
Chapter 958 You Are Not His Match

Chapter 958 You Are Not His Match
The doctor in the mecha held his chest in disbelief, feeling that his fragile heart was overwhelmed.He never imagined that there would be such an incredible existence in the world. An ordinary person would withstand a voltage of [-] volts when holding a wire, and would be blown away by the electricity. That war scum actually held more than a dozen wires in his arms , although the voltage will not increase, but the current has increased ten times. With this level of energy, she is safe and sound, not even a single hair is lost.

What's more tragic is that the doctor found that his mech's energy supply was no longer blocked, but the energy supply was interrupted. Soon the mecha will enter a dormant state.

That war slag didn't crack her password at all, but she didn't need a password, because she could control the electrical energy, and the electrical energy of the entire nuclear battery was already under her control. She herself is the highest authority of the nuclear battery, and her will is the safest password.


The mecha fell to the ground, Leng Shangqing was sweating profusely, his hands were trembling and he couldn't even hold the scorching sun's verdict.

"No, I'm exhausted, my hands have lost feeling, I can't attack anymore..."

The mecha fell obliquely, and then fell to the ground unsteadily, and the doctor in the mecha was also dizzy from the sudden shock.The energy source of the mecha has completely disappeared. Just now, the only electric energy has also disappeared strangely, so that the shock absorbing equipment has no effect. This time it fell down and almost killed the doctor.

After finally opening his eyes, the doctor saw the five scumbags through the observation window of the mecha. At this time, there were lightning flashes from her body from time to time, and countless electric energies dissipated, reflecting colorful lights around her.

"I surrender!"

The doctor immediately yelled at the top of his voice, lest people outside would not hear it, if he was misunderstood as stubborn resistance, and an electric arc was thrown over him, he would taste one hundred thousand volts.Then the doctor hastily removed the mecha equipment on his body manually, took off his loose clothes, leaving only his close-fitting underwear, and then obediently squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

Yue Chuan and Leng Shang looked at Qianxun Weimei in disbelief, and said at the same time, "Your strength has recovered?"

Chihiro Weimei shook her head: "It's just a show! I haven't really mastered this power yet."

The power of a qigong master is the fusion of Nian Qi and light element. Before Qianxun Weimei lost the power of light element, only Nian Qi was left, just like a two-wheeled bicycle without a wheel, it can’t run at all, so that it was Evaluated as the five slags of war.Now, Qianxun Weimei has obtained unimaginable electric energy from the nuclear battery, but this electric energy is too abundant, it has far surpassed Nianqi, thus causing the imbalance of the two kinds of energy in the body again.

Although Qianxun Weimei displayed on the instrument has a five-figure combat power, in fact Qianxun Weimei is not much better than the five slags just now, because she only has mastered this huge amount of electrical energy, but she still cannot use it. Use it in battle.The current Qianxun Weimei is basically just a show, a paper tiger, and a superficial appearance.

But even a paper tiger is enough to deal with the doctor. Chihiro Weimei only needs to cut off his power, and the mecha becomes scrap iron, or throw him a wire directly, and the doctor in the mecha will be wiped out in an instant.

Looking at the wire in Qianxun Weimei's hand, and seeing the electric sparks lingering on Qianxun Weimei's body, Yue Chuan's eyes suddenly brightened.The magical energy in the heavens has indeed completely disappeared, but there is a kind of energy in the heavens that is quietly reviving, and even growing rapidly, that is electric energy.As the heavens continue to develop, almost all places are covered by power grids, which means inexhaustible electrical energy, that is, light elements.

"This thing is very useful to me, I want it!"

"No problem, it's useless if we ask for it anyway, so just keep it."

The doctor squatting on the ground wailed in his heart, but dared not say a word.Even he himself has become a prisoner, and his belongings are naturally the spoils of war.It's good to be able to save my life now, so I can take care of other things.

In the distance, Audrey He and the young people were fighting fiercely. They all stood motionless, waving their hands and shooting deadly bullets one after another.It's not that they don't want to move around, it's that they don't have room or time to dodge at all. Their bullets seal all the opponent's dodging space. No matter where they hide, it is a dead end. Attack instead of defense.

Just like meeting a narrow road, the brave wins. Only by advancing can we survive. Any dodge and defense will only hand over the initiative in the battle, and the enemy will lead you by the nose and suppress you to death.

attack!attack!Attack again!
Their aura sealed off the surrounding space, and there was not even a single sound coming out of such a fierce gun battle. Everyone seemed to be watching a silent movie. Everyone could only watch, but couldn't hear, let alone participate in it.

Yue Chuan sighed helplessly, turned to the doctor and asked, "What is your origin, can you tell me now?"

What puzzled Yue Chuan was that the doctor, who had been acting very spineless, shook his head, "It can't be said, it's a secret, no information can be leaked, or you will die."

Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of those people who died after the explosion and left no bones left. It seems that this doctor also has a mysterious bomb in his body, once the news is leaked, it will detonate instantly.

"That's fine, I won't make it difficult for you. So to change the question, what is your companion's origin? What is his name, what are his specialties, and how did you meet him. In short, avoid those unspeakable secrets, put Say everything you can."

"He..." The doctor betrayed this partner very unscrupulously, "I don't know what his real name is, we only got together because of the combination of interests, his force, my wisdom, that's all, as for the others, Just some minions. We all use code names, my name is Doctor, and his name is Ye Xiao."

"He's a gunslinger with a revolver..."

Yue Chuan interrupted the doctor unceremoniously, "These are nonsense, let's get to the point!"

"Uh... all his strengths were acquired in that place. Except for that weapon, all his exploits were replaced by abilities. I don't know how many abilities he has. In short, there are many, beyond your imagination, even beyond your imagination. It's beyond my imagination. That partner of yours can't be his opponent, I advise you to run away quickly."

Yue Chuan smiled, "Run? Aren't you afraid that we will kill you before we run?"

The doctor smiled, with a strange expression on his face, "You can take me and run away together, I don't want to partner with him for a long time, but I can't beat him."

(End of this chapter)

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