Wu Sheng family

Chapter 178 Lu Zongli's Change

Chapter 178 Lu Zongli's Change
"Yo~~ The Guan family has backbone, even such a small doll is not simple, it's amazing, it's amazing!" Hua Nujiao laughed.

'Crack~~~' All of a sudden, there was a crisp sound, followed by an angry roar: "You~~I'm going to tear you into pieces~~"

Hua Nujiao covered the left side of her face with her hand and roared, but standing three feet away in front of her was the baby.

Meng Yunxi was still unable to hug the baby in the end. In fact, to the baby, she really wanted to leave, how could Meng Yunxi stop it.

The anger in Hua Nujiao's chest was ignited, and she was slapped by a little doll here, which was a great shame in her life.

"Grandma who should hurt the baby, you are so brave!" The baby said to Hua Nujiao with his hands on his hips.

The baby's words made Hua Nu furious, her figure flashed, and she didn't care about bullying the small, now she just wanted to tear the damn baby in front of her into pieces.

'Papapa~~' Du Xuanyin and Meng Yunxi raised their hearts to their throats, but to their surprise, the baby easily avoided Hua Nujiao's attack, and instead quickly slapped Hua Nujiao three times .

At this time, Hua Nujiao's face turned blue, and the left and right cheeks had scratches from the baby's five fingers, which were so dazzling.Hua Nujiao stopped, her face became abnormally calm, but everyone could see the murderous intent in her eyes.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are obviously not a child. The Guan family is really talented, so I still underestimate you!" Hua Nujiao said coldly.

The crowd didn't know what she was going to do, they saw Hua Nujiao took a deep breath, then gave a soft drink, and swung her sleeves into the air, immediately flying flowers fell from the sky.

It is common for rain and snow to fall in the sky, but such a strange thing has also appeared when there are flowers.With a cold smile on Hua Nujiao's face, her hands formed seals, and the flying flowers all over the sky suddenly swirled, and gradually one after another figures appeared in the sea of ​​flowers all over the sky.

But these figures were exactly the same as Hua Nujiao, they surrounded the baby in the middle densely.

"Clone!" Du Xuanyin exclaimed, with her strength, of course she knew about clones, but she still couldn't believe that there were so many clones.

"In my 'Ecstasy Mirror', no one has been able to escape unscathed!" Hua Nujiao said proudly.However, she was extremely afraid of the baby in front of her. The speed of this little doll was so fast that she couldn't even keep up with her.In the face of this little girl, he actually resorted to his unique skills, which was something that he never thought of.

Looking at so many hateful old hags, the baby suddenly felt a little dizzy.And when she was in a trance, those transformed clones rushed towards the baby one after another.Although the baby tried his best to dodge, he still suffered a lot of heavy blows.

"Baby~~~Come back soon~~" Seeing the baby, Meng Yunxi's face turned pale, and she could only shout hoarsely.

Of course, the movement in the backyard cannot escape the consciousness of Guan Peiao and the others in front.

Seeing Guan Peiao whose face changed drastically, Elder You couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect that even Hua Nujiao from Wanhua Palace came here, Guan Peiao, your Guan family is facing a catastrophe today!"

Guan Peiao looked at the backyard with an abnormally flustered expression. He could feel Hua Nujiao's aura. With Du Xuanyin's skill, he was hitting a stone with an egg.My own side was barely resisting, I didn't expect that there would be another master of the opponent in the backyard, and I would be held back by this elder You again, so I was really at a loss.

Looking down, Song Zhuangyou has a bit of the upper hand against Lu Luyin. After all, the "Jade Emperor Sword" in his hand is a magic weapon. In comparison, the sword in Lu Luyin's hand can also be called a peerless sword, but in the "Jade Emperor Sword" 'The front is still a little worse.However, although Lu Luyin was at a disadvantage, it was not easy for Song Zhuangyou to defeat him.

Compared to Song Zhuangyou and Lu Luyin who were inseparable from each other, Pang Tongxun and Hong Shiba, Yan Chonggong and Fu Bo, the situation of these two teams is exactly the same, that is, they are completely one-sided.Hong Shiba and Fu Bo are not the opponents of Pang Tongxun and Yan Chonggong. They can only parry and have no spare power to fight back.

Similarly, the situation on Ji Changyu's side is also extremely intense.Pang Wujiu challenged Ji Changyu. Although he wanted to prove himself, Ji Changyu was the most outstanding disciple of Kunlun's generation after all. He could not get any favors at all and was completely suppressed by Ji Changyu.As for Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan, they lost to Lu Zongyan and Yan Konggu, especially Xue Ningshuang. Her opponent was Lu Zongyan, who was the strongest among the other three.

However, Wan Liuqing, Duan Rufeng and Lv Zongli's senior brothers were evenly matched, and there was a faint tendency to suppress the opponent, after all, there were only three opponents.

"Senior brother, be careful!"

Hearing the shout of his junior brother, Lu Zongli was startled. He felt the danger coming from behind, and now it was too late to dodge, so he instinctively raised his left hand to block.

I saw Lu Zongyan hit Lu Zongli's arm with a palm, an astonishing domineering aura erupted from his palm, and the violent internal force crazily invaded the meridians of Lu Zongli's arm.

"Ah~~" The sharp pain in his arm almost made Lu Zongli faint.Lu Zongli has also experienced these pains from the invasion of internal force and damage to the meridians, and such pain is not so unbearable for Lu Zongli.

But this burst of unbearable pain came from the mark that he had been burning like fire since just now, the red Fang Tian painted halberd mark.

Under the clothes, no one could see that when Lu Zongyan's internal energy invaded Lu Zongli's arm, a part of the internal energy rushed into the mark, and the mark turned red.Of course, it was also accompanied by the severe pain Lu Zongli felt.

Lu Zongli's cries of pain became louder and louder. At this moment, Lu Zongyan's body quickly moved a few feet to the side. Because the rescuers had already arrived, he had no choice but to let go of Lu Zongli.

Although he let go of Lu Zongli, Lu Zongli's body was still trembling, and the cry of pain in his mouth did not weaken.

Lu Zongli's appearance really puzzled Wan Liuqing and others, even Lu Zongyan was stunned for a moment.At least judging from Lu Zongli's previous skills, the invasion of his own internal power wouldn't cause him such pain!

"It's so hot~~It hurts~~" Lu Zongli desperately tore at his left arm with his right hand. When he tore the sleeve of his left arm, what caught everyone's eyes was a shining red awn.

"what is this?"

"Brother? What happened to your arm~~"


Faced with the vision of Lu Zongli's arm, several people were stunned.And Lu Zongyan frowned, and then his face changed.

Lu Zongli only felt that he was going crazy. First, the pain that he couldn't bear, and then a huge internal force rushed into his dantian from his left arm. At the same time, a phenomenon appeared in his mind A formula.

Looking at the red aura emerging from Lu Zongli's body, Ji Changyu and the others looked cloudy and uncertain, this aura was too familiar.Pang Wujiu and Yan Konggu's eyes widened even more, looking at Lu Zongli like a ghost.They looked at Lu Zongli and then at Lu Zongyan, only to see that Lu Zongyan's face was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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