
Chapter 945 Confrontation

Chapter 945 Confrontation
The timer's light is very weak, suitable for how sharp Audreyhe's eyesight is, and it is not much worse than the eagle's eyes, even if it is far away, it can be seen clearly.However, this timer caused a storm in Audrey's heart, because this kind of thing should not appear in this era at all.

Firearms are continuously improved and improved with the advancement of productivity. When firearms first appeared, there was no clear occupational division for gunmen, but almost all gunmen used revolvers because the quality of revolvers was better and unique. The rotating wheel design, even if a stink bomb is released, it will turn directly with the rotating wheel, and will not cause serious consequences like other firearms.

However, the most fundamental reason is that revolvers have no technological content, even if they are purely handmade, and the first to switch to making revolvers are watchmakers in the watch industry. They have been immersed in the "precision instruments" of watches all their lives. , fully conforms to the production of revolvers, and it is precisely for this reason that revolvers can be popularized and promoted on a large scale, while other firearms can only be recognized and used by a small group of people and regions due to problems in craftsmanship, materials, and technology. Therefore, the revolver dominates, and almost all gunmen without exception choose the revolver, and the revolver has also become a symbol of roaming gunmen.

It is precisely because the production capacity of Tianjie meets the production needs of revolvers that the revolver has become the most common weapon in Tianjie. However, the production capacity of Tianjie at this time is not bad for making clocks with gears. Just now, only officers in the Callett organization He brought a watch on his shoulders, and other people could only ask the officer if they wanted to know the exact time, which shows the production level of the clocks in the heavens at this time.

It is impossible for electronic watches to come out in this era, let alone being used in time bombs.What is the origin of these two men, why do they have this kind of equipment...

"Oops, I forgot to warn you!" Audrey He was anxious, and quickly said to Yue Chuan and others on the team channel: "The enemy has used time bombs, there are eight in total, and they will explode right next to you, be careful!"

Those detonators with fuzes before were just to blow up the mountain, causing rolling stones, and causing damage to Yue Chuan and others. Moreover, these detonators flickered with sparks and pungent smoke. It was difficult not to attract attention. Yue Chuan and others would naturally be careful .But these timing detonators are different. They are very concealed, and they are not easy to be noticed when they are mixed in the gravel. If the timing is accurate, they can completely make them explode on top of the enemy's head.

Another point is that the detonators with fuzes that were used before, who would have thought that there are such detonators that detonate at a fixed time.

It's just a pity that Audrey He saw this scene, and even told Yue Chuan and others through the magical way of team channel chat, which made Yue Chuan and others be on guard in advance.But soon the question came, even if you know it, so what?Can you hide in the past?After all, it's not a flat ground, but a hillside. Even if it's intact, it doesn't mean it's going to fall if the ground it's standing on is blown to pieces.

"Damn it!"

Time bomb?And it's eight, and it will explode around him.

Yue Chuan's mind went blank when he received the news. Dodging these boulders was already troublesome enough, but now there was a time bomb.Whether he can survive the bomb or not is the second thing. The most important thing is that the air wave generated by the explosion will push him out, and even directly blow up the mountain wall he is standing on, and bury himself directly.

Chihiro Weimei smiled, "I have a mind mask!"

Qianxun Weimei has already seen the faintly shining things mixed in the gravel, circulated the mind energy in her body, and propped up a pale golden mind energy mask in the blink of an eye.

There is no light element in the heavens, and many skills cannot be used, but the most fundamental thing for a qigong master is not the light element, but the mind qi.The Nianqi mask is supported purely by the Nianqi. Even without the light element, the Nianqi mask can still be used without any weakening.

The eight time bombs exploded when they fell to Yue Chuan and the others. Even Audrey could clearly feel the spectacular waves of fire and air. I don't know if the resurrection coins are restricted.


Audrey He saw that Yue Chuan and the three of them were still alive on the head portraits of the team, and they didn't even lose any blood.

How can this be?

Looking at the techniques of those two people just now, they are definitely not rookies who have just debuted. Their techniques must be very precise, and they are also extremely skilled in timing. They threw eight grenades in a row. .

"We're fine, but they don't know, don't let the news go."

Audrey He immediately understood, knowing Yue Chuan's plan, she jumped out from behind the rock with a frantic look, and shot a few bullets at the two burly men with a raised hand.

"Yo, the chick is angry, hahaha... It doesn't matter if your partner is dead, we can be your new partner, we will love you well, come on, come on, tell me, what's your name."

"Go to hell!"

Audrey raised her left hand, and the chain knife popped out. The iron chain, which was shaking as straight as a stick, swung wildly. A detonator with a light yellow flame tail was whipped by the chain, and turned back in an instant.

"Ow, Fake!"

The burly man in armor quickly took off the hand crossbow hanging from his waist, raised his hand and hit a crossbow arrow on the detonator. He wanted to use the power of the crossbow arrow to knock the detonator out, but he underestimated Audrey Hetie. With the strength of the chain whipping, the crossbow bolt hit it and made a crisp jingle sound without any results, and the detonator was still spinning and flying towards him.

There was no need to remind, the two burly men quickly dodged, and the bear-like body was as agile as a civet cat.

The majestic air wave exploded on the top of the mountain. Audrey He didn't expect the power of this detonator to be so powerful. She was shocked by the air wave and felt tightness in her chest. There was a tearing pain under her left rib. Don't touch it, warm it. The hot **** feeling had already made Audrey He understand that she was hurt.

Before, Audrey He thought that the medicine box and supply bag provided by the Callett organization were useless, but now she immediately found out the wrapped cotton cloth and bandages, and hurriedly treated the wound while rushing.

The man in armor shook his body to shake off the broken stones, and then felt a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, he quickly raised his arms, and with a flick of the thick elbow pads on his arms, it turned into a round arm shield.


Audreyhe's sickle was blocked by the arm shield and failed to reach the armored man's neck, but the strong force on the chain knife made the armored man kick back, and the arm shield shattered as he retreated. It broke in half and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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