Wu Sheng family

Chapter 105 Going to Loulan

Chapter 105 Going to Loulan
The ancient city of Loulan was still shrouded in wind and sand, and in the secret room under the ancient city of Loulan, Domiran, the beast god of the "Beast God Cult", was reporting the situation to Shi Tianlang who was sitting at the top.

"So, all these unrecognizable wastes have flowed to us?" Shi Tianlang asked lightly.

Looking at Shi Tianlang's unchanging expression, Domiran really couldn't figure out what he was thinking, so he had to reply respectfully: "Yes, because there are so many people this time, should we avoid it first?" ?”

"Huh?" Shi Tianlang, who hadn't moved at first, looked at Domiran coldly when he heard what Domiran said, and said, "The majestic 'beast god' actually said such absurd words, if there is another time, you will kill yourself !"

"This subordinate's slip of the tongue, this subordinate's slip of the tongue!" Domiran replied hastily, the look in Shi Tianlang's eyes just now made his heart skip a beat. He has somewhat understood this new master in the past two years.Although he seldom makes a move, once he makes a move, he will never show mercy.

"Isn't it just right for them to come?" Shi Tianlang said.

"Yes, the subordinates will make proper arrangements, and the seven masters still need them!" Domiran replied.

"Okay, now that you know what to do, let's go down!" Shi Tianlang said.

However, Shi Tianlang was still a little hesitant when he saw Domiran, with a look of displeasure on his face, and said coldly: "Don't worry about those virtuous teachers, if they dare to come, then there is no need to go back! You don't have to worry about this! "

"My lord's miraculous skills are unrivaled!"

When Domiran retreated, Shi Tianlang frowned and murmured: "Damn it, you actually added trouble to me at a critical moment. Xing'an Mountain, there really are tricks."

"Come on!" Shi Tianlang suddenly stood up and said.

"grown ups!"

"How are you doing?" Shi Tianlang looked at the person who appeared and asked, this person was one of his subordinates.

"My lord, forgive me, but I still haven't found anything!" The man replied.

"How is it possible, it should be nearby!" Shi Tianlang asked.

"My lord, the compass indication is indeed nearby, but my subordinates have searched the area within ten miles several times, but still found nothing!"

Shi Tianlang was silent, he didn't think his subordinates would be lazy, but he couldn't find what was right in front of him, which really drove people crazy.

"Then let's expand the scope. You should also know that this is what His Majesty ordered, and it must be found!" Shi Tianlang said.

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate will expand the scope. Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will definitely be able to find it!"

"Alright, let's hurry up. Although it's colorless and invisible, it's hard to find it, but it's best to find it before those miscellaneous fish arrive, otherwise you'll have to worry about it." Shi Tianlang said.

When his subordinates resigned, Shi Tianlang's eyes burst out with murderous aura, his body was filled with a bloody aura, and he murmured: "I just happened to be irritable, so I came just in time!"

Going west along the way, Guan Moya and his party not only met many people from the Jianghu of the Central Plains, but also many experts from the desert.Although the desert and the Central Plains have always been at odds, both sides have restrained themselves now. After all, the main purpose now is to rush to the ancient city of Loulan to find the mysterious 'resurrection method' or even the 'beast god' unique skill.

The six Guan Moya also attracted the attention of many martial arts people, of course it was mainly because of Xue Ningshuang and her junior sister Huang Qiyan.But those martial arts people who came to the desert are not incompetent.Although Guan Moya and the other six were young, the aura they exuded made them startled.Therefore, even after looking at the two women a few more times, I didn't dare to be presumptuous.

However, even so, Xue Ningshuang was still a little angry, and in the end, after everyone's persuasion, she endured it and didn't show off to those people.

Suddenly, the desert masters who were still moving forward stepped aside. Although Guan Moya and the others didn't know the reason for their actions, the sound of horseshoes behind them might explain the problem.

When they turned around, they saw dozens of horses galloping not far away, passing Guan Moya and the others in a short while.

"No wonder, it's from Mount Xing'an!" Ji Changyu said.

"From Xing'an Mountain!" Guan Moya's face changed, looking at the dozens of riders leaving, his expression was ferocious.

"Fourth, what's the matter with you?" Wan Liuqing couldn't help asking, looking at Guan Moya, who had a strange aura.

"It's okay!" Guan Moya knew that he had lost his composure, so he calmed down and replied.

"Brother Yinlong, your aura just now was really terrifying. You have never been in such a situation before. What happened? Can't you tell me?" Xue Ningshuang asked.

The rest of the others also looked at Guan Moya curiously. Guan Moya was silent for a while, and finally said: "Actually, I have a deep hatred with Xing'an Ershan. My grandfather died at their hands, so I couldn't control my emotions just now. , let everyone worry."

"What?" Duan Rufeng exclaimed, "As far as I know, this Xing'an Mountain is not easy to provoke. Even though he himself said that he was slaughtered by that 'beast god' back then, his strength is unquestionable."

"What's going on here? It's hard to take revenge!" Wan Liuqing also sighed.

"Hey, hey, you two, don't destroy your prestige here. If Xing'an Mountain is really sorry for Brother Yinlong, then I, Xue Ningshuang, will never let them go!"

"Junior Sister Xue, what we said is also true!" Duan Rufeng said, "However, although I don't think there is any hope of confronting Xing'an Ershan, I am on the side of the fourth brother. Fourth brother, if you want revenge, don't Forgot to call us."

"That's right, who called us brothers! No matter what we have to suffer together." Wan Liuqing said.

"Thank you, but this matter is considered my family matter, and you don't need to intervene, one day I will make them pay with blood!" Guan Moya said.

"Actually, I have a question. This Xing'an Mountain is by no means a sect that kills innocent people indiscriminately. Brother Yinlong, is there any misunderstanding in this?" Ji Changyu asked.

"There will be no misunderstanding!" Guan Moya said.

Ji Changyu was a little puzzled, looked at Xue Ningshuang and said, "Junior Sister Xue, do you also think that Xing'an Mountain would do such a thing? You should also be very clear about Xing'an Mountain."

Xue Ningshuang's expression changed slightly, but she still said, "So what if it's a famous school? Anyway, I don't think brother Yinlong's grandfather is such a wicked person!"

"Brother Yinlong, I don't mean what Junior Sister Xue said. What I mean is that the reputation of Xing'an Mountain has always been very good. According to common sense, innocent people will never be killed indiscriminately. There may be some misunderstandings. It is better to find out before making plans. Not too late!" Ji Changyu explained.

Guan Moya also knew what Ji Changyu meant. Although this Xing'an Mountain was a sect of the desert, what he had done in the past was indeed to work hard for the peaceful coexistence of the desert and the Central Plains. However, it is well known that his grandfather died at their hands.It's just that I can't say it because of my status, otherwise they wouldn't have this idea.

"Thank you Brother Ji, I will take your words to heart." Guan Moya said.

(End of this chapter)

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