
Chapter 943

Chapter 943
The line of fire just now reminded Yue Chuan of the fourth room in Landilus' Eagle Dog. There will be densely packed soldiers with guns on the left and right of the map, and a rain of bullets will block the entire screen. At the same time, there will be densely packed bombs from the sky. Throwing it down, there are even super-wide-range atomic bombs.The most disgusting thing is that the two elite monsters are attacking while laying wire mesh, and when they touch the supply bag on the ground, they will return a lot of blood.

When he didn't know how to scan other worlds at the beginning, Yue Chuan knelt down on this map again and again. There was no room for dodge at all with that level of firepower. .Later, Yue Chuan learned from people's guidance that this room can avoid bullets if it is attached to the top wall or the bottom wall (refer to the shadow of the ghost train).And as long as the two elite monsters kill Jeff the blaster, the other one will die as well.

Huh... how could I have thought of those guys? Although this is the Abyss of Minions, it is at least 500 years or even longer before the Minions. There is no connection between the two.But if there is really no connection, how can these two scenes be connected together?

"Be careful, there may be interceptions on the hillside."

Maybe it was intuition, maybe consciousness, or maybe it was a deep understanding of the game, Yue Chuan warned his teammates.After all, it is impossible for this kind of level game to have a smooth route, and there must be a few guys blocking the way.

As soon as the words fell, there was a rumbling sound above the head, and then the four of Yue Chuan felt the rocks that their hands and feet were clinging to vibrated violently.

"It's blasting. Their people must have sneaked up. In order to hinder us, those people blasted a rock wall and formed rolling stones that fell down. This hillside is very steep, and large and small rolling stones pour down like waves, which is far more lethal. We have to go through the guns, and we have to keep climbing, once you are hit, even if you can break the rock, the violent momentum will make you fall a certain distance, which is like sailing against the current."

Yue Chuan estimated the distance based on the sound source of the explosion. His location should be halfway up the mountain. That is to say, it would take about half a minute for the four of them to climb to the place of the explosion at the fastest speed and see the enemies blocking the way. , but the enemy will inevitably obstruct him, so that the speed of the four of us will be hindered, or even retreat if we don't advance.

"Leng Shangqing, you and I will work together to protect Chihiro, Audrey, go up and kill them!"

This is the only way to protect Qianxun Weimei. Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing both use swords. The huge sword body can block the wind and rain when swung, and it can crush rolling stones. It can protect Qianxun Weimei tightly.And Audrey He has no protective ability, she is completely an offensive existence, there is no point in staying here, it is the wisest choice to take a step first and fight the enemy, killing the enemy above can also share the burden for Yue Chuan and others pressure.

Without further ado, Audreyh stuck her cat waist under a raised stone, and then took a vertical leap, avoiding several rolling stones, and jumped up more than ten meters obliquely. Her vigorous figure was like an antelope Jumping back and forth in the same way, it disappeared after a while.

There was the sound of a revolver gun on the top of the mountain, and the continuous sound of explosions stopped suddenly, and the waves of rolling stones were much less. Yue Chuan knew that Audrey He had already contacted the enemy, so the pressure on his side would be relieved a lot .

"Sorry, I'm the one who dragged everyone down."

Qianxun Weimei said sadly that the disadvantage of the team was all due to her personal reasons, otherwise Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing wouldn't have to be so passive at all.Chihiro Weimei has always been proud and conceited, and suddenly became a shortcoming in the team, which made her very embarrassed, and even had the urge to give up.

In fact, when competing for rankings, Chihiro Weimei and Sissi encountered a similar situation in the battle. Sissi banned the light element, and Qianxun Weimei banned the dark element. Both of them were banned. Best strength.That scene was very similar, but the enemies in front of him were ten times and a hundred times stronger than Sissi at that time, and they occupied an absolute advantage, which was enough to put him in a doomed situation.

Watching Yue Chuan unload a rock with a diameter of four or five meters with his giant sword horizontally, although Yue Chuan used four or two strokes of skillful force, Chihiro Weimei still heard Yue Chuan's muffled groan. The force was unbelievably heavy, and Yue Chuan could have avoided it easily, but in order to protect Qianxun Weimei, Yue Chuan had no choice but to resist.But even though Yue Chuan released a lot of strength, he still suffered some injuries, and his foothold was not firm at all. When he was hit by a boulder, the rock under his feet shattered, and Yue Chuan's body fell straight down. I inserted the Terra Stone Great Sword into the mountain wall in time to stabilize my figure, but I still retreated more than ten meters unavoidably.

Yue Chuan's body rotated around the Taila stone sword as the axis, and pulled out the sword with the power of the rotation, and even flew upwards in a whirl, tapped the stone wall a few times, and appeared above Qianxun Weimei again.

Seeing Yue Chuan's figure covered in stone powder and dust, Chihiro Weimei clenched her fists and said inwardly: "I must not completely rely on a certain ability, I must master a lot of strength, even if there is no mind energy, no light element, Nor can I be slaughtered like a fish on a chopping board! Never!"

But on the other side, Audrey He turned over and jumped, and shot a few precise bursts in the air, hitting the two figures below.

There was a bonfire burning on the top of the mountain, and two burly men kept putting one detonator after another into the fire to ignite, and then threw them downwards. This is how the explosion and rolling stones that Yue Chuan and others encountered before came about.

"Ammunition expert?"

Audrey He secretly thought, but firearms in this period are still very backward. Although bombs and the like have appeared, they are not common, and the occupation of gunmen is not so carefully divided. These two guys are probably also ammunition experts who are temporary guests. .However, there were no ammunition boxes around them, so where did the detonators on their bodies come from?

"Yo? The enemy is here, and she's still a beautiful girl!"

One of the men wearing metal armor smiled grimly, easily moved laterally to avoid the bullet fired by Audrey He, and then whistled provocatively.

"This girl's weapon is not something from an earthen workshop. It looks like it was also found in the dragon's lair. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest."

Audrey He, who turned over and landed on the ground, squatted down to relieve the momentum, and even rolled to the side. Hidden behind a rock, she raised her hand and shot the armored man, but her heart was full of shock waves.

[Suddenly found that the names of the headshot and multiple headshots in the game have been changed, and changed to the bad fatal shot or something, and the name of the headshot is still used here]

(End of this chapter)

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