Wu Sheng family

Chapter 102 Intention

Chapter 102 Intention
After Meng Yunxi left the hall, she and Xiaoqin walked towards the study room. When she was still a few dozen steps away from the study room, she turned her head and said to Xiaoqin behind her, "You can go about your business, I will be alone. a while."

Xiaoqin knew that her lady liked to be quiet, so she left without saying anything.

After Xiaoqin left, Meng Yunxi pushed open the door of the study, but quickly closed it again.

"My lord, have you left the customs?" Meng Yunxi said.

The person sitting on the chair in the study was Guan Moya. Meng Yunxi had sensed Guan Moya's aura outside the room just now, so she pushed Xiaoqin away.Although Xiaoqin knew that Guan Moya knew kung fu, Meng Yunxi didn't want her to know too much about many things.It's not that Meng Yunxi is wary of Xiaoqin, it's that if she has fewer secrets, her life will be easier, otherwise she will be in a state of anxiety all day long, deeply afraid that she will reveal her secrets, such a life will be difficult.

Guan Moya nodded and sighed.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Meng Yunxi couldn't help asking when she saw that Guan Moya's face didn't look very good.

"There is nothing to gain from this retreat." Guan Moya said.

Hearing Guan Moya's words, Meng Yunxi showed a smile on her face and said, "My lord, you are too impatient, how can a martial arts practitioner be impatient?"

Although Meng Yunxi was very happy that Guan Moya's skills had improved rapidly, but this hidden danger was still not small.Meng Yunxi didn't really agree with this retreat, but Guan Moya insisted, and finally she compromised.

But the result now is the best, and the situation I was worried about did not appear. If Guan Moya's skill increased greatly again this time, then Meng Yunxi warned herself that no matter what, he must stop Guan Moya from continuing to practice hard.Now the gong power has not changed, which is a good thing.

"My lord, in fact, this is probably the biggest gain. From the point of view of my concubine, the lord's retreat this time should have consolidated his previous cultivation base. Although the current cultivation base has not changed, the mental state cultivation base should be greatly improved." Meng Yunxi said.

Guan Moya waved to Meng Yunxi, Meng Yunxi blushed slightly, and finally walked to Guan Moya's side.Seeing Meng Yunxi's appearance, Guan Moya's heart warmed up, he picked her up and let her sit on his lap.

The faint fragrance on Meng Yunxi's body made Guan Moya's previous troubles gradually dissipate, and Meng Yunxi's words were not unreasonable, so she said: "It's still too urgent!"

"My lord, don't talk about this matter. The concubine happens to have something to report to the lord." Meng Yunxi said.

Guan Moya suddenly pinched Meng Yunxi's little nose lightly, and said, "Report? You and I, do you need to report? With this small punishment, next time you commit another crime, you will definitely not be lenient!"

"Enen~~" Due to the lack of ventilation, Meng Yunxi could only make a few "enen" sounds, which was remembered.

When Guan Moya let go, Meng Yunxi said angrily, "My lord, this concubine is telling you something serious!"

"Is the love between husband and wife not serious?" However, after seeing Meng Yunxi's face, Guan Moya hurriedly smiled, "Okay, don't be annoyed, tell me, what is it?"

"It's about Lue!" Meng Yunxi said.

"Lue, what happened to her? What mistake did she make?" Guan Moya asked.

"My lord, do you care about a girl so much?" Meng Yunxi asked.

When Guan Moya heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, "No matter how smart a woman is, she always has a woman's nature."

"Of course I care, after all, she has served me for more than ten years, what's the matter, you are still a princess, why are you jealous with a girl?" Guan Moya laughed.

"My lord, if you are not serious, the concubine will be angry!" Meng Yunxi muttered.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, is this okay?" Guan Moya quickly apologized.

Hearing Guan Moya's words, Meng Yunxi smiled triumphantly and said, "Forcibly spare you this time!"

Then Meng Yunxi told Guan Moya about assigning Lue to Lu Zongli.

"Because the prince had an agreement with Lu Zongli before, the concubine made her own decision this time, please punish the prince!" Meng Yunxi finally said.

Guan Moya put his arms around Meng Yunxi lightly, and said: "What is the punishment? You are doing it for the Guan family. Besides, I also said that you will take care of the Guan family. You have the final say. No matter what you do, I will agree!"

"My lord, the strength of this beggar gang has grown rapidly in recent years. The disciples of the beggar gang have spread all over the country. Their strength cannot be underestimated. This time we will not make things difficult for Lu Zongli. Even if he is not grateful to Dade, at least he owes the prince a favor." Meng Yunxi said.

Guan Moya nodded, and said: "That's right, I have also asked someone to check Lu Zongli's temperament, and he will definitely repay this favor. In fact, I didn't intend to let him receive my favor before. I just want him to lead the beggar gang and continue to support my Guan family. After all, the beggar gang is a great help, and Lue is prepared for him. And the strength of the beggar gang has increased greatly in recent years, because corrupt officials are not counted in the world now. In other words, bullies are running rampant, and the people are in dire straits, otherwise, who would want to be a beggar?"

"My lord, is the world really going to be in chaos?" Meng Yunxi asked worriedly.

"This is the cycle of heaven, and there is no escape." Guan Moya said, "Don't talk about these heavy topics, you should be thoughtful about Lu'e, after all, I originally wanted to hold the card of Lu'e, but Threatening others like this is obviously a bad idea.”

"Actually, the concubine also wants to make a pair of mandarin ducks!" Meng Yunxi laughed.In fact, in Meng Yunxi's heart, she didn't know if she did what she said.Of course it doesn't mean that what she said before was a fabricated lie, at least for the sake of the Guan family.Another point, maybe it's a woman's nature, that is to be suspicious and jealous of other women. After all, Lue and Guan Moya lived together since childhood. Although they are called master and servant, Meng Yunxi still knows This green calyx still has a place in Guan Moya's heart.

Then the appearance of Lu Zongli would not only give her a good medicine to get rid of her heart disease, but also help the Guan family. Naturally, she would not miss such an opportunity.

Even a smart woman like Meng Yunxi can't help thinking like ordinary women, that is, she doesn't want her husband to have other women in her heart. Although Meng Yunxi doesn't know how many women Guan Moya will have in the future, there is no way around it. thing.At least, among these women, Guan Moya can't be truly emotional, which is what she cares about.But now that such a woman was sent away, Meng Yunxi was relieved.

Suddenly, Meng Yunxi struggled in Guan Moya's arms, and Guan Moya let go of her hand, allowing Meng Yunxi to stand up.

"Come in!" Guan Moya said lightly.

The door of the study room was pushed open, and Uncle Fu came in.

(End of this chapter)

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