Wu Sheng family

Chapter 137 5-Day Level

Chapter 137 Five-day Level

"You are very confident!" The emperor has the demeanor of an emperor, Zhu Youxi calmed down his mood, and said out loud.

"Confident?" Pang Tongxun murmured, and then said, "Yes, I have always been confident!"

"Is that so?" Zhu Youxi asked.

"What do you mean?" Pang Tongxun stared at Zhu Youxi and asked.

Zhu Youxi couldn't help but feel a little breathless in his chest, but fortunately, the astonishing murderous aura dissipated immediately.Taking a deep breath, he continued: "You said it yourself, ten years ago~~~"

"Shut up!"

"Haha~~~Although I don't know what happened ten years ago, obviously, at that time, you would never be so confident!" Zhu Youxi continued regardless of Pang Tongxun's distorted expression.

To everyone's surprise, Pang Tongxun originally thought that Pang Tongxun would go berserk, but soon, Pang Tongxun let go of his aura and said, "You are not a coward!"

"It seems that I was right!" Zhu You said in awe.

Pang Tongxun didn't answer Zhu Youyou's words, and then turned his eyes to the endless sky. After a while, he sighed and said, "I only have one defeat in my life!"

Zhu Youxi's expression changed. Although Pang Tongxun didn't say anything more, he was shocked in his heart. Did the person in front of him still lose?So who is the other person?What kind of realm should that person's strength be now?

"Are you wondering who can defeat me?" Pang Tongxun asked.

"I'm really curious! With your strength, I can't think of such a person."

"Haha~~~ You can't think of it? What are you?" Pang Tongxun said disdainfully.

Zhu Youxi's face was very ugly. Now that he is quite useless, the majestic emperor should lose face in front of so many people. This is more unforgivable than killing him.

It's just that Pang Tongxun didn't care about this, and continued: "The Guan family is worthy of being the Guan family!"

"Guan family?" Zhu Youyi was taken aback.

"Except for the Guan family, who else is my opponent in this world!" Pang Tongxun said.

"Does the Guan family have this strength?" Zhu Youxi was a little confused. If it was ten years ago, it would have been when Guan Mingxuan was around, but although Guan Mingxuan was good at martial arts, he couldn't possibly be the opponent of this person in front of him, right?

"It's finally here!" Pang Tongxun did not answer Zhu Youxi's words, but looked in the direction of Huangping Mountain and said.

"Who is so presumptuous?" A loud shout resounded over the palace, and it came as suddenly as thunder, which surprised everyone present.

Pang Tongxun just stared at the air with cold eyes, and such preemptive tricks had no effect on him in the slightest.

"Fly? They're flying!" Some masters in the imperial garden had already seen the five people who came to the sky above, but these five people were suspended above the imperial garden, looking down at everyone.

"Really, am I dazzled?" Many people hurriedly rubbed their eyes to see more clearly, but they saw that the phenomenon did not change. These people were indeed suspended in the air.

Now, all the people present have forgotten the fear just now, and started to talk about it, which is really inconceivable.

"It's you, you are so daring, how can you do anything wrong in the palace?" A person in the air pointed at Pang Tongxun on the ground.

"Huh!" Pang Tongxun snorted coldly, looking at the five people in the air, and said coldly, "Do you enjoy the thrill of flying in the air just now, but what I hate most is when someone stands on a high place and talks to me!"

As soon as Pang Tongxun finished speaking, before the five people in the air could answer, the clothes on his body suddenly danced without wind, swelled and returned to normal.But Pang Tongxun's side was nothing the same, the five people in the air trembled as if they had been hit hard, and fell from the air.

However, the five of them are also peerless masters, and they resumed their actions before landing, so they didn't fall to the ground in embarrassment, but for them, this was also a great insult.

But they also knew in their hearts that the people in front of them were absolutely unfathomable, before they and others were indifferent to the person who broke into the palace this time, if it wasn't for that Elder You told everyone not to be careless, how could they and others come here?It's just that now that I've come, I realize that this person is really worth waiting for.

"You?" Zhu Youxi looked at the five people with some puzzlement. He didn't know the five people in front of him at all. Of course, he also knew that these five people should be helping him.

"Back off, this is not a place for you to stay!" said one of the five people.

Although Zhu Youxi wanted to ask why, but now is obviously not the time.It's just that even if this person doesn't say anything, I don't dare to stay here any longer. The person in front of me is beyond ordinary people's imagination, and I have nothing to do here except to die.

So under the guard of the brigade of guards and masters, Zhu Youxi hurried out of the imperial garden, and finally went to a tall building hundreds of meters away, where he overlooked the imperial garden.

"Yes, your Zhu family actually has five heavenly masters. Although they have just advanced, they are also very valuable. Then you are Zhu Yuanzhong?" Pang Tongxun looked at one of the five people and asked him because of this person's According to Pang Tongxun, his strength is the strongest among the five.

"Old man Zhu Biao, how can I alarm my father and his old man by dealing with you!" Zhu Biao said.

"Huh? It seems that I have underestimated your Zhu family. So Zhu Yuanzhong has already advanced to the mid-level heaven?" Pang Tongxun was a little surprised, "This is really beyond my expectation."

"Hmph, please report your name. I think you are also a member of the same generation, and we don't want to be violent. You may as well tell me what hatred you have against my Zhu family. Why do you embarrass the younger generation?" Zhu Biao said.

"Same generation? Just kidding, if I still have such cultivation at your age, I might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him, so as not to embarrass myself!" Pang Tongxun said disdainfully.

"What did you say?" The faces behind Zhu Biao were flushed with anger, and they were about to rush forward.

But Zhu Biao stopped them, and said with a slight chill in his tone: "It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, and you actually humiliated us like this. Don't flash your tongue when you talk big!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't think that there are five of you, and you are all at the beginning of the heavenly level, but in my opinion, that's the case. There are too many masters in this world, and only you can achieve a little achievement for yourself And complacent. Self-knowledge is the most important thing to be a human being, if you can't do this, you don't have to live in this world!" Pang Tongxun said.

Although Zhu Biao and the others were angry at Pang Tongxun's tone, since they saw the strength of Elder You, maybe it was just the tip of his iceberg, and they also realized that the arrogance they had before was a joke.Although Elder You didn't talk about many things with himself and others, it is obvious that there are absolutely many people like Elder You in this world, otherwise he doesn't need to cover up and doesn't want to reveal his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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