
Chapter 948 Trap

Chapter 948 Trap
When a shooter shoots, he will always choose a concealed, condescending point that can cover all places in the target range. A sniper who is accurate in marksmanship but can't find a point is likely to be stared at by others after firing a shot. If it shows up again, it will be killed.And a sniper who is not good at marksmanship but has excellent consciousness can survive well, and the longer he survives, the greater the threat to the enemy.

Audrey's marksmanship is excellent, and her awareness of finding the output position is also outstanding, so she quickly found that point. If the enemy is also a master, he will definitely see the same thing, and he will definitely choose that position as a hiding place.

In the era when Audrey He lived, people have summed up many skills and common sense in gun fighting, such as finding points. The most superior point may not be the most suitable point, because you can find it, and the enemy can also find it. After the war, these points It will definitely be taken care of first by the enemy.So people settle for the next best thing.But in this era, there is no summary of the knowledge of gun fighting, and people still subconsciously choose the most superior point.

"This is too confident. I thought there would be no opponents in this era!"

Audrey He sneered in her heart, and rushed towards the guy hiding in the dark like lightning.

"Watch out for traps."

Yue Chuan shouted loudly from behind.This enemy is really sinister. If he hadn't been vigilant about the steel wire just now, everyone would have been cut in two and died here for no apparent reason.


Audrey sneered, clasping her hands on her waist, a few grenades appeared, snapped the tabs, and the grenades were thrown out by Audrey He. The locations where the grenades landed were different, but a little bit went out. Similar, that is, every time a grenade explodes, it will trigger a trap, or a pit, or a falling rock, or a crossbow arrow piercing a wall.

This journey seems to be peaceful and normal, but in fact there are many murderous intentions, but in Audrey He's view, it is simply something for children to make mud and play house.These things are absolutely dead to people in today's era, but they are not qualified to deal with Audrey He.After all, in terms of traps, Audrey He is also an expert, and the summary of 500 years of experience is definitely not for nothing.

The person hiding in the dark was stunned. He racked his brains and painstakingly arranged these traps and obstacles. Although time was short and many big killers couldn't get out, these alone were enough to kill him. There were hundreds of people, but that woman...she seemed to know everything about it, she could see through all the arrangements at a glance, and with a wave of her hand, all her arrangements were wiped out.

The man backed away and hid in the dark, then flipped his palm, and a coil of thread appeared in his hand. It was something like a kite string wheel, and it was full of thin threads invisible to the naked eye. It attacked Yue Chuan and others before. This is the line.These lines can not only kill people, but also control them, just like puppets on strings, controlling the launch of traps.


The reel rotated rapidly, and was divided into several parts under the control of the person. The thin threads were either tightened or relaxed, or rotated and tightened. At the same time, strange changes suddenly occurred on the top of the mountain.

clack clack...

clap la la...

Many obstacles were opened, and the cover was removed. The machine guns installed on the top of the surrounding mountains sprayed out blazing flames, and the torrential rain of bullets poured down from all directions. These guns were clearly arranged carefully, and each position was unique. It is very tricky, and at the same time it can take care of a large area. Many machine guns are connected together, and there are almost no dead ends and omissions in this area.

All the machine guns are under his control, and they can turn their guns at will. Under the strangulation of this intensive firepower, large-scale troops will drop hundreds of corpses, and small-scale troops will be wiped out directly.This person's ability to guard the gate is outrageous. If he is given enough time, he will definitely be able to manage this place into a fortress.

Unfortunately, he met Yue Chuan and others.I have already experienced a hail of bullets when I came here before, although this time the hail of bullets is denser and more precise, but there is also a flaw, that is, it is distributed in a circle, Yue Chuan and Leng Shangqing are back to back to protect Chihiro Weimei in the middle, no matter how violent the hail of bullets is , can't shake their defense, at least not in a short period of time.

Audrey He naturally wouldn't let that guy hiding in the dark output whatever he wanted.There was something similar to a mechanical camouflage on that person, and it was covered by the darkness. It would be difficult to find him if he was really motionless, but Audrey He didn't intend to make trouble for him.


As soon as she raised her hand, she fired a shot, and a machine gun suddenly misfired. Audrey He didn't attack the person, but just broke a thread, and then she fired the gun with both hands in a daze. The machine guns stopped one after another, and in just a few blinks, there was silence.

The person hiding in the dark seemed to be galloping past ten thousand muddy horses, but the reel in his hand was light and effortless, which made him understand that all the threads had been shot off.These lines are indeed very hidden, but after the trap is activated and the machine gun is activated, these lines will be exposed, but even so, these thin lines are only one-tenth the thickness of a human hair, and they are in the night, I want to put them one by one Shooting off, what a precise marksmanship, it broke 36 thin threads in less than five seconds, this kind of marksmanship is too terrifying.

I can't stay here anymore, since the other party can accurately shoot through each thin thread, isn't it self-inflicted death if such a big target continues to dangle in front of her eyes?

But just as he turned around, a stream of sparks splashed out one meter in front of him, and a pitch-black bullet hole appeared in front of him.It was a silent threat, so the man removed his disguise, dropped the spool, and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Audrey looked at the machine guns that were not functioning around her, and thought to herself, this should be the most primitive Viper cannon, but the mechanics of later generations use robots to control the Viper cannon, but those robots are dull and inflexible. , far less easy to use than the way of marionettes.But the thin line also has an Achilles' heel, as it does now.

"I said, I said, I said everything, don't shoot, don't shoot..."

A skinny man begged helplessly with his hands raised high. Just looking at his appearance, it was difficult to connect him with the previous life-threatening traps. However, Audrey He had already suffered a loss and would never repeat the same mistakes.

"Stand still, keep your legs apart, spread your fingers, open your mouth, and close your eyes. Don't play tricks on me."

Hearing Audrey He's words, the man had a look of astonishment and disbelief on his face.Then all of this turned into a weird smile.

[Thanks to the user Ruthless? Sadly rewarding "Creation" with 1888 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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