
Chapter 935 The Counterattack of the 4th Decision

Chapter 935 The Counterattack of the Four Finals

After all, the four finals are a gunner and a master of heavy artillery. She needs to study the rules of strength, but it is definitely not used to improve her fists and feet. Her weapons are guns after all.

The body, power and earth of Hercules are integrated into one body to achieve a perfect balance. The three are like an iron triangle, unbreakable, which is also the mystery of his immovable defensive posture.

Any attack on him is tantamount to crushing and confronting this iron triangle, no matter whether it is a tangible attack or an invisible attack or an invisible attack, as long as it cannot break this iron triangle, it will be crushed by this iron triangle .This is the reason why the sword master used the storm style to control Hercules before, but was shattered by Hercules.

In the previous four rounds, he had no choice but to take Hercules as immovable as a mountain, but after she had a deep understanding of the power rules of Hercules and comprehended the various mysteries in the rules of power, he was already very familiar with Hercules' moves, knowing himself and the enemy, and winning every battle.

A cannon blasted out, hitting Hercules in the middle.

The same giant cannon, the same cannonball, but the strength and state of the user have been improved, so the power of this cannon is not the same.

"The ejection speed of the cannon is 8 times faster than the normal speed. Even the modified super artillery can't reach this speed."

"The shell rubbed against the air, but there was no change in the surface temperature of the shell. All the heat disappeared strangely, and the instrument did not show any high temperature."

"It's not disappearing, it should be introverted. Don't you find that there is no fire, let alone any sound?"

"Pay attention to the shape of the cannonball. It is between the entity and the energy body... No, it has no change at all, but... how is this possible..."

The celestial scientists rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and then kept beating the instrument. They would rather believe that the instrument was wrong than believe the results they saw, because these were too unbelievable.

A question arises in the hearts of all scientists: Is this still a gun?Is this still a gunner?

Yue Chuan smiled, he finally saw the result he wanted.The four finals have already comprehended the rules of strength, and even integrated this rules into their natal weapons.Although a gun is a product of technology, it is still a weapon in essence, and gunners with different cultivation levels and realms will produce different results when using it.

Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people when experts compete with each other, but Xi Lan can also defeat many strong people with a single bamboo branch.The weapons themselves are constant, but the power they wield changes depending on who wields them.Especially for technological products such as guns, this change is even more obvious.

Hercules knew what she wanted to do when she saw the movements of the four finals. During this period of time, Hercules had been shot a lot, and he also knew that it was impossible for this strange weapon to hurt himself. That kind of metal block is not as good as a fist It hurts.

But this time, Hercules felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. The cannonball made him feel threatened, and he felt a sense of crisis in his heart even more. He wanted to hide, but the cannonball was too fast. There has been severe pain.

The cannonball exploded, but the strange thing was that the bursting flame was restrained by a force, curled up into a ball, only covered half of Hercules' chest and stopped spreading, but Hercules felt the piercing pain in this half of his chest.

chi chi chi...

Hercules felt that his chest was torn apart, felt that his chest was dripping with blood, but he also felt that all the flesh, flesh and bones of his chest were burned by the blazing flame power and turned into fly ash.

cough cough...

Hercules coughed, and the sound came not from his throat, but from his chest.His lungs were like a leaky bellows, their charred holes terrifying.

In the past, Sijue always felt that the power of his fists and feet did not belong to guns, and even sometimes it was more effective than guns. Sijue always thought that it was because he was not proficient in mastering heavy firearms. Now Sijue understood.Guns are dead, people are alive, the potential of guns is fixed, but the potential of people is infinite.

For ordinary people, the power of guns is far higher than their fists, but for top powerhouses like him, guns are limited and have become a restriction of strength.To solve this problem, one must either use more powerful guns, or instill one's own power into the guns, use one's own power in the form of guns, and shoot them out.

What bombarded Hercules was not just shells, it also contained the full blow of the four finals, and also contained the four finals' comprehension of the rules of strength and the profound truth.

Hercules is indeed very strong, possessing both offense and defense, but after the four finals comprehended the secrets of the balance of power, they had a deep understanding of the two extreme opposites of destruction and destruction. The most important thing is that Hercules does not move like a weak point in the mountain.Even if Hercules is immovable like a mountain and has no weaknesses, the four finals will give him a loophole.

While filling the shells in the fourth round, he said slowly: "So what if you don't move like a mountain? To me, you are full of flaws. Even if you can maximize your defense power, it is the same starting line for me, because the gun Since its inception, cannons have been designed for ultimate attack and destruction."

The appearance of firearms means that a weak person can easily kill a powerful fighter. Cannons are the strengthening and upgrading of guns. This kind of leapfrog killing characteristics will also be brought to the extreme. The personal strength of the four finals is indeed not as good as Hercules, but When she integrated the power rules she had comprehended into the guns, this gap no longer existed.Hercules can easily kill the Four Finals in a flash, but likewise, the Four Finals also has the ability to kill him in a flash.

An angry look flashed in the eyes of Hercules, "It turns out that you have been showing weakness and hiding it all the time. Your real strength is this weapon, but you have been fighting with me all the time, you..."

"This is a trap, including the nonsense I'm talking to you now, it's also a trap." After reloading the four rounds, he locked on Hercules in an instant, "Die!"

At this time, the scientist in Sky City exclaimed: "The firing rate of the shell is 27 times. God, how is this speed possible? At this speed, the shell will burn rapidly due to friction and self-disintegrate."

"Although I don't know how she did it, her cannonball is no longer an entity. After passing through this high speed, it has transformed into another form. I even doubt that the cannonball in this form can ignore the entity. That is to say, Even ten layers of alloy steel plates can't stop this shell."

"Ignore physical defense? Isn't this something that only light and wave weapons can do?"

"This shell is already similar to light and wave weapons to some extent."

Incredible - all the scientists sighed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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