
Chapter 910 Conquest of Another World

Chapter 910 Conquest of Another World

There was no follow-up action in the world of kendo civilization, as if nothing happened.No one remembers the male and female swordsmen. Conquering other worlds means fighting, which is even more cruel than fighting. Fighting means killing people. Therefore, the ancestor was not furious because of the loss of the two younger disciples, let alone the male and female swordsmen. There are illicit motives.But Yue Chuan didn't dare to take this ancestor lightly, last time he almost died with a slap in the face, Yue Chuan was full of fear for this ancestor.

The days have returned to the peace and tranquility of the weekdays. Sissy devotes herself to studying the book "Yi" every day after finishing her fatigue, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. This book is only a few thousand words long, but it contains everything. , Sissy often sighs with emotion, it would be great if she could read this book in her previous life.

Yue Chuan also read the "Yi" book, and found many familiar words from it, but Yue Chuan only recognized these words, as for the meaning of these words, he could only shake his head.

However, Yue Chuan is not idle, on the contrary, he has too many things to be busy now, such as opening up different worlds, such as the fighting spirit training camp, such as the newly opened servers.

Those unowned alien worlds before were basically peaceful and peaceful, except for some native birds and beasts, there was nothing to worry about, just emigrate there.But there are still some other worlds that need to be fought, and even cruel battles.

The power of the server is incredible, but there are also some worlds where the power of the server cannot go deep, such as the world ruled by the God of Light.The creatures in those worlds are all believers of the God of Light, and their beliefs are very pious and firm, even to the point where only the God of Light is in their minds, and any gods that are not the God of Light are false gods and evil gods.Their thinking is like the belief in the sword in the kendo civilized world, and it is also extremely extreme.

In the world of the God of Light, the believers' minds have become monolithic. They do not accept the server's invitation, or even resist it. The God of Light quickly learned of Yue Chuan's actions through the mysterious connection between himself and the believers.

There are many similar worlds, and their characteristic is that they have already given birth to their own gods, and this god is very old, and has already managed the whole world as solid as gold, and all believers' beliefs are so firm that there is no room for them .Originally, they were unwilling to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", and Yue Chuan didn't bother to pay attention to them, after all, there were too many worlds.However, the gods in these worlds are chasing Yue Chuan like a mad dog, especially the God of Light. He had a photo with Yue Chuan once, and after distinguishing Yue Chuan, he immediately became furious.

Because of the Archangel's relationship, the God of Light's belief in the Continent of Gods was basically cut off. The God of Light hated the Archangel extremely, and Yue Chuan was also hated by the God of Light.Originally, because of the power of the world, the God of Light could only bear with it no matter how annoyed he was, but Yue Chuan tried to tease him recklessly. The God of Light had already decided to launch a holy war to regain the fallen faith.

Yue Chuan was not afraid, on the contrary, Yue Chuan was looking forward to the attack of the God of Light.

Due to the protection of the power of the world, it is impossible for the God of Light to descend in person. At best, he would throw some supernatural powers outside the world. The attack on the front line still depends on the believers under his hands, unless Yue Chuan walks out of the protection of the power of the world and fights against the God of Light. Otherwise, the God of Light's own strength would be useless.

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan secretly felt complacent. The alien equipment produced in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" is really too powerful. With the anti-magic value, he can ignore the influence of the power of the world and travel freely in various worlds. When the army of the God of Light suddenly caught fire in the backyard, wouldn't his expression be very exciting?
Yue Chuan checked Leili Xinya's character. She is already at level 55, which is very close to level 60. After all, she is holding a +13 evil blood-drinking sword in her hand. Then you can go on a killing spree.

Yue Chuan always thought that berserkers were born and lived by blood, but after seeing the power of blood fiends, Yue Chuan couldn't help sighing, no matter how powerful berserkers are, they are still in the category of human beings, and it is impossible to compare with blood fiends.

Xuesha is truly born and alive by blood.The few blood fiends that have appeared in the history of the Devil's Continent all slaughtered cities and destroyed the land, frantically absorbing the blood of living beings to improve themselves, they killed not one or two, but one city and two cities.Although Leili Xinya didn't have such a notorious reputation, it didn't mean she became a vegetarian. Her desire for blood was also very strong.

"Then, before going to the civilized world of kendo, let's throw her in the lair of the God of Light to practice. If the God of Light doesn't come, it's fine. If he comes, he will be homeless."

Leili Xinya is a butcher knife, a sharp and peerless knife, but she only has one after all, and Yue Chuan has to face too many worlds, one Leili Xinya can't handle it at all.So Yue Chuan could only rely on the fighting spirit training camp.

After a period of tempering, the students of the first phase of the Soul Fighting Training Camp have passed the basic assessment. The Soul Fighting Training Camp did not teach them a single move, but each of them has undergone earth-shaking changes and qualitative improvements.This is a kind of realm promotion, a kind of instinct promotion, all kinds of martial arts skills have become their instinct like breathing and heartbeat.

More importantly, they also went all out to upgrade their pictures during the rest time after training, and continued to improve and hone themselves in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", confirming what they learned in the fighting spirit training camp.During this period of time, the members of the fighting spirit training camp have all broken through level 60 and have begun to march into other worlds. After a while, it is estimated that all of them will be able to get together a set of anti-magic equipment.

Yue Chuan had to admit that the environment in Icewind Dale was too harsh. Living here, he was fighting against death every second, and any second of slack and carelessness would be threatened with death.It is also under this kind of environment that the students of the fighting spirit training camp will always tense their nerves, without spurs or supervision, they will work hard to learn and improve.

Under such circumstances, the cultivation speed of the members of the fighting spirit training camp is ten times faster than that of the outside world. Coupled with various priceless cultivation resources and medicines, their cultivation speed is even ten or dozens of times faster than that of the outside world.

After passing the basic test, the fighting spirit training camp also started the second stage, actual combat.

No matter how hard you practice on weekdays, it is only on paper. No matter whether you practice martial arts or magic, you must use it for actual combat and killing.And their battlefields have already been chosen, which are the worlds that are hostile to Yue Chuan.

(End of this chapter)

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