Wu Sheng family

Chapter 194

Chapter 194
"Is anyone there?" Guan Moya had no choice but to call out.

This hopeless cry brought surprise to Guan Moya, only a voice said: "What's the matter?"

When Guan Moya came back to his senses, he realized that a woman appeared in front of him. This woman was about thirty years old, but Guan Moya didn't dare to really think so.

"Others are racing against time to go in and practice, why are you lingering here?" the woman asked.

"Senior, this junior really didn't find the sword technique that I want to practice!" Guan Moya said.

"Didn't find it? You are the first time to come in. You are the first one to come in with such low strength. What kind of sword technique, I am the guardian of the 'Sword God Realm', tell me, and you will take you there!" The woman was a little curious He sized Guan Moya carefully and said.

"Thank you, senior. The sword technique I was looking for was 'Seven God Burial Swords'. But I searched here, but I didn't see this word. I~~~" Guan Moya replied, and finally, Guan Moya Ya's voice gradually became quieter, because he noticed that the face of the senior guardian in front of him changed slightly.

"Oh? You actually want to learn the 'Seven God Burial Swords'?" asked the guardian.

"Senior, is there anything wrong?" Guan Moya asked carefully.

The woman smiled slightly, shook her head and said: "That's not true. You must have heard that no one has understood and practiced the 'Seven God Burying Swords', so you came here to try it? Although it has been so many years, no one can It was successful, but the people who came here have all been there once, and they all thought they were an exception, but unfortunately they all failed in the end. You think so too, right?"

Guan Moya was startled, and only then did he understand why Butler Liu's face changed after hearing this saber technique.Guan Moya was still very proud, but he didn't dare to think that his comprehension ability was better than the people here. You must know that all the people here are masters above the god level, who is not a person with extreme talent.With so many people, no one has been able to comprehend and learn. Could it be that he can do it by himself? Guan Moya is not that confident.

"There is no need to explain, in fact, this is also human nature, but it may not be impossible to try. If you don't try, how will you know if you will succeed?" The woman laughed, "Follow me!"

Regarding the woman's misunderstanding, Guan Moya didn't need to explain, but followed the woman silently, turned around and walked to the other end.

After walking ten feet, the woman waved her hand forward, and immediately another stone wall appeared in front of Guan Moya.Guan Moya looked at the stone wall made of the same material, but the stone wall here is much smaller. Although it is still towering into the sky, it is at least a few tens of feet horizontally, and there are two caves on this stone wall.

One of them is the sword technique that Guan Moya wanted, 'Seven God Burial Swords', but the words 'Seven God Burial Swords' are inscribed on the top of the cave, and there is nothing special about it.But the words on the cave next to it are different. I can see that the words 'Nine Swords of Transformation' engraved on the side are exuding this dark and frightening light and breath, which is a kind of magic power.Guan Moya didn't notice anything at first, but after staring at it for a while, he found that his mind didn't seem to be his own anymore, and he was a little bit flustered, as if his soul had left his body.

"Wake up!" Suddenly a loud shout sounded in Guan Moya's heart, Guan Moya's mind was shaken, and his body trembled before he came back to his senses.Only then did Guan Moya realize that his clothes were drenched in cold sweat. He absolutely believed that if there were no shouts from the guardians, he would have been in trouble.

"This is?" Guan Moya didn't dare to look at the words 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' any more, but pointed and asked.

"These 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' and 'Seven Swords of Burying God' are two shocking sword techniques paralleled by the 'Sword God Realm'." The woman said.

Guan Moya breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it's no wonder he is so powerful, these four words alone almost knocked him out of his wits.

"Hundreds of years ago, no one could practice these two great saber techniques, but they never expected~~~"

Guan Moya was startled again, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, has anyone practiced? Didn't it mean that no one has practiced?"

"Naturally no one has practiced the 'Seven God Burial Swords', but they didn't say that no one has practiced the 'Nine Demonic Swords', right?" Knowing Guan Moya's thoughts, the woman explained with a smile.

"Don't be surprised, this 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' and 'Seven Swords of Burying God' have been here for countless years. When everyone was about to give up, they didn't expect that one person could practice the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' more than a hundred years ago." "Sword", although it is known from the master that he has not fully comprehended it in a hundred years, but it is enough to make his strength rise sharply. There was also a trace of horror and awe on the face of the interviewer.

"Could it be that seniors can't deal with it?" Although Guan Moya didn't know the strength of the guardian in front of him, he couldn't compare with him.Although the aura on the guardian was very ordinary, he always felt that the aura on her body seemed to be similar to that of the butler, and this might be the same with her strength.This is of course what Guan Moya felt in his heart, he couldn't find anything else.

"Of course not. Although I don't know how much higher than that person in terms of realm, there is only a dead end in the face of the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' used by him. However, this 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' belongs to the magic knife after all. If If you don't have enough skill to force it, it will cause a lot of backlash against the person who cast it." The woman said, "So, you don't have to take my previous words to heart, after all, the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' has set a precedent, so, You may also comprehend the "Seven Gods of Burial"! At that time, the four characters of "Seven Swords of Burial" will also emit light. This is unique. As long as one person practices it, there will be no second person to practice it again. possible!"

"No one can practice the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons'?" Guan Moya was taken aback. In his mind, although it was said that no one could practice the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' at the beginning, some people have already succeeded. That means there is no problem with this saber technique, so there should be quite a few people who come to practice this saber technique, but after such a discussion, it seems to be impossible.

"Of course no one can practice it anymore. The master once said that the power of these two sword techniques is beyond what this world can accommodate. One of them is already against the sky. Of course there will be no second one. Unless you learn the sword technique now This way, other people will have a chance." The woman said.

"Then this 'Seven God Burial Swords'?"

"Naturally, the same is true. As long as you learn it, even if you only comprehend it, no one will be able to practice it, except you." The woman laughed.

"Senior was joking, but this junior is delusional!" Guan Moya said.

(End of this chapter)

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