
Chapter 916 Enemy Attack

Chapter 916 Enemy Attack
Vulcan looked at the sea of ​​flames with a radius of hundreds of miles with satisfaction. This level of flames is not just as simple as melting steel, but can vaporize steel in an instant. No matter what kind of enemy, being in this sea of ​​flames There is only one end, and that is death.Even the gods dare not touch these flames with their bodies, let alone those little ants who are not even at the god level.

Are they all dead?

The flames that lasted for several minutes finally subsided, Vulcan panted palely, and fell powerlessly to the ground.The ground of hundreds of kilometers around was sunken tens of meters out of thin air. The land on the surface was all burnt into a glass-like substance, and the hundreds of meters further down were also hard glass-like substances. This piece of land has been lost. Vitality and vitality will always be a scorched land where no grass will grow.

It's just that Vulcan didn't know that when he amplified his move, the members of the fighting spirit training camp were already prepared. The strong sense of crisis made them use the holy protection potion without hesitation, and even used the teleportation spell to leave the battlefield in an instant. Vulcan didn't kill a single enemy.

In the city of the sky, Yue Chuan smiled and looked at the pale-faced students. This time the battle ended with the annihilation of his own personnel, but this battle was not for victory or defeat, but for actual combat experience, for the purpose of sharpening They, with the protection of props such as invincible potions and resurrection coins, can practice desperately in the fighting spirit training camp, disregarding life and death, and using the most direct, cruel and ruthless methods to force their own potential.

"How does it feel?"

After hearing Yue Chuan's words, everyone fell silent.

The enemy is not strong, it can even be said to be bad, regardless of the combat skills and combat experience, the combat consciousness is at the level of elementary school students, and anyone in the fighting spirit training camp of the same level can beat him a hundred times.However, this enemy has the strength of a god, and even more so, he has no brains to crush him with divine power. People like himself have no power to fight back.

"The enemy's defense is too strong!"

"Our output capability is too weak."

"Our defense methods are too weak. If we can survive this round of fire, that Vulcan has no resistance at all."

Indeed, Vulcan is already at the end of his battle, and the city in the sky clearly shows the appearance of Vulcan panting violently on the ground. At this time, anyone who goes down can catch Vulcan.But Yue Chuan didn't do that.

"Go back and summarize today's battle. After three days, continue to challenge Vulcan."

three days later?Obviously this is the time for Vulcan to recover, three days is enough for Vulcan to recover, and three days later it will be another hard battle.

"If you can't beat him after three days, then wait another three days. Anyway, this is training, endless training, until one day you can beat him."

Three days passed in a flash, and during the three days, the students of the fighting spirit training camp did not leave, but found an open-air Everbright Flint Mine to practice.Eternal flint is similar to coal, but it contains more energy than coal. It can burn for a long time after being ignited. The worst-quality ever-bright flint can also burn for a year. The highest-quality ever-bright flint can even never go out. Vulcan The temple where it is located is built with this kind of top-grade ever-burning flint, and the whole palace is shrouded in flames all the year round, which lasts for a long time.

The everlasting flint in the open-pit mine has been ignited, and the everlasting flint in the entire mine is burning fiercely. This place is like a lava field, and the environment is very harsh. Except for some fire-attributed monsters that are born with different species, they basically live here. It's just a barren land.

But in the lava distorted by the blazing high temperature, the members of the fighting spirit training camp are cultivating hard.Sweating profusely is not enough to describe them. In this situation, there is no sweat at all. The blazing temperature can even melt steel, and the sweat will be vaporized before it condenses.

This place is somewhat similar to the severe cold in Icewind Dale, but they are two different extremes. In Icewind Dale, it is necessary to absorb the energy in the body and prevent it from being excessively lost, while here, it is necessary to block the energy from the outside and prevent it from being excessive. Invading into the body, with the basis of Icewind Valley training, the members of the fighting spirit training camp quickly mastered the method of resisting the high temperature, and three days was enough for them to move freely in this lava field formed by evergreen flint.

The lethality of Vulcan's last blow is to burn and melt everything within a hundred miles with the blazing high temperature. This move does not cause any damage such as impact blasting. All living beings are roasted, scorched and calcined into ashes and nothingness.Therefore, the members of the fighting spirit training camp are all focusing on improving their resistance to high temperature and flames.With this ability, it may not be possible to defeat Vulcan, but at least the chance of success is greater.

The students of the fighting spirit training camp reappeared, still avoiding the central temple where the Vulcan was located, and focused on attacking other surrounding temples.The belief in the gods is provided by ordinary believers. Most of the believers worship the gods to generate beliefs. The beliefs are absorbed by the gods, and then gathered into the gods of the gods through the connection between the gods and the gods.Destroying these statues will not only damage Vulcan's prestige, but also reduce the source of his power of faith and reduce his strength.

The attack time was set at night, and it was the deepest night.This time is when ordinary people are sleeping soundly, and it is also the time when vigilance is most relaxed.Late night is the best protection. Even if those believers attack like crazy like last time, they can't accurately find the location of the members of the fighting spirit training camp. That's the effect.

If Vulcan came over and there were so many believers around, he would have to restrain his hands and feet, and he would have to think twice before attacking the indiscriminate sea of ​​fire.If he really went crazy and attacked indiscriminately, the members of the fighting spirit training camp could leave the battlefield, but those ordinary believers could not. If they were seen by other believers, their belief in Vulcan would inevitably be shaken or even collapsed.

Walking through the town like a ghost, no, it should be more secretive than a ghost.When they were running, their strength was restrained to the extreme, without any leakage, let alone any wind noise. The severe cold of Icewind Valley allowed each of them to close the pores of their bodies without leaking any breath.What's more, the mechanic in the team snapped his fingers and put a mechanical camouflage on everyone.

Just like that, a group of people sneaked into the temple silently. Even if the members of the fighting spirit training camp passed by the knights guarding the temple, they didn't notice it until there was a bang, the statue of the god shattered and the temple collapsed. Wake up.

"Enemy attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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