half a month. As the Soul Fighting Training Camp claims, after the formal training, the students cannot wear any clothing to keep out the cold. They train in the snow with their arms almost bare. Without a quilt, I slept directly in the ice and snow.

This kind of training method can no longer be called cruel, it is simply cruel.You must know that the coldness of Icewind Dale is enough to crush steel, let alone human flesh and blood.However, this cruel training method was resolutely implemented, because these were formulated by Yue Chuan.

When Yue Chuan watched "The Legend of Condor Heroes", what impressed him most was the cold jade bed in the ancient tomb.

Xiao Longnv once said that cultivation is against the sky. Practicing martial arts during the day requires gathering qi and blood and walking according to the exercises. When sleeping at night, these qi and blood lose their restraint and disperse back to their original shape. If the skill is 10, then what is dissipated at night is 9. In other words, the result of one day and one night's practice is only 1.

The function of the cold jade bed is to make people's body be invaded by the cold, and to exercise their own energy to resist the cold, so that the blood and energy will not disperse, so that 9% of the hard work will not be lost at night, and the whole day's practice The result is still 10, which is why one year of practicing on Hanyu's bed is equivalent to ten years for others.

A small cold jade bed has this miraculous effect, let alone Icewind Valley, where it is simply a natural cold jade bed, and it is far wider and colder than the cold jade bed.Here, it is necessary to use one's skills to resist the severe cold all the time. Even a moment of negligence and slack will cause irreversible consequences. The severe cold of Icewind Valley is like an invisible whip, constantly urging people to progress and improve.

Even though Sijue and the others had warm clothes, they still couldn't help shivering.

They had also trained in the ice and snow, but the ice and snow they experienced was nothing compared to Icewind Valley. Feeling the harsh climate in Icewind Valley, they vaguely understood Yue Chuan's intentions.

But soon the four finals frowned and looked at the vast ice and snow. It was okay to train here, but what about the accommodation after training, food and daily life?How to solve this.

At this moment, the sound of trampling ice and snow came from the distance, and the ten female warriors of the Celestial Clan immediately took a vigilant posture, looking for a nearby bunker one by one, laying down and dodging their own bodies at the same time. The weapon was drawn.

"If I were you guys, I wouldn't use that crap."

A hearty voice came out from the ice and snow, and then a sturdy figure emerged from the snowstorm. Comparing the raging snowstorm with his sturdy figure, it was completely like a beaded curtain and light gauze, not at all. worth mentioning.

This is a young body, a strong body, and a body full of strong and masculine beauty, just like the magma under the ice, the cold can not cool the fiery aura on his body, but It made the heat on his body more restrained, deeper, accumulated continuously, and changed little by little.

The female shooter waiting for the fourth round couldn't help being a little distracted, just like a man would be distracted when he sees a beautiful woman.Heaven is a world dominated by women, and women are more powerful. It is rare to see such a man full of masculinity in Heaven, and it is even more impossible to see a man's fit body.Therefore, the four finals and other female gunmen were all dumbfounded.

But immediately after Sijue and the others turned pale in shock, because the man was showing his chest, wearing boxers to hide his shame, shirtless and barefoot.

[Wish you all a happy new year's day and a happy new year]

(End of this chapter)

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