Wu Sheng family

Chapter 128 Three Illusions

Chapter 128 Three Illusions

And all of this is from Ji Changyu's side.Ji Changyu was also very anxious in his heart. From the beginning to now, he was suppressed by the other three and had no room to fight back.

Although he knew that the person named Yinlong belonged to the Guan family, but as a peer, he believed that he would not lose to anyone, even the Guan family was no exception.And that Yinlong had beheaded a person with his own sword before, and this person Ji Changyu was greatly stimulated.

Now, Xue Ningshuang's 'Five Elements Sealing Spirit Formation' is about to be torn apart under the influence of the divine fire, and she can't waste it like this anymore.

"Fight it, at this moment, there is no way out!" Ji Changyu said ruthlessly in his heart.

At this time, his three opponents had already rushed towards him, and Ji Changyu spun the internal force in his dantian rapidly. With the continuous rapid rotation of the internal force, the internal force in his dantian was actually divided into three parts.

Ji Changyu tightly grasped the sword 'Zi Xiao' in his hand, and faced the three of them.And the three of them rushed towards Ji Changyu, waving the long sword that exuded violence in their hands. The three members of the 'Beast God Sect' could not take out their own weapons, so they used local materials and seized three long swords.It's just that although these three long swords are also good swords, they are far from Ji Changyu's 'Zi Xiao'.

With this point, Ji Changyu also took advantage of it to hold on until now.

'Ding~~' Ji Changyu blocked another blow from the three of them, and at this moment, Ji Changyu's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted in his heart: "The Three Treasures of the Emperor Heaven have transformed into virtual forms, and the three virtual appearances!"

"Bang~~" How could Ji Changyu alone be able to resist the blow of the three of them, so his body was immediately thrown into the air, and he was thrown heavily on the ground a few feet away.

'Cough cough cough~~' Ji Changyu struggled to stand up, but kept spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

Seeing that Ji Changyu was seriously injured, the three masters of the "Beast God Cult" also showed a smile on their faces, but this kid was difficult to deal with no matter what.

Just when the three of them were about to start walking towards Ji Changyu, they suddenly shook.

One of them was slightly forward, so he hurriedly turned his head to look at the two behind him.

"No~~ Impossible~~"

Not only him, but also the two people who were behind him stared down at his chest with wide eyes, and his chest was pierced by a virtual 'Zixiao' sword.The sword seemed to be blurred, but their chests kept oozing blood, dripping to the ground along the illusory sword shadow.

"How did this happen? Transformation outside the body?" The man in the middle looked in shock at the two faint phantoms behind the two of them. Those two phantoms were Ji Changyu holding a sharp sword, but they looked hazy.

'Bang bang! ' Twice, those two heavenly masters of the 'Beast God Sect' were beheaded by Ji Changyu at the same time.As the two fell to the ground and died, Ji Changyu's external form gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared into the air.

"Brat, die!" The only remaining master of the 'Beast God Sect' roared and rushed towards Ji Changyu.

"Oops, I can't move my body anymore, I don't listen to my orders!" Ji Changyu wanted to avoid the opponent's blow, but just now he had almost exhausted his skill by using the "three virtual forms" outside of his body, and his body was hard. Having resisted the joint blow of the three of them, he was already seriously injured, and at this moment he couldn't even move for a moment.

"Hey~~ I didn't expect that I, Ji Changyu, would die here. I'm really unwilling!" Ji Changyu had a wry smile on his face.

Ji Changyu's 'Three Void Phases' alarmed Guan Moya and also attracted Xueya's attention.But when Guan Moya saw that Ji Changyu was about to be killed by his opponent, he turned his claws and grabbed Ji Changyu: "Capture the dragon!"

Immediately, a huge claw shadow grabbed Ji Changyu, Guan Moya pulled his hand suddenly, and Ji Changyu's body flew towards Guan Moya.And the sword of the 'Beast God Sect' master hit the place where Ji Changyu was originally standing, and the fierce sword force shattered the hard rock on the ground.Accompanied by the shattering of the rock, the long sword in his hand could no longer withstand the huge cutting force, and broke into several pieces.

"Looking for a dead end!" Xueya also came back to his senses at this time, "I can't protect myself, and I still have the heart to help others?"

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Guan Moya.

Guan Moya was startled, turned his body slightly, and put his left hand against Xueya's palm.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing that Guan Moya still didn't let go of Ji Changyu, Xueya couldn't help but increase his palm strength, "If you want to die so much, then this old man will give you a ride!"

Veins popped up on Guan Moya's face, Ji Changyu was caught halfway by himself, and his body was still in the air, but he couldn't resist the palm strength of his blood tooth on the other side.Even if I fight with all my strength, it's not enough, not to mention that I have to take Ji Changyu into account now.

'Boom~~' Guan Moya finally couldn't hold on anymore, his whole body was sent flying out, and at the same time as he flew out, a trail of blood was sprinkled in the air.

'Crack~~bang bang! 'Guan Moya and Ji Changyu collided in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The two hurriedly staggered to their feet, looked at each other helplessly, and then looked at their opponent warily.

Seeing Guan Moya and Ji Changyu's appearance, although Duan Rufeng and the others wanted to come to rescue them, they didn't have the strength, because their own situation was not much better.

"It's really unreasonable. I didn't expect that since the two of you killed three people, it would be serious! The old man changed his mind, and you all have to die!" Xueya said angrily with a gloomy face.Although my opponents are the heirs of Kunlun and the relatives, but how old they are, it is difficult for the adults to explain no matter what.Therefore, the anger in Xueya's heart can be imagined.

"Brother Yinlong, thank you just now!" Ji Changyu smiled at Guan Moya.

"Where is it, now everyone is in the same boat, it should be!" Guan Moya said.

"I didn't expect you to belong to the Guan family, so we can be considered brothers, haha~~" Ji Changyu laughed loudly.

Guan Moya smiled slightly, and did not deny Ji Changyu's words, because he was right, his Guan family did have a relationship with Kunlun, and the ancestors of the Guan family and Kunlun's ancestors were also called brothers and sisters.

"Junior Brother Yinlong, I should be older than you, so I'll call you Junior Brother. Do you still have the strength to fight?" Ji Changyu said to Guan Moya through voice transmission calmly.

"Although I am seriously injured, I can still hold on for a while, but there are two people on the other side. I really have no choice. If there is only one person, maybe there is still a chance. No, not necessarily, the other party will definitely take precautions!" Guan Mo Ya voice channel.

Ji Changyu thought for a while, and said via voice transmission: "Is that the way you started beheading that person?"

"That's right, that move can only be taken by surprise, the opponent must be on guard now, the chance is not great!" Guan Moya said via voice transmission.

"I don't care about that much anymore. How will you know if you don't try? It's best if you can kill one person. If you can't kill someone, it's your fate, so prepare accordingly!" Ji Changyu said via voice transmission.

Guan Moya nodded to Ji Changyu, and then the two of them mobilized their whole body's skills and prepared to fight to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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