
Chapter 952 The Mysterious "He"

Chapter 952 The Mysterious "He"

The magic civilization in the heavens is completely extinct, but this does not include the dragons. Many descendants of Bakar still have magical powers. Although there are no magic elements in the heavens, the magic energy generated by the dragons themselves is enough to cast many magics and arrange many magic formations. , and the treasure in this dragon's lair is guarded by a magic circle.

The magic circle is like a safe, unless there is a corresponding opening method, otherwise it can only be cracked violently, either directly blowing it up, or exhausting the energy of the magic circle little by little.The evil dragon has been beheaded, so naturally it can't replenish energy to the magic circle, so that it will wear down a point and a point will be lost.

"But we don't have much time!" said the young man angrily.

The old man shrugged helplessly, "But we can't take the risk. If a bomb goes down, what we want will also be ruined. The power of magic is incredible."

Seeing the young man nodding, the doctor immediately took out a laptop and a briefcase-sized square object, and then connected the wires together, and then the light blue light interweaved among the several wires flashing.

Although the doctor doesn't understand the magic circle, he can use the instrument to measure the nodes where the power of the magic circle converges and diverges when the magic circle is running, and then fix the wires at the rest position. When the switch is pulled, the electric energy will collide with the energy of the magic circle. All are consumed rapidly.

"Huh? Explosive Bear and Mang Niu are dead!"

Not long after, the dragon's lair shook slightly, and the doctor also showed surprise, "That boy Feihu actually detonated the bomb. Could it be that he encountered some irresistible enemy?"

"Yes, to be precise, he is dead too. The enemy is coming soon." Three of his men died in battle, but the young man didn't show much sadness. He just looked anxiously at the radiant egg-shaped object, "Damn it!" How long will it take for the magic circle to break?"

The doctor clacked on his laptop to calculate, and then gave an accurate number, "According to this momentum, 456 seconds, 454 seconds to be precise."

Seven and a half minutes, this speed is acceptable, if it goes well, he will roll this thing away without waiting for those people to arrive.But thinking of the deaths of the three subordinates, the young man became restless.

"It looks like we have to recruit some more people after we go back."

The doctor nodded, "It's a pity that the two dimensional space mine bags and the holographic 3D camouflage equipment are exchanged for a lot of military achievements."

"Doctor, tell me, what kind of existence is that place? Why are there these incredible items and props? With such equipment and resources, they could have unified the heavens long ago, but why did they hide their names?"

The doctor adjusted his glasses, his small eyes flashed with thought, and said slowly: "Indeed, they don't lack equipment and resources, but they lack people, or no one is available, so they can only absorb people like us from the outside world to help them. effective."

"Then who do you think built it?"

"Maybe it's not human!" A suspicion flashed in the doctor's eyes, and then he became a little bit more certain, "Even if it is a human, it will not be of the same race as us, because he doesn't care about the life and death of the people of the sky clan, and he doesn't have anything to do with the Tyrannosaurus King." Enemy means."

"Then, how many people like us do you think there are in the heavens?"

The doctor shook his head, "I don't know, at least so far, we haven't met other colleagues."

"Doctor, do you think...the people outside are colleagues?"

The doctor was silent.

All three of their subordinates have good strength, coupled with those incredible equipment, one-on-one singles are absolutely invincible in this world, even if it is against a small army, there is no problem, the three of them combined , enough to fight a small war.

But all three of them died, one after another, within 10 minutes before and after.Those who can kill them will definitely not be ordinary people. Since they are not ordinary people, it is very likely that they are the same as themselves.

"Is there another wave of people who have taken a fancy to these things?"

The doctor shook his head, "It's unreasonable for him to send two groups of people to fight internally. It won't do him any good. Maybe it's another force."

"I'm curious, what does he want?"

"I think it's better for us not to know. In short, those things are military achievements, which can be exchanged for various powerful weapons and incredible equipment."

blah blah...

There was a clear sound of footsteps in the silent cave, and the other party was coming, and he did not hide his behavior.

Look at the magic circle on the egg-shaped object again, it looks much dimmer than it was at the beginning, as if the original ink-filled strokes have dried up a little bit, and have been blown by the wind and sun, becoming blurred.

Soon... soon... soon, there are still two and a half minutes left, and it will be successful soon.


The sound of the revolver wheel rolling sounded, the young man moved his hands, and two revolvers appeared at the same time, but the sound of the wheel turning was not made by him, but by the other party.

"Doctor, be careful yourself!"

After finishing speaking, the young man's body drifted sideways, and a bullet hit the egg-shaped thing behind his ear, the energy of the magic circle and the electric energy that were colliding fiercely were suddenly disordered, and the doctor suddenly wailed, because The calculation time on the computer has doubled again.

The one who shot was naturally Audrey He, but Audrey He's eyes were completely attracted by the doctor, especially the things he held in his hands.

Microcomputer?The whole series of analog buttons, laser projection screen... How can there be such a thing in this era?Moreover, even if there is such a thing, people in this era don't know how to use it.

However, the young man had already drawn his gun to fight back, and the fatal crisis enveloped Odileh in an instant. Sen Han's killing intent shocked Odileh, curled up his body into a ball without thinking, and jumped behind the rock beside him.


Two bullet holes appeared in the same position where Audrey He was standing just now.

"What a fast gun!" Audrey He praised in her heart.

"What a sharp reaction!" The young man also admired in his heart.

"There are so many of them!" The doctor wailed in his heart, and the other party had twice as many people as himself.The only good news is that they are not in great shape.

[Thanks to the user Dream of Time for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

The document in this chapter counts 2000 words, but when it is uploaded, it is found that the website counts more than 1900 words and less than 2000 words. If the part that is insufficient is discarded, it is calculated based on 1000 words.Just to clarify here, there is no update today.

(End of this chapter)

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