Wu Sheng family

Chapter 115 Rest In Peace

Chapter 115 Rest In Peace
"Brother~~~" After the figure landed on the ground, it rushed towards Domuk again.

"Stop!" Domuk turned around and shouted at Du Xuanyin who suddenly appeared.

"Brother, let me meet them, brother, please!" Du Xuanyin begged.

"No need!" Domuk replied lightly, and then swiped his right hand in the air, and seven black jars appeared in the air in front of him.

And these small black jars just floated in front of Duo Muke, and then continued to say to Du Xuanyin: "The past is the past!"

But when Du Xuanyin wanted to argue, Duo Muke turned around again, and as he turned around, the seven small black jars floated in front of the seven people.

At such a situation, Du Xuanyin suddenly thought of what Guan Peiao said to them before coming here, her face changed drastically, and she shouted in horror: "No~~~" With the hoarse shout, Du Xuanyin rushed to the Domko.

But before Du Xuanyin rushed to Domuke's side, Domuke waved his right hand, and the seven people who were standing motionless on the yellow sand were shocked, and then their bodies suddenly shriveled.

Seeing the change of the seven people, Domuk turned his palm, and countless gray powder flew out from their clothes and threw them into the small jars in front of them respectively.

Du Xuanyin passed by Duo Muke at this time, and rushed directly to the seven people, but when she rushed to the seven people's side, she only saw the clothes of the seven people fell to the ground messily, and the clothes on top were still in a mess. There are masks with bloodstains on them.

Seeing everything in front of her, Du Xuanyin collapsed on the yellow sand, staring blankly at the clothes in front of her.

"Third sister, now is not the time to be sad!" Duo Muke walked to Du Xuanyin and said.

Du Xuanyin looked at the seven small black jars that fell in front of her, and was already sobbing.

"Put these away!" Domuk sighed.

Du Xuanyin stretched out her hands tremblingly, holding the seven small jars and crying loudly.As a dignified and virtuous teacher, he was crying loudly in front of so many people.

Domuke patted Du Xuanyin on the shoulder, and said softly: "Put it away! Let them really rest in peace!"

Although sad, Du Xuanyin knew what she should do now, so the seven small black altars in her hand disappeared in an instant.

"Where's Brother Ao?" Domuk asked.

"He was worried, so he came here together!" Du Xuanyin wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Really, where is that person?" Domuk asked.

"He just said he found something and left, let me come over first!" Du Xuanyin said.

Domuk nodded, then turned to look at Domiran in the distance.

Domiran has long been without a master. This is really too weird. The lord has clearly said that no one can eliminate these people, but how can Domuk do it? This is absolutely impossible.But everything in front of him was the truth, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Thinking of this, Domiran rushed towards the entrance of the cave he came out of just now without hesitation.Keshanha saw that he was about to slip away, so he wanted to catch up, but at this time Domuke had already arrived at his side, and said: "No hurry, this is just right, I don't know if there is another way, we are looking forward to it."

Rolando also didn't expect that the seven people would disappear for so long, and the Beast God also fled, which made him turn pale with shock.

But fortunately, I still have the army of mummy.So he hastily ordered these mummy to protect him, those virtuous teachers didn't have time to pay attention to him right now, he still has a chance.

The three of Domuco glanced at the mummy corpses, then at each other, and then followed Domiran into the tunnel where he left.

Seeing that the mysterious seven masters had disappeared, the remaining mummy army was troublesome, but they could still handle it.

Although there are three sages from Xing'an Mountain present, the underground situation is like a labyrinth, and it doesn't depend on whoever is stronger to get the 'resurrection method' in the end.In this case, it depends on one's luck.Besides, it is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp in the "Beast God Cult". At that time, the three wise teachers should still fight, and I have a chance to get it.

"Let's follow too!" Xue Ningshuang said.

Guan Moya and the others avoided the two sides that had already fought again, and sneaked in from the entrance.Of course, there are quite a few people who think the same as them, and many people from the world have already sneaked into it.

After Guan Moya and the others entered the underground passage, they discovered that the passages in it extend in all directions, and they don't know which road leads to the important place of the 'Beast God Cult'.

When Domiran went out to deal with those people in the rivers and lakes, Shi Tianlang was not idle either.Although he had let his hands go down, he was still worried, so he followed up.

"My lord, look, the compass indicates this place, but I can't find it?" one of the subordinates said suspiciously.

Shi Tianlang looked at the compass in his hand, and then looked around. He saw that this was a huge cave, and there were many stalactites hanging upside down on the top, and it was not dripping water that dripped .

"That's right, it's near here, look for it!" Shi Tianlang said.

After hearing Shi Tianlang's words, the subordinate said with a sad face: "My lord, I really don't understand. You can see everything here at a glance, and there are no organs or the like. I have searched all of them, but there is nothing. My lord, You said, could there be something wrong with the compass?"

Shi Tianlang shook his head and said: "No, but this matter is really strange. Haha~~ Let's find it, if it is so easy to be found, does Your Majesty need to bother so much?"

However, Shi Tianlang's laughter stopped abruptly, and he waved his hands to his subordinates, signaling them to keep quiet.Then, he turned around and looked at the entrance of the cave, and said lightly, "Come out!"

As soon as Shi Tianlang finished speaking, a figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"I didn't expect that someone could come here!" Shi Tianlang said.

"Sure enough, I was right!" Guan Peiao said coldly.

"Who are you?" Shi Tianlang asked, although his question was very calm, but his heart was still extremely shocked.The strength of the person in front of him is completely beyond his imagination, there are still such people in this world.

"You know the Beast God back then!" Guan Peiao didn't answer Shi Tianlang's words, but asked.

Shi Tianlang was startled, and said: "You?"

Then after taking a deep look at Guan Peiao, if he realized something, he said, "So you're not dead yet!"

"Haha~~~ I didn't expect you guys to be so wicked!" Guan Peiao laughed loudly.

"The people of the Guan family are really big brothers. Guan Peiao, I also heard of your name 'Blood Leopard'. Oh, it was the 'Beast God' you mentioned. He was defeated by you back then, and he is still bitter about it until now." Huai, I can't wait to crush you!" Shi Tianlang laughed, "However, I still have to say thank you to you, it is because of you that the operation of the 'Blood Leopard' failed, which is to help me vent my anger .”

"He's not dead yet?" Guan Peiao frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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