Wu Sheng family

Chapter 117

Chapter 117
Shi Tianlang was not in a hurry to meet him, he kicked his right foot on the ground, only to hear a 'shua' sound, a huge stone spur sprang out from the ground, just stabbing at Guan Pei who was in the air proud.

Guan Peiao clasped the top of the stone thorn that rose up suddenly with both hands, and he flapped it forcefully, with a 'click' sound, the top of the stone thorn broke off.Guan Peiao threw the stone thorn in his hand towards Shi Tianlang not far away.

When Shi Tianlang saw the rock thorn shot towards him, he just stretched out his right hand and waved at it, and the rock thorn turned into dust in the air.

Guan Peiao wasn't surprised by this performance at all. If he could hurt his opponent in this way, he wouldn't have to be so cautious in this battle.

Putting his hands on the protruding stone thorns, he used his strength to continue to kill Shi Tianlang. Shi Tianlang repeated his old trick, staring at the ground continuously, and suddenly countless stone thorns protruded from the ground without warning.

However, it is obvious that this kind of action only slowed down Guan Peiao's attack speed a little bit. Guan Peiao let out a soft drink, his palms glowed with a faint blue light, and then swung his palms in front of him. The stone thorn in front of him was cut off in half.

"What is he doing?" Guan Peiao was a little confused, even if he wanted to use this stone thorn to hurt himself, it couldn't be an ordinary stone thorn.But the current one is indeed very ordinary. Although it is extremely hard, in the eyes of a person like myself, it is still easy to cut it off.

Perhaps knowing Guan Peiao's thoughts, Shi Tianlang showed a strange smile on his face.

At this time, Guan Peiao also noticed something wrong, because a faint bloody blush began to diffuse from these stone thorns.

"Array!" Guan Peiao suddenly realized in his heart that he was careless, the other party was not the martial arts people he had met before, and he must not be regarded as ordinary people.

When he knew it was a formation, Guan Peiao knew that it was already too late, and the formation had already begun to operate.Suddenly, those stone thorns in front of his eyes suddenly disappeared, and a blood-red world appeared in front of his eyes.There are blood pools full of blood everywhere, and there are still stumps and broken arms floating in it.Even here, one can still hear the creepy screams.

Guan Pei stood proudly on the spot and did not move a single step. With a smile on his face, he secretly said: "The art of confusion! It seems that he is not a person who is proficient in formations!"

However, regardless of whether the other party is proficient in formations or not, he is still in a dangerous situation and cannot tolerate any hesitation. Guan Peiao's blue-glowing hands brushed past his eyes.If someone saw it, they would definitely feel incredible, because at this moment, Guan Peiao's eyes were also glowing blue like the palm of his hand.

"Longtong!" Guan Peiao shouted softly in his heart. With the appearance of Longtong, Guan Peiao instantly saw through this bloody world. Behind the bloody world, Shi Tianlang's claw was grabbing Own Tianling Gai.

Guan Peiao secretly sighed that he reacted promptly, and it was also thanks to the Guan family's secret technique of 'Dragon Eye', which is one of the Guan family's unique skills, and it has a miraculous effect on seeing through formations.

Without even thinking about it, Guan Pei raised his hands up proudly, and on the way, a treasured knife appeared in his palm.With a loud roar, the blade of the blade suddenly glowed green, and the aura of the blade was extremely concentrated on the blade, and it slashed towards Shi Tianlang's bloody claws that were grabbing at him.

Shi Tianlang's reaction was not slow either, the claws that had been grabbing Guan Peiao's Tianling Gai had to move away a little bit, the claws scratched the back of the knife, and then his figure retreated violently.

As Shi Tianlang receded, the scarlet formation also lost its effect, but even if Shi Tianlang didn't withdraw the formation, Guan Peiao could still see Shi Tianlang's every move clearly.

"I didn't expect you to have learned the 'Long Tong'. I wanted to try you just now. If I didn't learn it, then I can easily deal with you. Haha, it seems that it is not that simple!" Shi Tianlang laughed.

Seeing that Shi Tianlang retreated, he didn't talk to him too much, and rushed forward with the knife in hand.

Shi Tianlang didn't dare to push it too hard, and suddenly there were two pairs of claws made of unknown material, which were put on his hands.

"Ding~~~" Guan Peiao's knife was blocked by Shi Tianlang's claws, and sparks shot out immediately.

Guan Peiao showed a cruel look on his face, as his internal strength continued to rise, his aura became stronger, but the corresponding Shi Tianlang was no exception.The two faced each other tit for tat, only a few points away from face to face.

"That's right, the Guan family is well-deserved!" Shi Tianlang grinned.

"It's just a clone, you're not qualified!" Guan Peiao countered.But Guan Peiao said it, but he didn't think so in his heart, the one in front of him was definitely the most formidable opponent he had ever encountered in his life.

Now there are people fighting both underground and on the ground. Although those mummy legions are physically strong, they have not reached the level of the seven after all, and they are not immortal.Therefore, the mummy army was gradually suppressed, which made those people in the rivers and lakes even more imposing.

Just as the two sides were fighting in full swing, there was a loud noise from the ground, and then the sand surface between the two sides suddenly exploded.Whether it was people from the rivers and lakes, the mummy legion, or the members of the 'Beast God Sect' who were standing on it, they were thrown into the sky one after another.

This has not been played yet, as the yellow sand exploded, a strong force was shot out of the yellow sand, and many people in the air were shot one after another.

This change caused the people standing on the periphery to turn pale with fright, quickly got rid of their opponents, and ran towards the outside.They didn't turn their heads until hundreds of feet away, and looked at the place where they fought just now.

A huge sandpit appeared in front of everyone, and around the sandpit, there were many corpses with missing arms and limbs scattered in disorder, even those mummies with strong bodies were torn apart.

"Oh my god, what's going on here?" Those who escaped from death murmured while looking at the tragic scene in front of them with lingering fear.


But soon, these people finally saw two people, standing on the edge of the bunker, facing each other.These people in the rivers and lakes are also masters of one side, and they quickly realized that all this was not done by these two people.

Shi Tianlang dusted off the yellow sand on his body, glanced at Guan Peiao on the opposite side, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to kill so many people with just one blow, haha~~~ How about it? The leader of the martial arts alliance, how about it, you have killed so many people with your own hands, don't you feel bad!"

"Hmph! You don't need to worry about this, those who are in the rivers and lakes must have this awareness!" Guan Pei said proudly.

Shi Tianlang didn't say anything else, he slowly raised his claws, his body gathered momentum, and the yellow sand where he stood was shaken away, forming a nearly ten-foot bunker.

Guan Peiao waved the treasured sword in his hand, kicked his body on the sand, jumped over the huge bunker in front of him, and rushed towards Shi Tianlang.

But Shi Tianlang turned around and faced Guan Peiao.

Guan Peiao's saber carried shadows of swords, and slashed towards Shi Tianlang overwhelmingly, but Shi Tianlang rushed straight into the shadows of the swords regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

(End of this chapter)

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