Wu Sheng family

Chapter 162 Her Royal Highness the Princess

Chapter 162 Her Royal Highness the Princess
In a secluded garden, a woman shuttled through it, but behind her was an old man.

When the two came to a pavilion, the old man stopped, while the woman in front just slowed down and walked towards the pavilion.

In the pavilion, a graceful figure is facing away from the two of them, staring at the fish in the pond.

"Your Highness, Master Tong, please see me!" the woman walked behind the figure and called softly.

The woman called the princess threw all the bait in her hand into the pond, causing the carps in the water to compete for it.The princess turned around and nodded slightly to the old man in the distance.The arrival of the two of them couldn't be hidden from her, but she didn't know what was coming to her.

"Veteran Tong Yiqian has seen Her Highness the Princess!" Tong Yiqian quickly walked up to the Princess and saluted.

The appearance of Tong Yiqian in front of him is not what Guan Moya and the others saw. Now he is not a boy, but an old man, but his eyes are shining, no one dares to underestimate him.This is the real image of Tong Yiqian, and the current Tong Yiqian is also his real image, not a clone.There is a reason for the avatar to change the image, anyway, people who have reached their level can change no matter what they look like.

"I heard that you have something important to do, why come to me when you have time? What's the matter?" the princess asked lightly.

"Your Majesty's matter, the old minister naturally dare not neglect, and now fortunately it has been settled." Tong Yiqian replied.

"Then congratulations, Mr. Tong!" The princess still said lightly and without the slightest emotion.

"Your Highness has won the award, it's just that the old minister has something to report to His Highness, but~~" Having said this, Tong Yiqian didn't know how to speak.

The princess glanced at Tong Yiqian and said, "Just tell me if you have anything to say, does this palace still care about any bad news?"

Hearing the resentment in the princess's mouth, Tong Yiqian could only sigh in his heart, after all, he couldn't intervene in this matter, it was His Majesty's family affair, and he could do nothing about it.He had watched Her Highness the Princess grow up, and now that Her Highness has become so indifferent, he still felt a dull pain in his heart.

Thinking of this, Tong Yiqian couldn't help saying: "Your Highness, you still have to be mentally prepared for this, really!"

"Hmph! Tell me!" the princess snorted coldly.

Tong Yiqian took a deep breath and said, "Guan Moya, it's gone!"

As soon as Tong Yiqian's words came out, the princess's expressionless face suddenly fluctuated, and she couldn't help asking hastily, "Mo Ya? What do you mean?"

"Your Highness, your condolences!" Tong Yiqian sighed.

Hearing this, the princess shook her body a few times. Although Tong Yiqian didn't say it clearly, anyone could understand the meaning of the words.The woman next to her hurriedly supported her, and asked, "Princess, don't worry! Mrs. Tong, you can't talk nonsense. Is there any basis for what you said?" The last words were for Tong Yiqian.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Although Tong Yiqian didn't want to hit the princess, facts are facts, and he will know sooner or later.

"Impossible~~no~~ Mo Ya will be fine, how is this possible?" the princess murmured uncontrollably.

"Princess?" The woman next to her couldn't help asking worriedly.

The princess waved her hand, pushed away the maid's support, collected herself, and said, "I can believe anything you say, but I absolutely don't believe this!"

"Your Highness, the old minister knows that this matter is difficult for you to accept, but all the old officials at that time saw it clearly, even Shi Tianlang's avatar was buried in it! After all, this is forbidden in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and His Royal Highness should know about this power." Yes, with Guan Moya's strength at the peak of the prefecture level, there is no chance of surviving!" Tong Yiqian said.

"Let's not mention this, you believe it, I will never believe it. You said Shi Tianlang just now, could it be he did it?" The princess asked coldly.

"That's not true! But this matter has something to do with Shi Tianlang, and I blame the old minister for being useless. Shi Tianlang made a move and missed a good chance to rescue him!" Tong Yiqian said.

Therefore, Tong Yiqian told the princess about everything that happened in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. When he finished speaking, the princess raised her eyebrows and slammed her jade hands on the round jade table beside her.

I saw that the jade round table turned into flying ash the moment it was touched by the hand, maybe I sensed the movement here, and there was the noise of the guards in the distance, and they rushed towards this side one after another.

"Get out!" But the princess raised her brows and shouted lightly. The guards over there hurriedly ran back, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. They knew that the princess was not angry. Bad luck.To say that the former princess was definitely not such a person. At that time, Her Royal Highness was very close to the people in the palace, no matter how humble her status was.

Sensing the growing aura of His Highness the Princess, Tong Yiqian secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in his heart: "His Royal Highness's skill has grown again. These years, His Highness's strength has changed every month, oh no, every day. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be His Highness's opponent in the near future. Sigh~~~ If that person is still there, maybe it might not be a good thing for the two of you to be together, but Your Majesty~~~It's too late~~"

"That old man Shi Tianlang, I will take his life sooner or later! Blood Demon Realm~~~" the princess said coldly.

"Your Highness, you also know that since the Nether Emperor opened the 'Eighteen Hells of the Underworld', the strength of the Nether Realm has surpassed us by a lot. The Blood Demon Realm is consistent with us on this point, but I heard that in recent years, In order to improve his skill, the Blood Demon Emperor sent people everywhere to seek the divine fire. Although this time the veteran prevented Shi Tianlang from taking the divine fire in the martial world, the Blood Demon Emperor still obtained a lot of divine fire from other places, and his skill improved day by day. Underneath, our Asura Domain is far behind. If we had obtained the 'Sura Tiangang Wheel' back then, maybe the situation would have been different. It's a pity~~~ Right now, the situation in our Asura Domain is not optimistic. No one dares to say that His Majesty said it face to face, but the old minister also knows His Majesty's worries. Your Highness, if possible, the old minister would like to advise you, the matter is over, please forgive Your Majesty, and now His Majesty needs your comfort and support, don't stop It made him sad, not only for His Majesty, but also for our Asura Region!" Tong Yiqian said.

"Needless to say, what does the Asura Domain have to do with me? None of you can stop what I want to do. Well, you all step back! I want to be alone!"

Tong Yiqian sighed and retreated with the maid.

Seeing the two retreating, the princess smiled coldly and said, "What will happen to Mo Ya? It's funny, with seniors around, who can hurt him? It's Shi Tianlang, with new and old grudges, I will find you sooner or later Recovered, Blood Demon Realm, Nether Realm, Wanhua Palace, and~~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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