
Chapter 954

Chapter 954
Automatic block!At the critical moment, Leng Shangqing's automatic blocking skill saved his life. Although his mind was blank, his hands were not slow at all. The Scorching Sun Judgment moved to the side, just in time to block the bullet.


The young man was already ready to enjoy the scene of Leng Shangqing's head bursting into a fountain of blood and blood, but he never thought that the other party blocked the bullet by mistake.But it doesn't matter, blocking one doesn't mean he can block two. Under his own gun, he has no chance of surviving.

"You are not his opponent, come back!"

Audrey He signaled Leng Shangqing to retreat on the team channel, and at the same time raised his hand and shot at the young man, but the young man didn't move, just tilted his head slightly, and the bullet grazed his cheek.

Although Leng Shangqing was not angry in his heart, he also knew that what Audrey He said was the truth. With a melee profession, he would be beaten up against that young man, and the roaming gunman's melee ability is also very good. Who can guarantee that he has nothing to hide? A little-known trick.Scorching Sun's Judgment can indeed emit light flames, but the opponent's bullets can shatter the light flames, and his greatest advantage is gone.

Let the young man be handed over to Audrey He, and the gunman should be dealt with by the gunman, and he can deal with the old guy himself.

Leng Shang retreated from the battlefield flexibly, and Audrey immediately caught up with the young man's aura, and the two sides faced each other motionless.

Audrey He felt extremely apprehensive, because she could see that this young man had mastered gun martial arts, and at least the gun martial arts of the third level - bullet redirection.

Gun martial arts is a martial art summed up by the celestial gunners. It is the collection and precipitation of countless gunners' experience, and it is the pride of the celestial gunners.But seeing this young man, everything about guns and martial arts burst like a bubble.Guns and martial arts appeared in the heaven 500 years ago or even higher, and they were very exquisite. In the heaven 500 years later, guns and martial arts are just a vague concept. People who can reach the third level can count on one hand. come here.

Is this shame, or sadness?

Audrey took a deep breath, no matter what the young man's background was, and what secrets he had, none of this mattered anymore. The only thing he needed to think about now was how to defeat him, capture or kill him. Easy to solve.

Although the two of them didn't move, the aura between them was crazily rising and confronting. It wasn't that they didn't move, but that the crushing of their aura formed a delicate balance.The young man wins because of his strong spear skills, and Audrey He wins because of his solid foundation and rich experience. The two can be said to be evenly matched.

The gun skills referred to here are not just target shooting, but all combat skills related to guns, just like "sword skills". Whether it is the death revolver used by young people or the gun martial arts shown by young people, they are far ahead of Audrey. Above He, it is a height that Audrey He cannot reach.But this does not mean that he can crush Audrey He, on the contrary, Audrey He's aura makes him feel like a light on his back, and he dare not slack off in the slightest.

The young man took the lead in firing, changing from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic. No one saw him release the gun. His movements had surpassed the limit of visual capture, and the bullets fired by the revolver also exceeded the speed of sound. When people heard the gun It was too late when it was time to take precautions.

Like thunder and electricity, people often confuse the two without realizing that they are fundamentally different.Thunder is sound, electricity is light, the speed of sound is about 340 meters per second, and the speed of light is 30 kilometers per second.Thunder and electricity are derived at the same time, but people also see the lightning first, and then hear the rolling thunder. Experienced people can even calculate the location of the lightning based on the short interval between the two.

The same principle applies to young people's guns. The bullets are like lightning, and the sound of the gun is just thunder. When the thunder is heard, the bullet has already passed through the skull.Therefore, he cannot be regarded as an ordinary shooter at all, nor can he be dealt with in an ordinary way.

Audrey He has also learned gun martial arts. Although the gun martial arts she learned is just a concept, this concept has already revealed the essence of gun skills. Maybe the content is only a few words, but every word and every sentence will be useful for a lifetime.

The moment the young man made a move, the murderous aura on his body instantly condensed, through the muzzle and sight of the revolver, it condensed into a bunch and locked on Audrey He, and the locked position was exactly between the eyebrows.A young man can do a headshot, and Audrey has no doubt that his headshot is more precise and stronger than her own.

But the gun battle is not about who is more powerful, it also needs precision, no matter how powerful the bullet is, it will be in vain if it cannot hit the enemy.The moment the young man locked on to Audrey, Audrey had already sensed the danger by virtue of her gun martial arts, and her body, which was as tight as a spring, moved sideways in an instant.

The young man snorted coldly, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A garbage gunman is a garbage gunner. He thought it was an ordinary bullet, but this is a bullet fired by guns and martial arts, and it will change direction.Go to hell and wake up!

The bullet that had been avoided by Audrey He unexpectedly had a strange curvature, changed from a straight flight to a graceful circular arc, caught up with the laterally moving Audrey He again, and flew straight to her temple.

Audrey He didn't panic, since the opponent has mastered the third level of gun martial arts, naturally he won't just hide it, so Audrey He still has some strength to dodge.I saw her body bent like a willow leaning against the wind, and the bullets passed over her head again, and at the moment of dodging, Audrey He raised her hand to fight back, and fired two guns, locking the young man's head and shooting him at the same time. The room to dodge left and right is blocked.

bang bang bang...

The four bullets collided in the air, and the marksmanship of the two people was incredibly accurate. This kind of bullet that was faster than the sound could be caught and locked. The empty space between the two collided, sparking blazing sparks.Broken or deformed bullets clanged and fell, and a pile of twisted and deformed metal soon appeared on the ground.

It's like two swordsmen fighting fiercely. However, the shooting between Audrey He and the young man is more dangerous and deadly. They have to put all their energy into the battle, and any distraction or carelessness will cause serious damage. die.

Cross-firing is Audrey He's choice, because she can't change the direction of bullets, all she can do is shoot in a straight line, and use her best way to drag the battle into her own rhythm. Although the young man can shoot in an arc, but Audrey He didn't give him a chance to use it at all, the barrage poured down like rain, the young man was very reluctant to fight, and he didn't have the energy to do other things at all.

This is a stalemate, just like two people competing for internal strength, it depends on who has the deepest internal strength and who can't support it first.

(End of this chapter)

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