Wu Sheng family

Chapter 110 Battle of the Heavenly Level

Chapter 110 Battle of the Heavenly Level ([-])

Domiran's words made Domuko murmur in his heart. With Domiran's strength, he is not his opponent at all, but it is obvious that he is full of confidence and does not seem to be fake, but where does his confidence come from?

Thinking of this, Domuk couldn't help but look at the seven people behind Domiran, but these seven people had masks on their faces, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

However, what Hal said at that time suddenly flashed in his mind, his face changed, and he stared at Domiran with anger and shouted: "Who are they?"

Of course Domiran knew who Domuco was referring to, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "What are you in a hurry for? Before you die, I will grant your wish!"

"Brother, let me deal with Domiran, he is your younger brother after all!" Keshanha said to Domuk.

Domuke glanced at Keshanha and said, "Second brother, don't you believe me?"

"Brother, you are brothers after all, and brothers kill each other~~~"

"You don't need to say too much. I, Domuk, don't have such brothers. My brothers are only a few of you, and he is not Domuk!" Domuk said resolutely.

Immediately afterwards, Domuk glared at Domiran with cold eyes, and said coldly, "You wake up!"

After finishing speaking, Domuk's figure flashed and rushed towards Domiran not far away.

But Domiran saw that Domuko was killing him, his face was still calm, and he moved to the back of the seven people behind him.

Seeing Domiran fleeing, Domuco didn't let him go, and his figure seemed to jump over the seven people and rush to the position where Domiran was standing.However, at this moment, two of the seven people standing in front of Domuk suddenly jumped from the ground into the air, and they were facing him.

Domuk's internal force turned around and merged into his palms, and then hit the two people who were rushing towards him.Those two people didn't dodge, and they took the blow of Domuk with their palms.


With a loud noise, the palms of the two men touched Domuk's palms at the same time.However, the three of them were immediately sent flying by the palm force they wanted to clap.And the radiating palm strength shook the desert below them into a huge pit, which was several feet deep and tens of feet in radius.

Domuk turned over a few times in the air and fell back to the ground. He looked at the two people who had just fallen back to the ground from the air with surprise, and couldn't help but retreated dozens of steps before stopping.

Keshanha, who was not far away, also looked at everything in front of him in shock. He knew Domuk's strength very well.Because Domuk broke through the mid-level heavenly rank, of course he pestered Domuko to let him fight with himself, and Domuko also wanted Keshanha to have access to the mid-level heavenly rank, so he agreed.

It is precisely because of this that Keshanha knows the huge gap between the elementary and intermediate levels of the heavenly level.But the auras of the two people in front of them seemed to be ordinary masters, but when they wanted to strike with their palms just now, a huge aura was instantly produced, and this aura was even at the elementary level of heaven.

Now that even Keshanha in the distance felt it, Domuk, who had fought with the two of them personally, felt it even more deeply.The aura just now really reached the elementary level of the heavenly level, that's right, but if it was the elementary level of the heavenly level, Domuk would never have been so surprised.

Because he is already at the middle level of the sky level now, he is still able to deal with two junior level of the sky level with ease.It's just that the violent palm just now only shook the two of them back without hurting them, which made Domuko shocked by the strength of the two's bodies.

"Is it really you?" Domuko murmured while looking at the two people who were shaken away by him in the distance.

"Domuke, why do I need to do it, they are enough to deal with you!" Domiran laughed, "Kesanha, don't you want my life, do it!"

Keshanha took a few steps forward with a gloomy face, but at this moment, Domuke said via voice transmission: "Be careful!" Keshanha nodded to show that he knew.

Before Keshanha could take a few more steps, the five people who were still in front of Domirang surrounded him with a 'swipe' sound.

Now that the five people exuded aura, Keshanha sensed it slightly, and said with a surprised face: "Five prefecture-level peaks!"

Hearing Keshanha's words, the faces of those people in the rivers and lakes not far away all changed drastically. Before the two sages came, there was only one prefecture-level peak on their side.At that time, the tone was still unusually tough, and I thought the 'Beast God Sect' was easy to bully, but I really didn't expect them to have such strength.Thinking of this, the dozens of masters secretly wiped a cold sweat.

They all looked ahead with lingering fear. If it weren't for the arrival of these two virtuous teachers, then they would have been decapitated long ago.Not to mention the 'beast god' and the two heavenly masters, it is now easy to kill dozens of people surrounding Keshanha's five earth-level peaks.

"Kill!" Domiran ordered in the distance with a cold smile on his face.

Hearing Domiran's order, no matter it was the sky-level master or the five earth-level peak masters, they all burst out with amazing aura.

After Domuk and Keshanha nodded to each other, they turned their attention to their opponents.

The duel between masters made the group of people in the rivers and lakes keep retreating, and now they are waiting for the end of the duel between the two sides.If the virtuous teacher wins, then of course people like myself can wipe out this 'Beast God Sect' in one fell swoop, and then there may still be a chance to get the 'Resurrection Method'.In fact, even if you can't get it, with the strength of this 'Beast God Cult', there are probably many secret books and treasures in it, and it is worthwhile to get one or two of them.

Of course, if the two virtuous teachers fail, then my group will have to run for their lives.Although such a thing is useless, people must have self-knowledge.

And right now, of course, you can't miss the duel between heavenly masters. As for how much you can comprehend in this battle, it depends on your talent.

Domuk took the lead in attacking, and the two masked Heaven-level masters immediately went up without showing any weakness.

For the joint attack of the two, Domuko didn't take it very seriously, but the two were not afraid of him at all, and every time they were repelled by him, they would pounce on them and continue to fight without hesitation.

Looking at the two people rushing towards him again, Domuke felt a little annoyed, and shouted loudly in his heart, the power in his body continued to increase, and the powerful aura shook the yellow sand under his feet to shoot everywhere.

When everything was ready, Domuk squatted down slightly, and then, with a flick of his feet, his figure turned into a stream of light and shot at the two people.

The two of them obviously didn't expect Domuk's speed to increase so much, and all of their offensives fell through for a while.It's just that their failed palm strength didn't disappear, but they rushed directly to the group of people in the rivers and lakes who were watching the battle from a distance.

The sharp piercing sound from the air frightened the people standing in front of them, and they all fled towards the surroundings.It's just that the speed of these two palms was too fast, and when they realized it, the palms hit them.

A burst of screams followed by a loud noise sounded from the crowd, and suddenly severed limbs flew around, and the yellow sand was sprinkled red with blood.

Those who moved later protected themselves and suffered a little injury, but those behind did not receive any injuries, but the casualties of nearly a hundred people in front still made them unbelievable.

"Is this still a human?" Many people murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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