Wu Sheng family

Chapter 121 Lingxiao Wonderland

Chapter 121 Lingxiao Wonderland
Looking at Xue Ningshuang who was leaving, and then at the young people beside her, the old man was extremely shocked.I was too busy running for my life just now, and I didn't take a good look at my group of people, let alone those young juniors.

Now that I took a closer look, I realized that those boys were not simple. Perhaps, I was not their opponent at all.

"Mr. Hu, do you really want to do this?" Someone nearby who knew the old man hurriedly leaned forward and asked softly.

"Nonsense, if you want to survive, don't take chances, maybe we can get out alive!" The old man said, "Listen, listen to what the old man said, the girl is right, now everyone can only use Do your best and fight with them, so there is still a chance of survival!"

Xue Ningshuang was quite satisfied seeing that old man mobilizing the people present. Although her own strength was stronger than those present, few people really knew her own strength.

After all, the old man is a rare master here, and he should be the most powerful master besides them. Coupled with his age, he should have some prestige among the people in this group of Jianghu, so Xue Ningshuang used him to gather this group of Jianghu The power of the Chinese.

"Haha~~Little girl, your background is not simple, but you say we are only the lower ranks of the prefecture level? This is too ridiculous!" A person on the opposite side laughed.

"Isn't it just a five-day elementary level, what can we be proud of?" Ji Changyu said with a cold face.

"Elementary level of heaven? Five?" After hearing Ji Changyu's words, this group of people in the Jianghu kept turning their attention to that old Hu. After all, in their hearts, this old Hu was the pillar of their party.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Mr. Hu couldn't help wiping off the cold sweat secretly, and said to himself: "I don't know that there are five heaven-level juniors among them. I'm just a small earth-level junior, and I can see that they are His strength is already incredible at the peak of the prefecture level, and this is because he experienced the aura of the peak of the prefecture level on the ground just now, otherwise he would not know."

"Cough~~ He is right, but don't worry, everyone, it's not a big deal!" Mr. Hu said lightly.

Hearing his words, everyone's faces showed doubts, but when they saw Mr. Hu's calm face, they calmed down a lot.

However, although Mr. Hu's face was calm, his heart was far from peaceful.He couldn't help but secretly glanced at Xue Ningshuang, and saw that their faces were abnormally calm, and his heart was a little more at ease.

In any case, the five heavenly masters are absolutely shocking, but now I can't think of any other way except to trust that girl.

Apart from the panic in his heart, he was still thinking about who these young people were, and when there were more such powerful juniors in the Jianghu. All this made him feel that the world was going to change drastically.

Ji Changyu's words immediately attracted the attention of those people. The other party looked him up, and then said: "Your strength is good, enough to rule the roost among the younger generation, but you are still very early in front of us. It seems that in your world , the Guan family has no successors, so Kunlun has such ability, right?"

"Kunlun?" Guan Moya glanced at Xue Ningshuang and Ji Changyu in surprise, but he immediately mocked himself in his heart, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Although I don't know very well about Kunlun, there are records in my family that this It is a mysterious fairyland, and all the disciples who come out of it are the best in the world. Looking at it now, it is true. Huang Qiyan also said before that Ji Changyu is the strongest of the two factions, and there are indeed two factions in Kunlun One is the Yaochi Palace, which is composed of all female disciples, and the other is the Lingxiao Pavilion, which are all male disciples."

"Haha~~ That's right, you are a disciple of Lingxiao Pavilion, and the two women behind you should be from Yaochi Temple. If we were in other places, we might not take action against you, but here we have no fear , Resign yourself to your fate!" the man laughed loudly.


"Sky Tower?"

"Yao Chi Palace?"

These Jianghu people who were present sounded really confused. They were able to be here because they were basically masters who had been in the Jianghu for decades, and they had never heard of such a sect.But they hadn't heard of it before, but now they heard it, so they all remembered it in their hearts. After all, the strength of these disciples is so terrifying, let alone the master.

The same is true for Mr. Hu. Although he has never heard of it, he feels more at ease. It seems that those people are afraid of the teachers of the group of young people in front of them. Whether they let go now or not, this is enough to prove The masters behind this group of young people are by no means simple.

In this way, the chances of him surviving are greatly increased.

"Huh? There's also a prefecture-level middle-ranker, who also belongs to High Heaven Pavilion, right? Two men and two women, they are really childhood sweethearts!" The man said after glancing at Guan Moya.

"Nonsense!" Guan Moya snorted coldly, "Don't play with your ignorance there, it will only make people laugh!"

"It's unreasonable, you brat wearing a mask, what are you talking about?" a person behind the man scolded.

"Don't get excited!" The person who spoke first said something to the person behind him, then stared at Guan Moya for a while, and then said slowly, "Whether you are or not, as long as you fight, the old man will naturally I can see your martial arts moves!"

Guan Moya couldn't refute these words. What the other party said was correct. In the past, when dealing with other people, he basically didn't use the Guan family's unique skills, in order not to reveal his identity.But it is different now, it is really at the time of life and death, if you keep it now, it is courting death.Regardless of whether it will be exposed or not, I have to do my best this time. Let's talk about all the consequences after this crisis is over.Besides, it's still too early to say whether they can escape this time.

"Okay, we don't have so much free time to waste with you, hurry up, give you some time to prepare at the end, and use all your strength, otherwise it will be too late to die like this and go to the King of Hades to complain!"

Although Guan Moya and the others could not understand their arrogance, there was nothing they could do about it. No matter what, the other party had the strength.

"I'm so mad, even if I can't improve by half an inch in the future, I don't care!" Wan Liuqing took out a small jade bottle from his bosom, and said.

"That's right, how can it be that simple to want our lives?" Duan Rufeng also held a small jade bottle in his hand.

Except for Duan Rufeng and Wan Liuqing, Lu Zongli and their juniors, and most of the people present in Jianghu took out jade bottles or vessels containing the elixir of meritorious deeds.

"Brother Yinlong, didn't you mention the elixir?" Ji Changyu looked at Guan Moya curiously, because Guan Moya didn't make any moves.In Ji Changyu's mind, Guan Moya's identity is also not simple, he may belong to those hidden sects other than himself, logically he would definitely have such a pill.

"Hehe, no need, I never use those!" Guan Moya laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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