Wu Sheng family

Chapter 155 Xuanyuan Order Appears

Chapter 155 Xuanyuan Order Appears
Guan Moya had already mobilized the spiritual power of his whole body. With the spread of the spiritual power, everything around him could not escape Guan Moya's induction.Suddenly his expression changed slightly, and he checked carefully.He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "Don't worry too much, everyone. Although they can enter here, their current strength can only be regarded as the peak strength of the prefecture level!"


Guan Moya sensed the fluctuation of aura in Shi Tianlang's body through his aura just now.With his careful inspection, he found that there was a layer of aura shield covering the surface of Shi Tianlang's body.If Guan Moya guessed correctly, it was because of this that Shi Tianlang had suppressed his true cultivation, so that his strength could be reduced to the current infinitely close to the sky level, and only then could he enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

At first, I thought that the three of them didn't care about the restraining formation in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, but now it seems that I have underestimated the mystery of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and the strength of the three of them.This can also show that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is definitely a terrifying place, and even such a master has to abide by its regulations.

"Junior Brother Guan means that although we don't know their true strength, the strength they can display here is the peak of the prefecture level. In this way, we have nothing to be afraid of!" Ji Changyu returned to God.

"That's right, it's just like the formations used by Sister Xue and Miss Huang when they were in Loulan, but the formations here should be more profound and mysterious. Even experts like them have to obediently lower their strength. To the present level." Guan Moya said.

The words of Guan Moya and the others could not escape Shi Tianlang's ears. He sneered and said: "It seems that you are very confident. Don't think that you have stepped into the peak of the earth level and think that you are invincible below the heaven level. In the old man's opinion, Those are also ants that can be crushed to death!"

Perhaps to those who don't know it, it might be weird for a young person to call himself an old man, but Guan Moya and others would never think so, because the image of this person in front of him is not his real appearance at all.

"That's right, we don't know your level, and we also know that even if you reduce your strength to the same level as ours, it's wishful thinking for us to defeat you. But, we still have the strength to fight now!" Guan Moya replied.

Guan Moya also knew in his heart that even if a master like Shi Tianlang was not as powerful as himself, he could easily kill himself and others. After all, their martial arts level was too high.He had no doubts that the moves that he and others thought were impeccable might be a joke to them.Therefore, even though the strength of the opponent seems to have decreased, the degree of danger has not diminished in the slightest.

"That's right, the people of the Guan family are indeed courageous!" Shi Tianlang laughed loudly.

"Is that kid from the Guan family?" Hua Nu's family asked Guan Moya in surprise.

"That's right, it's indeed from the Guan family!" Tong Yiqian replied.

"Oh, not bad, didn't you say that the Guan family doesn't have a decent master? Isn't this pretty good? I don't know if the appearance under this mask is handsome or not, I'm a little curious!" Hua Nu's family laughed.

Tong Yiqian didn't want to talk to Hua Nu's family.

"Then how is Senior Guan?" Guan Moya asked.

"Senior Guan?" Shi Tianlang frowned, and he understood what Guan Moya was referring to in his heart, and couldn't help but said in a cold voice, "This old man has always done what he should, and doesn't bother to lie. At that time, this old man was defeated, but you don't want to be too happy, His injury may not be much better!"

Hearing this, Guan Moya finally breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what kind of injury the senior suffered, as long as he didn't die, that's fine.When the matter here is over, I must find that senior and ask him to understand.Of course, whether he can avoid this calamity this time is the key, otherwise everything will be useless.

Hearing Shi Tianlang's words, Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao were a little surprised. This Shi Tianlang was defeated by others. Is there such a person in this world?Could it be them?It seems that I have to ask clearly later, if I alarm them, I have to be more careful in my actions.

"Stinky boy, you are bound to die, but today I will not take your life, let you live for a while, obediently let go, then you can save your flesh and blood!" Shi Tianlang said.

"Haha~~ let's do it, there is so much nonsense!" Guan Moya said.

"No matter who you are, we want to ask for advice!" Ji Changyu also said.

"You all see the right moment and leave quickly, it seems that Shi Tianlang's target is me!" Guan Moya said to several people through voice transmission.

But Xue Ningshuang gave Guan Moya a sharp look, and said, "Is there any reason to abandon you?"

The rest of the people nodded one after another, and then stared at Shi Tianlang closely.

"Okay, it's really a matter of loyalty, so I don't mind sending you to the west, so what if it's from Kunlun?" Shi Tianlang said with a cold face.

Just when Shi Tianlang was about to make a move, everyone's expressions changed.Everyone only felt a sudden flash of light in the hall, followed by densely packed tokens exuding five-color light suspended in the sky.

"Xuanyuan Ling?" Ji Changyu exclaimed in surprise.

"Is this the Xuanyuan Order?" Duan Rufeng asked hastily.

"Well, that's right, Xuanyuan Ling looks like this, but how could it appear so easily, and there will be so many. The most I know of before is dozens of pieces. It's really strange!" Ji Changyu's face was full of dissatisfaction. Solution.

"It's strange, but it is an indisputable fact that the Xuanyuan Order appeared." Xue Ningshuang also said.

When the few people hesitated for a moment, many people in the rivers and lakes had already jumped up and grabbed a token from the air.After those people grasped the token in their palms, their faces were overjoyed.

Seeing this appearance, Duan Rufeng hurriedly said: "Hurry up, everyone!"

Several people glanced at Shi Tianlang on the opposite side, only to see that he was also looking up at the sky with some doubts.So taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Guan Moya and the others avoided Shi Tianlang a little, jumped up, and received a 'Xuanyuan Token' each!
"My God, this~~ can actually help people comprehend the way to control the spiritual power of the world!" Duan Rufeng exclaimed.The moment he got the 'Xuanyuan Token', a mental method appeared in his mind, and this mental method can help people comprehend and control the spiritual power of heaven and earth.No wonder Ji Changyu said before that as long as he gets the 'Xuanyuan Token', he can break through to the heavenly level within a year.Now it seems that this statement is true!
Apart from Duan Rufeng, Wan Liuqing and Lu Zongli were also extremely surprised.But Xue Ningshuang, Huang Qiyan and Ji Changyu were not so surprised, after all, they knew the mystery.

Although Guan Moya was surprised, he was not that excited.After all, if I don't rely on this mental method, I can control the spiritual power of heaven and earth by relying on "Reversing the Universe".However, getting this 'Xuanyuan Token' also greatly increased his strength. Others can break through to the sky level within a year, let alone him, a top-level master of the earth level.

Duan Rufeng looked up, there were still many tokens floating in the air, so he jumped again and rushed into the air.

Seeing Duan Rufeng's actions, Ji Changyu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "Brother Duan, stop!"

As soon as Ji Changyu finished speaking, several screams came from the hall.These screams also made Duan Rufeng stop his figure, and fell back to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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