Wu Sheng family

Chapter 135 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 135

Just when everyone was crazy about the "resurrection method" that appeared on the desert, a major event happened in the Central Plains, which was enough to shock the world.

That night, Zhu Youxi was in his imperial study, suddenly he raised his head in surprise, because there was a person standing silently in the room.

Although he didn't know when this person appeared in the imperial study, nor how he sneaked into the palace, Zhu Youxi could still feel that this person was unfathomable.

Suppressing his fluctuating emotions, Zhu Youyi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked calmly, "What's the matter with you?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled and said: "Haha~~ Yes, he is worthy of being an emperor. The city is deep enough, and he can still be so calm now. Do you know that as long as I want, I will I can crush you to death right away!"

"That's right, I can't see through your kung fu, and just as you said, my kung fu is nothing in your eyes. But since you didn't do anything, it means that you have something to ask of me, and you can tell me what you want." Listen!" Zhu Youxi said.

"Good! I like dealing with smart people." The man said.

"Then should you introduce yourself before that? It seems that there is no one like you in the Jianghu?" Zhu Youxi asked.

"That's right, it's just because I seldom set foot in the rivers and lakes, only the one time ten years ago~~~ May I tell you, my name is Pang Tongxun!"

Zhu Youwei heard the change in Pang Tongxun's tone of voice. When he said ten years ago, the calm aura on his body began to show signs of riots. Obviously he was very excited about this matter, and he didn't want to Bringing up this matter, so I stopped immediately.

"Pang Tongxun? I really haven't heard of it, but why don't you work for the court with your strength, no matter what you want, I can satisfy you!" Zhu You said.

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense, I haven't put you in my eyes yet, what is glory and wealth? Today I just want one thing from you!" Pang Tongxun snorted coldly.

"What?" Zhu Youxi asked, not in a hurry.

"The map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!" Pang Tongxun said lightly.

Hearing Pang Tongxun's words, Zhu Youyou was startled, and couldn't help asking: "How did you know about this?" In Zhu Youyou's view, at most, no one should know except the Guan family or the Kong family. This is the right thing, besides, Elder You didn't mention that there are other people who know about it.

"You think it's a secret that no one knows about. That's so naive. Well, I'm doing this to save face, so obediently show it, or I'll do it myself!" Pang Tongxun said.

The anger on Zhu Youxi's face flashed away. This map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor was obtained by the Zhu family with great painstaking efforts, and the treasures in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor are absolutely immeasurable.Whether it's treasures or martial arts secrets, it's what the Zhu family wants to get. If other people want to get their hands on it, it is absolutely not allowed, and the Zhu family will not let such a thing happen.

It's just that now that his life is in the hands of the other party, it seems that he has to make a long-term plan.

"What? Are you reluctant?"

"Of course not. It's not up to you to decide everything now. It's just that the map of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is not here, but it is kept in the treasure room of the palace." Zhu Youxi replied.

"It's not the best, so come with me, as long as you hand over the map obediently, then you will continue to be your emperor, and your Zhu family will continue to order the world, otherwise~~~hehe~~" Pang Tongxun said with a smile .

"En?" Pang Tongxun looked at Zhu Youyou in surprise, and Zhu Youyou smiled slightly, "Do I still have a choice now? I have to cooperate, don't I?"

"It's good to know each other!"

Zhu Youxi walked in front, pushed open the door of the imperial study, and looked back at Pang Tongxun, only to see that Pang Tongxun had already put on a set of imperial guards' attire at this time.

After turning his head, Zhu Youyou strode out, and Pang Tongxun followed closely behind Zhu Youyou.

Looking at Zhu Youxi who didn't look worried or scared at all, Pang Tongxun's slightly lowered eyes flickered coldly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although it was a bit weird for the emperor to be followed by a bodyguard, after all, it was common for the emperor to be followed by a chief eunuch, but no matter whether it was a court lady, eunuch or bodyguard along the way, they did not dare to step forward.

Pang Tongxun followed Zhu Youxi around the palace, and recently arrived at the Imperial Garden.

Zhu Youxi paused slightly, then turned around and said, "It's inside!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Pang Tongxun to answer, Zhu Youxi entered the imperial garden.

Pang Tongxun looked at Yu Huayuan slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he followed his steps.

Zhu Youxi came to a huge rockery in the center of the garden, stood still and said, "It's in the dark room inside."

"It's over after seeing your Zhu family!" Pang Tongxun looked at Zhu Youyi with murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing Pang Tongxun's frightening eyes, Zhu Youxi involuntarily took a few steps back, his face pale.

However, as the Ninth Five-Year Lord, Zhu Youyi recovered quickly, and said softly: "You are looking for a dead end, I don't care who you are or what power you are, today you don't want to take a step from here !"

As soon as Zhu Youxi's words fell, dozens of figures suddenly appeared around the imperial garden, and surrounded Pang Tongxun in unison.

These dozens of people were dressed in different outfits, obviously they were not the inner guards of the palace, but they were all restrained, with piercing eyes, obviously they were not easy to get along with.

Pang Tongxun didn't blink his eyes, and said with a look of disdain on his face: "This is the so-called 'master' that your Zhu family has recruited over the years? Using the Guan family's 'World Martial Arts Pavilion' to only create such a waste, am I right?" I know how the Guan family will feel!"

There was a chill in the air, which was due to the condensed killing intent. Obviously, Pang Tongxun's contempt made the dozen or so masters around him furious.

Back then, I let go of my dignity as a master and joined the imperial court in order to be able to read the martial arts secrets in the "World Martial Arts Pavilion".Of course, after they surrendered, the imperial court kept their promise and let them choose the martial arts that suit them.Although they knew that there were better secrets that the imperial court would not give to themselves easily, but these had already benefited them a lot.What's more, these are enough for them to learn for a lifetime, and they have not considered other things for the time being.

However, there are exceptions, that is, if you have made great achievements, you may be able to get a special reward, that is, the imperial court picked out the peerless secret book from the "World Martial Arts Pavilion".

In the past ten years, with the help of the secret book, my skill has really improved by leaps and bounds, which is a world of difference compared to before.Because he is a member of the imperial court, naturally with the power of the imperial court, he also knows the strength of many sects or masters who were not known before.Although there are still people stronger than himself in the world, they are enough to be among the superpowers.Because there are not many people who can hurt them in the arena, this is the achievement of myself and others for more than ten years.And the person in front of them underestimated themselves so much, which made their extremely inflated pride unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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