Wu Sheng family

Chapter 165 Ask

Chapter 165 Ask
At that time, I also knew that Guan Mingxuan must have something important to do, but I didn't know it, but from his tone, I also knew that he had to go.

"My lord, where are you going? How long will it take?"

"You don't have to ask so many questions!" Guan Mingxuan said, then took out a folded letter paper from his arms, put it on the desk and said, "I have written a lot of things here, and you can write them down after I leave." Look, remember, when Mo Ya has enough strength, you can talk to him about the paper. It's not good to know too early!"

"My lord, now that you are gone, what will the Guan family do, old slave~~ old slave is afraid~~"

"Don't worry about these things, you'll understand after reading the piece of paper I left you!" After speaking, Guan Mingxuan stood up from his chair.

Seeing Guan Mingxuan stand up, he also stood up immediately.

But when Guan Mingxuan walked to his side, he frowned slightly, and said, "Uncle Fu, stretch out your hand!"

So without hesitation, he stretched out his right hand according to his words.Guan Mingxuan held his right hand, and his momentum disappeared in a flash.

When Guan Mingxuan withdrew his hand and shouted a few times, he came back to his senses: "My lord, this~~"

"This is also just in case!" Guan Mingxuan said, "Okay, I'm leaving!"

After finishing speaking, the door of the study room opened wide, and he was about to say something, only to realize that Guan Mingxuan had long since disappeared.I had no choice but to shake my head helplessly, walked to the desk and picked up the piece of paper that Guan Mingxuan left behind.

After spreading it out, I took a closer look, and as my eyes continued to look down, I became more and more surprised.

"Huh~~" He exhaled heavily, then carefully folded the paper in his hand again, and put it in his arms.

Fu Bo told Guan Peiao all the memories, and then continued: "Later, I didn't understand what the second young master said until Mo Ya knew martial arts. At that time, the second young master should have discovered that Mo Ya knew martial arts. In fact, he made up his mind to leave. Mo Ya's martial arts qualifications are absolutely incomparable. According to the instructions left by the second young master on the paper, he will tell him some secrets of the Guan family after he has heaven-level strength, including The relationship between the Kong family and Kunlun. Over the years, when I saw Mo Ya worried about the safety of the Guan family, the old slave wanted to tell him this so that he would not have to worry about it. What is the Zhu family? But the old slave can’t say, I can only hold it in my heart!"

"Xuan'er is right, it's not good to tell Mo Ya too early. Without this pressure, how could Mo Ya's martial arts improve so quickly?" Guan Peiao comforted Uncle Fu by patting him on the shoulder.

"Okay, you did the right thing, you don't need to blame yourself!" Guan Peiao continued, and then his face became extremely serious, and he said, "Ah Fu, you must explain something clearly to me !"

"Master, just ask if you have anything!" Fu Bo said.

"Back then Xuan'er broke the engagement and took her for someone else, who exactly was it?" Guan Peiao asked.

"This~~ this, master, this old slave doesn't know too much, the old slave just heard the second young master call my mother 'Yan'er', and I don't know anything else. But my master, my mother is definitely a virtuous and virtuous woman, This old slave promises!" Fu Bo hurriedly said.

"You don't need to be nervous, I just want to know who my daughter-in-law is and where is her mother's family? So, now there is no shortage of this person at all?" Guan Peiao asked.

"Your Majesty disappeared two years after giving birth to Mo Ya. The second young master said that it was because your natal family did not agree with the marriage, so in order to avoid embarrassment for both parties, your Majesty chose to go back to her natal family. As for where her natal family is, I don't know Got it!" Faber replied.

"Okay, let's ignore my daughter-in-law, and what about Mo Ya, was he born in the palace? Who delivered the baby?" Guan Peiao asked.

"That's not true, master. At that time, the second young master and the empress had been away for more than a year, and Mo Ya was already born when they came back!" Uncle Fu said.


"How could this old slave remember wrongly!"

Guan Peiao rested his hands on his forehead, and Fu Bo was a little puzzled by Guan Peiao's question, but it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions, so he stood quietly without making a sound.

After half a quarter of an hour, Guan Peiao raised his head and said to Uncle Fu: "You go down first, I will be alone later, call me during dinner, remember to call my granddaughter-in-law, I haven't met yet ?”

"Yes, sir!"

After Uncle Fu left, Guan Peiao stood up from the chair, paced up and down in the study, shaking his head for a while, sighing for a while.

"Xuan'er, your affairs are messed up!" Guan Peiao sighed inwardly.

Du Xuanyin followed the maid all the way to Meng Yunxi's residence, because she got Uncle Fu's order, the maid also knew that the woman behind her who looked not much older than herself was actually her old lady, so she didn't dare to neglect her at all. , carefully, for fear of offending the old lady, after all, I still don't know the old lady's temper.

Meng Yunxi and the baby fought in the yard for a while, then straightened the baby's clothes, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll stop playing here today, and it's time for dinner later!"

The baby's expression was still unfinished, but it was getting late, so she jumped onto a stone table, and then kept jumping her feet on it, shouting: "Mother~~Mother~~ hug, baby, please hug~~~”

Meng Yunxi has long been accustomed to the baby's behavior, after all, the baby's origin is not simple.

"And you, you're really naughty. You run faster than anyone else, and you still want to hug him forever!" Meng Yunxi approached the baby and scratched the baby's small nose with her fingers.

When Meng Yunxi approached, the baby wrapped his arms around Meng Yunxi's neck, and then hung himself on her chest.I only heard the baby's crisp laughter: "The baby needs to be hugged by mother, and needs to be hugged!"

Meng Yunxi supported the baby hanging around her neck with both hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, mother will hold the baby! Now, shall we go to eat?"

"Okay, let's eat, my baby wants to eat fish today, and I want a whole fish!" the baby shouted.

"Everything is up to you, okay?" Meng Yunxi said.

"Mom is the best!" The baby kept rubbing his small cheeks against Meng Yunxi's.

Not long after Meng Yunxi left the residence with the baby in her arms, she only heard the baby say: "Mom, a woman I don't know is coming to our side!"

"Don't know?" Meng Yunxi's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be an assassin who sneaked into the palace?"

"Mother, it's not what you think, it seems to be a guest!" The baby said with his small head next to Meng Yunxi's ear.

"It seems that mother's thoughts can't be hidden from you, a little naughty!" Meng Yunxi said.

"No way, mother has a lot of thoughts and the baby can't figure it out. Is it obvious that father bullied mother? Mother seems to be very happy, hum~~~" The baby curled his lips and said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Meng Yunxi blushed slightly, and said, patting the baby's little butt lightly with her hand.

"If you don't say it, don't say it!" The baby said a little aggrieved.

When Meng Yunxi saw the baby throwing a tantrum, she just smiled and ignored her.

Sure enough, she didn't take a few steps, two people appeared around the corner, one was a maid from the mansion, and the other, Meng Yunxi looked at her, was an extraordinary woman, definitely not an ordinary woman.

(End of this chapter)

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