
Chapter 960

Chapter 960
Audrey He's Death Revolver is not as advanced as Night Owl, but this does not mean that Night Owl can ignore Audrey He's Death Revolver.It's like two people practicing martial arts, one is a holy-level martial arts but has only learned the basics, and the other is an ordinary-level martial arts but has reached the pinnacle, it's really hard to say which one is stronger and which is weaker.

Long-range parry is to use your own gun body to resist the opponent's bullets, just like parrying with a shield.Ordinary people don't have sharp eyesight and quick reactions. If the shield is too small, it will be difficult to defend effectively. Therefore, the shield used by ordinary people should be as big as possible. It is best to cover the whole body tightly.

But the gunman's gaze and reaction are incredible. Take Audrey He and Ye Xiao for example, they can shoot down the bullets fired by each other. For them, the special handle of the revolver is enough for the task of the shield. Xiao Xiao moved his hands rapidly, and he blocked all the bullets fired by Audrey He. It was impossible for this level of straight-line shooting to break through the handle of his gun.

Of course, Ye Xiao's use of long-range blocking does not mean that he blindly defends and gives up the counterattack. He is just buying himself time and a time to change clothes.

"You are very strong, if you don't show some hole cards, you can't do it. You are qualified to let me use it..."

A silver-gray light appeared on Ye Xiao's body, and the light was fleeting. A strangely shaped dress appeared on Ye Xiao's body. The blue-black fabric could not be seen as fluff or fur, but the material was very delicate and delicate. , the clothes belt, elbows, knee pads, hat, etc. are all wrapped in silver-white metal. The metal area is not large, but it protects a few vital points, and even protects a few parts that are not fatal but easy to be disabled.

At first, only one or two pieces of Yue Chuan did not feel anything, but vaguely felt that this thing looked familiar, but when the iconic bird-shaped helmet of this suit appeared, Yue Chuan finally widened his eyes, and he finally recognized it. Sky set, the rarest and most handsome set in the sharpshooter profession, also known as the birdman set.

"Yes, this is this, this is this, this is the treasure he said can make him comparable to a god. I didn't expect that he would have exchanged it long ago, but it has been hidden."

The doctor said sourly, his words were full of disbelief, but also full of envy and jealousy, not only because of Ye Xiao's wariness and distrust of him, but also because of his hardship and sweat in this set of equipment.

Yue Chuan thought to himself: It's just a sky suit. Is it that exaggerated? Just a sky suit is comparable to a god. You must be crazy. No matter how awesome a birdman suit is, it is impossible to have this ability.To be honest, I also have a sky suit on my body, and Leng Shangqing also has a sky suit, so I don't see anything special about it.

But at this moment, Leng Shangqing's expression became extremely serious, and he whispered to Yue Chuan: "President, you forgot that my sky suit has three layers of forms, and what I'm using now is only the first layer of form."

Yue Chuan suddenly remembered this, and looked down at the eighteen small ornaments on Leng Shangqing's cloak. These are the eighteen servants who followed the Abyss Knight. The Abyss Knight suit is not just a simple dress, it is still armor , is a set of mysterious treasures.

Ming Xiao Zhenri suit and Abyss Knight suit belong to the same generation of sky. The Abyss Knight suit has mysterious functions. Controlling is definitely not as simple as getting started, otherwise it would not be said that this thing can make him comparable to a god.However, according to what he said about the doctor, "comparable to gods" is also a self-effacing statement.

"You were the first person to force me to wear it, and that alone makes you proud."

Audrey He had seen the general appearance of Ming Xiao Zhenri in the mall, and knew that it was an extremely mysterious sky suit, but she didn't have any fear in her heart, it was just a set of clothes, although she was wearing high-end clothes, but Not much to go.

Seeing Audrey He's expression, Ye Xiao knew what he was thinking, and couldn't help snorting coldly, "It seems that you don't know this treasure."

The doctor who was watching the battle from a distance muttered to himself: "Ye Xiao has always been calm and calm, and reticent, why are there so many nonsense today?"

Leng Shangqing smiled, "Because he has been suppressed for too long, he is like a night walker in brocade clothes, wearing priceless clothes but walking in the dark night, no one sees, let alone knows, he also wants to show off to others And showing off. It seems that he takes a fancy to this thing beyond imagination, and the more so, the more nonsense he will talk about."

Yue Chuan shook his head, "No matter what, it's good for us to delay the time, and wait and see. This is Audrey's battle, and it's also Audrey's opportunity, so we'll be right next to you."

Having experienced the Abyss Knight test, Leng Shangqing and Qianxun Weimei are no strangers to this admiration. They know that Audrey He's opportunity has come, and the sky set of Mingxiao Zhenri has appeared. As for whether they can get it, it depends on Look at Audrey He's strength.

"This thin cloth is the most advanced nanotechnology. It makes a set of mecha into clothes. It's not just clothes, but a mecha!" Ye Xiao pointed to the doctor's scrap iron in the distance Mecha, said confidently: "This is the most cutting-edge mecha, and it is not comparable to that kind of thing."

When the doctor in the distance heard this, his face turned red with anger, and he panted angrily like a bull.Thinking that most of his combat achievements were taken away by Ye Xiao, he exchanged for a cutting-edge clothing-style mecha, while he could only wear a bulky exoskeleton-style mecha, which was still a very backward model.What's even more exasperating is that he actually mocked himself like this. It turns out that he has always regarded himself as a fool and a cash cow in his heart.

Yue Chuan looked at the expressions of Ye Xiao and the doctor, and thought in his heart, if these two people are still acting in bitter dramas, they will be at the level of movie kings.But for the sake of caution, Yue Chuan will not trust the doctor easily.

"Doctor, now that we have reached this point, you are also eager for us to defeat Ye Xiao, right? I think you understand the functions and defects of his Dark Owl Zhenri equipment, how about you tell me?"

When the doctor heard Yue Chuan's words, he couldn't help showing an expression of disbelief, "Do you know that's Ming Xiao Zhenri?"

"So, you'd better not fool me, it's not good for you or me."

The doctor nodded silently, then closed his eyes, seemingly falling asleep.

Seeing the doctor's appearance, Yue Chuan and the others all showed weird expressions. They were too familiar with this state. This is clearly what happens when people enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Could it be that Ye Xiao and the doctor said " That place" is also similar to the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors"?

(End of this chapter)

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