Wu Sheng family

Chapter 168 The belated wedding room flower candle night

Chapter 168 The belated wedding room flower candle night
That night, Guan Peiao went back to his room early.

But when he was lying on the bed, he was still a little hesitant, just when he was struggling a little, there were a few soft knocks on the door.

With Guan Peiao's skill, he could tell who was outside the door even with his eyes closed.He took a deep breath, then got up from the bed, put on a coat, and shouted to the door: "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and a red figure came in from outside the house. This person was Du Xuanyin.

Du Xuanyin's hair was still a little wet at this time, and she was only wearing a thin pink dress.After all, this is the residence of the Wangfu's family, ordinary servants are not allowed to enter casually, and Du Xuanyin's current clothes are not afraid of being seen.But even if you see it, it's nothing, it's just that the clothes are thinner.

"You~~ What's the matter with you!" Guan Peiao didn't know how to speak, and felt as if he had said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, when Du Xuanyin heard this, her body trembled, her blushing face turned pale, and her eyes showed some sadness.

"Xiaoyin~~no~~no~~" Guan Peiao said in a hurry.

"You haven't accepted me deep down in your heart, have you?" When Du Xuanyin asked this, her voice trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes.Thinking of these days, although he was with Guan Peiao, Guan Peiao also cared about him.However, Du Xuanyin could see that Guan Peiao still deliberately kept a distance from her.Even though he said at the time that he wanted to take care of himself, in Du Xuanyin's heart, what she wanted was not this kind of care, but~~~
"No~~~" Guan Peiao glanced at the open door, closed the door with a wave of his hand, then hurriedly walked to Du Xuanyin's side, and pulled her to the table in the room.

Seeing that Guan Peiao closed the door and held her little hand again, Du Xuanyin's heart felt a little weak, and a faint blush appeared on her face again.

Seeing Du Xuanyin staring at him affectionately, Guan Peiao didn't know where to put his gaze, he coughed lightly and said, "Xiaoyin, sit down first, and listen to me, okay?"

Du Xuanyin blushed and nodded, then sat on the stool by the table.When she sat down, seeing Guan Peiao was still standing beside her, she couldn't help gently pulling Guan Peiao's hand, and Guan Peiao followed her will and sat on the stool next to her.

"I, Guan Peiao, am sorry for two people in this life. One is Xuan'er's mother. You know the details. She treats me sincerely, but I~~"

"No, Ao, sister Kong is also happy, you don't need to blame yourself!" Du Xuanyin said hastily.

"The other person is you. For so many years, you have been alone for me. Guan Peiao will never repay this love in this life!" Guan Peiao said.

"They didn't tell you to pay it back!" Du Xuanyin murmured with her head down.

Although Du Xuanyin's words were light, Guan Peiao still heard it, and couldn't help but hold Du Xuanyin's hands tightly and said: "Xiaoyin, you also know that I am stupid and don't know how to say things to please women. I know what I said just now hurt you. But I didn't mean that, really!"

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyin is thinking too much, Ao, I don't care if you are stupid or not, as long as you are by my side, Xiaoyin will have no regrets in this life!" Du Xuanyin stood up a little excitedly, and hugged Guan Peiao tightly in arms.

But she looked, and now she stood up, but Guan Peiao was still sitting on the stool. When she hugged Guan Peiao tightly, Guan Peiao's entire face was buried in Du Xuanyin's chest.

Feeling a little hot in her chest, Du Xuanyin realized that her face was no longer flushed, it was so red that blood dripped out.

Although Du Xuanyin was exhausted, her face was full of satisfaction.Lying on Guan Peiao's chest, he continued to be tender.

Guan Peiao gently kissed Du Xuanyin's forehead, and said, "Ma'am, I might be sorry for you for something!"

"No matter what, I don't care!" Du Xuanyin said affectionately.

"Ma'am, I don't want to have any more children, okay? I know it's unfair to you, but~~" Guan Peiao felt a bit hard to continue.

"No~~ The master accepts the concubine. The concubine is already satisfied and doesn't want to think about anything else. Besides, the master's son is the concubine's son, and the master's grandson is the concubine's grandson." Du Xuanyin said.In fact, Du Xuanyin certainly knew Guan Peiao's worries. If the two had children, the seniority would be very high.And now Guan Mingxuan has a son, and his son Guan Moya is married. Although there are many grandsons who are older than their sons in this world, it's not like Guan Peiao doesn't want this to happen.

"Thank you!" For Du Xuanyin's understanding, Guan Peiao can only thank her from the heart, and take care of her in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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