Chapter 12
"Bang bang~~" fists and palms clashed, and the strong force made everything they passed a mess.

Guan Moya leaped suddenly, dodging the punch of the man in black. The man in black punched the air, and the powerful punch directly poured into the place where Guan Moya was standing before, and immediately earth and rocks flew across.

Seeing Guan Moya leap into the air, the man in black kicked his feet on the ground, and in an instant he was in the sky above Guan Moya, condescending, and slapped Guan Moya's Tianling Gai.

How could Guan Moya let him succeed? He punched the man in black's palm and shouted, "Qinglong Jin!"

The man in black didn't expect Guan Moya's fist to be so powerful, if not for his own strength surpassing him by a lot, he might suffer a big loss.

Although Guan Moya's fist strength is strong, the gap in strength between the two is still difficult to make up.

'Pfft~~' Guan Moya still didn't suppress the blood churning in his chest.

Seeing Guan Moya spitting blood, the man in black attacked even more fiercely, threatening his life.

For a while, Guan Moya only had the strength to fight back, and it would be delusional to fight back.

Until now, Guan Moya had to lament that his skills were still not enough.If you can't even fight against such a killer, what qualifications do you have to revive the Guan family?

Thinking of this, Guan Moya's chest was ablaze with raging anger. With a loud roar, he used his body to forcefully receive several palms from the man in black.

At the moment when the people in black were surprised and lost their minds, Guan Moya's palms pressed against the palms of the place.

The man in black was overjoyed. He didn't expect Guan Moya to compete with him in internal strength. Isn't this courting death?In the competition of internal strength, the side with the most advanced skills always wins. For the king class vs. the emperor class, Guan Moya is looking for a dead end.

No matter how many people in black there are, since they are compared to the other party, why should I be polite? The internal force in my body rushed into Guan Moya's body fiercely.

Seeing his internal energy rushing into Guan Moya's body without hindrance, the man in black thought to himself, "This will cut off all the meridians in your whole body."

But not long after, a trace of paleness appeared on the face of the man in black, because he found that after his internal energy entered Guan Moya's meridian, it quickly began to disappear strangely.

And at this time, Guan Moya's condition is not very good, the huge internal strength of the imperial master is not what his narrow meridians can bear.That huge internal force is tearing at his meridians, but fortunately his meridians are special, any internal force running in the meridians will disappear for no reason.Whether it is one's own internal force or external internal force, there are never exceptions.

Such a peculiar characteristic reminded Guan Moya of another exercise in his memory, 'Huagong Dafa'.Of course, I know from that memory that this is just a fictional martial art in the novels of people in that world.But Guan Moya felt that the 'Great Transformation Technique' was very suitable for his current situation.As long as one's own meridians are able to withstand, then as much internal force as the other party comes, one can dissipate as much as one's own.

Such a strange change caught the man in black by surprise, and he was horrified to find that his skill was continuously declining.So he hurriedly wanted to stop.

But Guan Moya saw through his intention, and the ten fingers of his palms that were originally offset suddenly clasped the opponent's ten fingers, making it impossible for the opponent to break free.

Seeing that the man in black wanted to withdraw his internal energy from his meridians, Guan Moya showed a sneer on his face, and shouted in his heart: "Reverse the universe, suck!"

This time, Guan Moya didn't absorb the aura from the outside world, but the internal force from the man in black.

Seeing that his internal energy began to recede, the man in black breathed a sigh of relief. Although he lost a lot of energy inexplicably just now, it was still more than enough to deal with Guan Moya.

But I didn't expect that I hadn't been happy for a long time. A strong suction force suddenly came from Guan Moya's body, causing the internal force in his body to crazily rush into his body.

The face of the man in black turned red, what the hell is going on.However, now he just wanted to suppress the internal force in his body so that they would no longer rush into Guan Moya's body.

Guan Moya felt that he was strongly resisted in absorbing the opponent's internal force, and secretly sighed in his heart that emperor-level masters were different.But it is impossible for him to just let it go and continue to forcibly improve his skills.

The cyclone in the dantian spins crazily, and as the spin speed increases, the attraction force also increases dramatically.

Immediately, the man in black felt that all his efforts were in vain. The internal energy in his body surged into Guan Moya's body at a faster speed, and then disappeared without a trace. All this made him a little desperate.I am a majestic emperor-level expert, but I am helpless in front of a king-level junior.

Suddenly, the face of the man in black turned ferocious, he stared at Guan Moya and said viciously: "Don't you want it? Well, I will fulfill you, give you everything, drink~~"

Guan Moya's expression changed, and before he could react, the man in black suddenly injected all the internal energy in his body into Guan Moya's body.

Guan Moya had no time to dispel the huge internal force. While impacting the meridians of his whole body, this internal force rushed into his dantian crazily.The huge internal force instantly filled Guan Moya's dantian. Although the cyclone in the dantian was still spinning rapidly, the internal force of an emperor-level master was too huge, and he couldn't accommodate it with his king-level meridians and dantian.If he doesn't think of a way to solve this problem, he will explode and die.

Seeing the painful look on Guan Moya's face, the man in black suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing that the other party was still so arrogant after losing all of his energy, Guan Moya's eyes flashed with evil spirit, and he slapped the other party's Tianling Gai with his palm.

The man in black didn't have any strength to dodge at all right now, he bled from seven holes and died.

He miscalculated. He originally thought that he could make Guan Moya explode and die with all his internal energy. As long as he killed this kid, it would take him some time to recover his internal energy.But he underestimated Guan Moya, and he didn't expect him to persist any longer.

Guan Moya killed the man in black, but his internal condition did not improve at all, or even worsened.Some meridians have been broken. What's more frightening is that Guan Moya feels that his dantian will not last long.

With a loud shout, Guan Moya screamed and ran crazily. He wanted to vent the internal force in his body by running wildly, but the effect was still very little.

At this time, Guan Moya didn't care anymore, and kept pressing the internal force in his dantian towards the cyclone in the middle, hoping that the cyclone could dissipate the internal force as soon as possible.

Guan Moya's crazy actions made the cyclone that was still spinning rapidly start to slow down. After all, the current pressure is really too great, and the huge internal force makes the cyclone feel overwhelmed.

Although Guan Moya knew that the cyclone would disappear if it stopped spinning, but at this point, one step is a step, and a dead horse is like a living horse doctor, otherwise as long as he stops, he will explode and die immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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