Wu Sheng family

Chapter 119 Dilemma

Chapter 119 Dilemma
Although Guan Moya and the others could guess it in their hearts, they still hope to get an affirmative answer.This 'Beast God Cult' is really extraordinary, I didn't expect there to be so many masters.

While talking, Guan Moya and the others slowed down slightly, and Lu Zongli immediately followed.

"Escaping like this is a dead end, we have to find a way!" Lu Zongli said.

"It's bad luck, it's really bad luck, why did you meet such a perverted master right away." Duan Rufeng said, "What can I do, you can't feel the aura of those people behind you."

"Don't talk, the only thing you can do now is to run, whether you can escape from Ascension depends on God!" Xue Ningshuang said.

Although it is really useless to do so, Xue Ningshuang's words are indeed the best choice for everyone.

There were continuous screams behind him, and fewer and fewer people followed, which made Guan Moya and the others look helpless.

"Huh? There's a bright light ahead, hurry up, speed up!" Ji Changyu shouted at the front.

Hearing Ji Changyu's words, several people looked forward, and sure enough, there was a faint purple light shining at the end of the passage.Although I don't know what's going on, but this light is a bit strange.But in the current situation, there is no time to think about whether there is any danger there, so I can only rush over there recklessly.

When Guan Moya and the others rushed out of the passage, they were stunned.Because there is no road ahead, although the space here is extremely open, it is a huge cave.And this place is not all rocky ground. In front of Guan Moya, there is an open rock face with a radius of hundreds of feet, but this rock face only accounts for one-fifth of the cave, and the rest is surrounded by water.

As Guan Moya rushed in here, more and more people gradually increased, but when they saw the scene in front of them, they immediately ran wildly in fear.

"It seems that we are desperate this time, we can only fight!" Guan Moya looked around and smiled wryly.

"Haha~~ Just let us meet the masters of the 'Beast God Sect', this trip is not in vain!" Ji Changyu turned around and looked at the exit of the passage, laughing.

"Okay, after running so far, I'm ashamed! No matter who it is, my aunt will not let him have a better life!" Xue Ningshuang shouted, staring at her phoenix eyes.

"Ah~~~" At this time, there were a lot of miserable shouts in the distance.

Guan Moya and the others hurriedly turned their heads to look, and saw many people who were scrambling to escape ran into the water.But these people who ran into the water were under the gaze of everyone, and a faint purple light appeared from their whole bodies without a sound. With the annihilation of the purple awns, those people just disappeared without a trace in front of everyone. no trace.

Seeing such a strange thing, those people who had already run to the water's edge stopped hurriedly, then quickly backed away from the water surface, and then looked at the water surface in front of them with lingering fear.

"What the hell is this purple light? We saw this purple light when we came in just now, but we didn't find it when we came in! And now it appears strangely, it's a strange thing!" Wan Liuqing said very puzzled .

"They've always been there, but we didn't realize that's all. Look at the bottom of the water!" Just as those purple awns devoured those who entered the water, Guan Moya felt the 'Sea of ​​Consciousness Devouring God Point' in his mind jump.

This was the first time such a thing had happened, so Guan Moya controlled the aura of heaven and earth to sense everything around him, and finally found something strange at the bottom of the water.

Everyone looked at the bottom of the water according to the words, and put their skills into their eyes, only then could they faintly notice the purple light flashing from time to time at the bottom of the water.These purple rays of light are like the stars in the sky twinkling, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

"This is?" Ji Changyu frowned slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Haha~~~ I found it, I found it unexpectedly, God helped me, His Majesty's wish can finally come true, haha~~~" At this moment, a maniac laughter came from the entrance of the passage.

Guan Moya and the others hurriedly turned their heads and stared closely at the dozens of people who were in front of them. They had no time to care about the purple light, even though it was very mysterious.Now that I and others are still in crisis, my life is in danger, thinking about other things is simply courting death.

"Don't worry, you have contributed a lot to finding what His Majesty dreamed of this time. If you hadn't been running around, we wouldn't have found this place. Therefore, we will give you a happy ending, haha~~~" The man laughed loudly. .

Guan Moya and the others looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared with great solemnity. The strength of these people was completely higher than that of themselves. It should be said that no one here could match them.Most of these auras should be from prefecture-level peaks. The aura of prefecture-level peaks has been sensed by a few people outside just now, but these people have never seen it themselves. The most important thing is that they all have a scarlet wolf head logo on their clothes.Then it is obvious that these four people belong to the 'Beast God Sect'.Except for the peak of the earth level, what made Guan Moya and the others pale was that they vaguely felt the breath of the sky level, although it was extremely small, but after all, the breath of the sky level just now was still fresh in everyone's memory.

These people are Shi Tianlang's subordinates. After they left the cave, they were going to leave the tunnel and go to the ground.But at this moment, these people from the rivers and lakes came in.

They were originally bloodthirsty people, and recently the target they were looking for was nearby, but they couldn't find it for a long time, which made them feel extremely depressed. Seeing these people now just aroused their bloodthirsty desire Desire, in order to vent the depression in my heart.

"Your Majesty? The Zhu family?" Guan Moya was a little stunned when he heard what these people said. He didn't expect that the 'Beast God Sect' was actually the power of the Zhu family.And there are so many top earth-level masters, even heaven-level masters, which hit Guan Moya who was determined to revitalize the Guan family.

Not to mention whether they still have masters above the heaven level, now that there are so many masters at the sky level and the peak of the earth level, will there be fewer masters at the earth level?Compared with his own Guan family, it is really a big tree. Is it because the sky is going to destroy the Guan family?
Thinking of this, Guan Moya turned pale and shook his body.

"Fourth, what's wrong with you?" Duan Rufeng stood next to Guan Moya, and couldn't help exclaiming when he saw Guan Moya's strange state.

When Duan Rufeng yelled, Guan Moya was startled and recovered himself.He clenched his hands into fists, his veins bulged, glared at the people in front of him, and said in a low voice, "It's okay!"

The people in the rivers and lakes present also knew that they had no other choice but to fight to the death, so they showed their weapons one after another.

"Ji Changyu, what are your plans?" At this time, Xue Ningshuang took a deep breath and asked.

"What's the plan? There are several heaven-level masters among them, and we have no chance of winning at all!" Ji Changyu shook his head and sighed.

Xue Ningshuang nodded, pondered for a while and continued to ask: "Now among them are five heaven-level juniors and eight earth-level peaks. If I lower their strength by one level, how sure are you?"

"What? You~~ You didn't bring that? No, your strength is not enough to display it!" Ji Changyu's face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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