
Chapter 907 Reward

Chapter 907 Reward
Yue Chuan stood up slowly, recalling the situation when he was bound to the ground by the earth spirit before, he still felt a wave of fear in his heart, this was the first time he experienced the power of the control profession.

The number one control job in DNF is judo. Many players always tease the national treasure when they mention this job. This class is indeed very powerful, and can control any boss. No one cared about it, and the later male judo was more miserable than the female judo, so many people would be very curious when they saw the profession of "Fenglin Huanshan" and asked, this is a profession modified by cheating.

That female swordsman is like judo. Although she didn't show the same lethality as the male swordsman, her control ability almost killed Yue Chuan. With her in control of Yue Chuan, the male swordsman could strike calmly. If it wasn't for Lei Li Xinya came here just in time to pick up some bargains, Yue Chuan was really going to be planted here today.

But speaking of control...

Yue Chuan turned his head and looked at the Zixiao Excalibur that was slowly dissipating in the air. The Dominant Sword is the most domineering field controler. After all, Qian Qian is also a god, but under the power of the Dominant Sword, a person with a cultivation base All seals are no different from ordinary people.

Originally, Yue Chuan thought that the world of kendo civilization could be captured easily, but after seeing the supernatural power of kendo master, Yue Chuan couldn't help but be vigilant in his heart. Soft-legged shrimp, it really has to be slaughtered.

If you want to conquer the world of kendo civilization, you can only use the sword, but playing with the sword in front of the world of kendo civilization is just like fighting with an axe.

Yue Chuan shook his head. It seemed that Leng Shangqing's plan to enter the world of swordsmanship civilization had to be advanced. Now that some kind of ancestor has noticed the Demon Continent, it is impossible to develop quietly, and everything has to be accelerated.

After the sword master's supernatural power disappeared, Leili Xinya immediately recovered the ability of the blood fiend. She knew that Yue Chuan also had the ability to draw power from the blood, and fearing that Yue Chuan would rob her, she quickly sent out two bloody lights on the male and female swordsmen. , Instantly refining their blood.

Seeing Xiao Xuesha's movements, Yue Chuan couldn't help snorting, and then looked at the soul in Xiao Xuesha's hands, but before Yue Chuan could speak, the power of the Underworld God flashed, and the two souls burst like soap bubbles. It exploded, and one after another the power of the soul merged into the power of the god of the underworld, and submerged into Xiaoxuesha's body.

Yue Chuan just wanted to seal those two souls into the book of death, search their memories, and learn some secrets of the top level of the kendo civilization world. Who would have thought that this little bloody devil would be afraid that Yue Chuan would compete with her and directly destroy these two souls? up.If I knew it earlier, I should have blocked her account first.

Little Xuesha's eyeballs rolled around, she really wanted to turn around and run away, never to see Yue Chuan again in her life, regardless of the dark emperor's shadow hiding ability or Xuesha's ability, she could escape with ease, Yue Chuan couldn't keep her at all.Still, when thinking of the title, Xiaoxuesha's fair face suddenly wrinkled into bun folds. It was too painful to lose the ability of Dark Emperor, so she decided to stay and see Yue Chuan's attitude.

Xiaoxuesha started to launch a family affection offensive, squeezing his big eyes, he wanted to squeeze out a few tears to pretend to be pitiful, but after squeezing for a long time, his eyes were still dry.


Yue Chuan quickly took a step back, waved his hands and said, "I'm not related to you, so don't call me daddy."

Xiao Xuesha's appearance of threatening him twice is still fresh in his memory, Yue Chuan doesn't think her "father" has much sincerity.

Leili Xinya wanted to cry, "It was your blood that conceived me, your blood is flowing on my body, I don't call your father who is my father."

Yue Chuan vomited blood a little, and this little Xuesha actually said something that was not true.

"The killing field in Black Rock City is the place where I was conceived. There are killings all year round, and the blood and fighting will of countless strong men are gathered. Prompted me to be born early, you are my father, that's right."

Yue Chuan was speechless, he couldn't help thinking of the scene where he killed thousands of people in the killing field, that big crash directly caused a change in the killing field, and then the blood demon was born.It seems that all these problems are caused by his big bang, and he just dumped a big bang to have an extra daughter. This is really happy to be a father.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Qianqian also figured out the bizarre relationship between them. Although it was a bit weird, to some extent, Yue Chuan's blood was indeed flowing on Lei Li Xinya's body. She was Yue Chuan's daughter, but This daughter is too naughty.

"Since it's my brother's child, it's my niece."


Leili Xinya would crawl along the pole, pretending to be a good baby and clinging to Qianqian, while looking at Yue Chuan timidly.

"Brother, are you going to kill this little girl?"

Qianqian's sound transmission sounded in Yue Chuan's mind. Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help but secretly nodded. Before Xiao Xuesha threatened him, and even had murderous intentions towards him. The sword is finished.Yue Chuan was indeed thinking about whether to kill this little girl.However, this little Xuesha had a close relationship with him, and he had just saved him, so if he really wanted to kill her, he would break his promise.

Qianqian could see Yue Chuan's hesitation, she neither supported nor opposed it, she just said lightly: "She shouldn't die."

Without the power seal of the Dominant of the Sword, Sissy regained her strength, her eyes piercing through the future pushed through the fog, and she saw a fragment of Xiaoxuesha's future.It's just a few words, it's not real, and it can't be analyzed at all, but since there is a future, it shows that Leili Xinya is not short-lived.

Now that Qianqian has said so, Yue Chuan finally gave up killing thoughts, closed his eyes and entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".

Seeing Yue Chuan close her eyes without saying a word, Leili Xinya's heart was treacherous, and she wanted to turn around and run away several times, but being stared at by Sissi's deep and penetrating eyes, Leili Xinya dared not have the slightest thought. He lowered his head and didn't know what to think.

Finally, Yue Chuan opened his eyes, raised his hand and threw something to Leili Xinya, Xiao Xuesha quickly took it, but upon closer inspection it turned out to be a +13 evil spirit blood-drinking sword.

The evil spirit blood-drinking sword Leili Xinya has seen it in the hands of a Devil May Cry, although it is only 0 strong, but the attribute of Nalafeng makes Leili Xinya drool, the name of this sword is deeply imprinted In her mind.It's just that Leili Xinya never thought that she would have her own evil blood-drinking sword so soon, and it was still +13.

Yue Chuan threw over a set of level 50 inherited plate armor. Seeing the attributes of this equipment, Leili Xinya's big round eyes narrowed into a slit.

"This is a reward for you. The fashion exchange voucher has been sent to your Dark Emperor, and the hammer is also given to you. Whether you can get a pet or not depends on your own life." After a pause, Yue Chuan said again, "Promise Your reward has been fulfilled, so let's talk about your future affairs now."

(End of this chapter)

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