
Chapter 914 Flame Armor

Chapter 914 Flame Armor
Shouldn't the lord first send some mobs to die, and then send some elite leaders to deliver food, and wait until the subordinates are almost dead before appearing?Why doesn't this Vulcan play cards according to common sense?

Although they complained in their hearts, all the students in the fighting spirit training camp looked at the huge flaming body in the air with full vigilance.Although this Vulcan's strength is not very good, he is a god after all, and has an absolute advantage in strength. It is very difficult, almost impossible to defeat him, because people like himself are too weak.

Choosing such an almost invincible enemy is not to let oneself die, but to use this method to hone oneself and discover one's own potential in death and desperation. Vulcan is the same as the cold climate of Icewind Dale, both of which are threats of death , but the death threat of Vulcan is more violent and violent than the severe cold weather.

No one answered, and no one spoke, and there was only silent action—fighting!
Sijue turned her head sideways, and the anti-tank gun with a long and narrow barrel appeared in her hand. Vulcan's body was hidden in the flames, but Sijue had already locked on his location with her keen perception.


The dull sound kicked off the prelude to the battle. Vulcan snorted, unable to tell whether it was disdain or anger, and then the soaring fire dragon disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the burning body of Vulcan.

A big flaming hand stood in front of Vulcan, the shell of the anti-tank gun was tightly held by the big hand, and the bursting flames shone in the palm of the hand, but a strange scene appeared, all the flames of the shell seemed to freeze, The invisible fireworks turned into tangible flowers, bloomed in the hands of Vulcan, and then were crushed severely.

"He is Vulcan, and the power of fire is ineffective!"

Xiao Xiao said next to Sijue's ear, and then the wind passed by her side, a light flashed in his hand, and the Taila stone lightsaber jumped out, Xiao Xiao's figure leaped several times, and rushed to the Vulcan in mid-air like a flea .

"Ignorant and insignificant human beings dare to offend my majesty! Awaken in the flames!"

A fire dragon shoots up into the sky, judging by the path of its impact, it happens to envelop Xiaoxiao in it, Xiaoxiao's body can't change direction flexibly in the air, this move is probably going to be eaten firmly.

Xiao Xiao didn't speak, the light in his eyes was still calm and indifferent, he slashed his sword behind his back, and his body moved sideways for a while, not only escaped from the impact of the fire dragon, but also got closer to Vulcan.

The Taila stone lightsaber hit Vulcan, and Xiaoxiao swiped back with the help of the counter-shock force, avoiding the tight grip of Huoyan's big hand, but Xiaoxiao carefully pondered the effect of the sword just now while sweeping back.

There is a layer of materialized flame power on the surface of this Vulcan, which has excellent defense against physical damage and magic damage. This is not an ordinary metal armor, but it is more annoying than metal armor, because the power of flame wraps Vulcan tightly. In fact, there is no loophole, and as long as there is a steady stream of flame power, this armor will always exist. It is precisely because of the existence of this layer of armor that the competition of skills is abruptly turned into energy consumption. Before the energy, they could not hurt Vulcan.

Xiaoxiao quickly told all this to his companions, and everyone silently thought about their countermeasures.

In a short moment, the two sides collided more than a dozen times. Through these collisions, everyone also noticed that Vulcan was rotten in terms of combat awareness and combat skills, but he had this layer of eggshell-like flame armor and an endless stream of fire. The power of flames is like a tortoise, which makes people have nowhere to attack, but this tortoise can also bite people, once it bites, it will be the end of death.

More than 30 people surrounded Vulcan and fought and retreated. Fire dragons danced on the battlefield, meteorites smashed wildly, and seas of flames exploded on the ground. Big hands made of flames kept grabbing, but The members of the fighting spirit training camp relied on their keen perception to avoid them one by one. Although Vulcan's strength is strong, his technique is too bad, and he has nothing to do with these slippery enemies.

"It's annoying that he hangs in the air, can you knock him down?"

Xiao Xiao asked Si Jue.

There are no magicians in this group of soul fighting training camp students, they are all warriors, Vulcan hangs in the air and cannot come down, everyone can only jump over if they want to attack him, people in the air are the best targets, just now there was a The unlucky ghost was slapped to pieces by two big flaming hands, and the resurrection coin was knocked out.

Si Jue, who was transforming the heavy weapon, said without looking up: "Attract his attention and create opportunities for me."

After hearing this, Xiao Xiao jumped up without further ado, took a Snow Jack potion, and a layer of freezing air instantly covered the Terra Stone lightsaber, and then shot towards Vulcan like a sharp arrow.

The power of ice made Vulcan very disgusted, not only because this kind of power was incompatible with him, but also because this kind of power would greatly consume the flame armor on his body, so Vulcan had to concentrate on facing the small, ground monster. The fire dragon meteorite fire sea and other attacks subsided immediately.This exposed another weakness of Vulcan, unable to be distracted.

Xiao Xiaofeng slashes like a wind, every time he touches and leaves, he keeps using the air combo and the silver falling blade to avoid the attack of Vulcan. The fighting level of Vulcan is indeed very good, but Xiao Xiao is still very cautious and dare not With the slightest carelessness, he just tried his best to complete his task of attracting the attention of the enemy. As for the attack, he could only leave it to the four finals.

At this time, Sijue knelt on the ground and carried the newly refitted cannon on her shoulders. Her movements were very slow, not because the cannon was too heavy, but because it was too special to collide and shake violently, because it It's an ice blaster.


A white mist sprayed out from the huge muzzle, and the icy air instantly drove out the heat around Si Jue. A layer of frost condensed on the muzzle at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was like a cannon body at an extremely fast speed. spread.

In the next moment, more intense white air sprayed out, drawing a straight line between Sijue and Vulcan, and the white air turned into white mist, hoarfrost, and white ice in an instant, and the cold air was like a glacier flowing from The four finalists sprayed out and hit Vulcan.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxiao immediately stabbed down with a silver falling blade. Although he was not rubbed by the glacier, he could feel the coldness in it from a long distance away. The severe cold, an incredible power of ice.Xiaoxiao has no doubt at all, if she gets hit by that glacier, her only fate is to be frozen.

Although Vulcan sensed the power of the Ice Thrower, he didn't have Xiaoxiao's quick reaction, let alone Xiaoxiao's flexible response.

Frost and flames collided violently, and a huge boom sounded from Vulcan's body. The ice was instantly melted, and the boiling water was vaporized in an instant. The vaporized water was actually ignited by the flames, burning violently like kerosene.Instead of being suppressed, the flames on Vulcan's body became even more intense.

But from Vulcan's painful and angry roar, it can be heard that he is very uncomfortable now, or very uncomfortable.The flames lingered around him, the ice condensed outside his body, and the two heavens of ice and fire were talking about his situation.

"Very good, very good! You have successfully angered me, then, try my anger!"

(End of this chapter)

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