Wu Sheng family

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

"Bang~~" Guan Moya smashed the knife light that was slashing at him with a fist, and then rolled away, avoiding countless knife forces.

"It's amazing!" Although Guan Moya's fist had condensed internal force, the blow just now exhausted the internal force in his fist, and his fist was numb from the shock.

However, after this pass, Mo Ya understood somewhat in his heart. Although many of these saber strengths were beyond his ability to handle, there were also some of them that he could barely handle.Although this place is full of murderous intentions, it is also a very good place for cultivation.Of course, Guan Moya has not yet discovered the so-called "Seven God Burying Swords" sword technique.

Guan Moya was a little puzzled, could this be a test?Only through here can you get the sword technique?
After thinking about it for a while, Guan Moya couldn't think of a reason, but he had no choice. Since the 'Seven God Burying Swords' were called 'Forbidden Swords', and no one had been able to practice them for so many years, there was naturally one of them. the mystery.So if the difficulty in front of him can't be overcome by himself, then let alone the "Seven God Burying Swords".

Guan Moya clawed towards a knife stuck in the ground beside him, but it was beyond his expectation.Originally, Guan Moya thought that he would be able to hold the knife in his hand, but the knife did not move at all.

Slightly avoiding the saber force in the air, Guan Moya dodged, came to the saber, and reached out to hold the handle.

"En?" Guan Moya was surprised to find that he couldn't pull out the knife all at once.

"It's so heavy!" Guan Moya finally exerted his inner strength, and then pulled the knife out of the ground, "No wonder I can't absorb this knife at once, this knife is at least a thousand catties, even if I try my best now With all your strength, you can barely swing it."

Guan Moya didn't know what material this knife was made of, but the weight was extremely unusual, and the knife exuded a powerful aura.

"Sure enough, it's a precious sword, or a magic sword." Guan Moya thought, "Then come on!"

With a jump, Guan Moya immediately rushed into the air where the blade energy was shooting out. The blade energy in the air must have no rules at all. You don't know where the blade energy comes from, and you don't even know when it will appear.

However, Guan Moya feels good. Although in such a situation, if he is not careful, he will be dismembered, but in such an environment, Guan Moya feels a kind of passion, a feeling of challenge and conquest .And all of this allows him to concentrate on facing the crisis at hand.

'Qinglong Zhan~~~' The magic knife in his hand shot out all over the place, and the knife energy from the Qinglong Zhan immediately swept away the surrounding knife energy, but immediately countless knife energy reappeared.

Repeatedly cutting out and appearing repeatedly, the sword strength here is endless, but Guan Moya's skill is being consumed little by little.Although Reversing the Universe is running crazily, even in this place where the aura is thin, it can quickly replenish the consumption, but it still cannot make up for the speed of skill consumption.After all, the aura here is too scarce, even if you want to absorb the aura and transform it, it is dozens or even a hundred times more difficult than usual.

'Huhhu~~' Guan Moya retreated back to the light wall panting heavily, and Guan Moya's energy was exhausted in just a quarter of an hour. He felt that he was not as tired as he was now after several days and nights of high-intensity practice. .

"It can't be done, it consumes too much mind!" Guan Moya was shocked, but he also understood that it was because he was too crazy to perform the reversal of the universe just now. The crazy performance allowed him to maintain his peak power, but it made him unbearable.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Guan Moya finally recovered a bit, and then stepped out again without hesitation.

"This hasn't reached my limit yet!" Guan Moya tightly shook the magic knife in his hand, and then felt the strength of the knife around him rushing towards him.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Guan Moya retreated back to the light wall again. This time, he had a lot of wounds on his body, some of which were even serious. After all, he had consumed a lot of energy just now, and it was impossible to maintain his peak strength.

"I really didn't expect to go out to recuperate in such a short quarter of an hour." Although Guan Moya was very unwilling in his heart, he was almost exhausted now, and he could no longer face the overwhelming sword power in front of him in a short time .He won't try to be brave, after all, if he doesn't make up his mind, his life will be in danger.Although he wanted to cherish every minute, his injured body was already unable to fight anymore.

Guan Moya dragged his seriously injured body back to his room, but at this time Guan Moya turned his head and saw a figure descending from the sky, just landing beside Guan Moya.

The man was taken aback when he saw Guan Moya's appearance, and then said with a smile: "Then you are the one who practiced the 'Seven God Burying Swords'?"

"That's right, you live here too?" Guan Moya replied, he could see that the man in front of him was also seriously injured, but he couldn't see through his strength, but judging by his appearance, the knife he chose The technique is probably also unusual. Guan Moya knows a little bit, that is, the more powerful the sword technique he chooses, the stronger the damage he will suffer.

"I didn't expect that we are still neighbors. Let me give you a piece of advice. You should choose other sword techniques. Your strength is too weak!!" After speaking, the man pushed his room away and walked in.

Guan Moya thanked him, and then said: "I don't want to give up yet!"

Guan Moya didn't know if he heard it, but he definitely insisted.Of course, Guan Moya also knew that the other party had good intentions. After all, no one had practiced this saber technique for so many years. Although everyone would try it for the first time, it turned out to be a waste of time in the end. Just one time was an exception.

After returning to his room, Guan Moya immediately felt extremely refreshed. After all, there is a gathering spirit array here.Without any hesitation, Guan Moya sat cross-legged and began to heal his injuries.As soon as Reversing the Universe was performed, countless auras from around immediately poured into Guan Moya's body. The aura surged, and ripples appeared in the air, which was the characteristic of the materialization of auras.Guan Moya closed his eyes. Although he didn't see this scene with his own eyes, the aura rushing into his body still made him feel the majesty and abundance of aura. Practicing and healing in such a bad environment, the effect had to be impossible. Words.

A day later, Guan Moya opened his eyes and exhaled, then stood up, moved his body, and sighed: "It's incredible, the injury has basically recovered."

Now that he had recovered from his injuries, Guan Moya entered the 'Seven God Burying Swords' cave again.But this time it lasted about the same time as the first time, and then retreated with the injury, and returned to the residence to continue healing.

In the following days, Guan Moya would heal his injuries, enter the cave, then withdraw from the injury, and then heal his injuries.Of course, with the passage of time, Guan Moya persisted in the cave for longer and longer, and his skills naturally improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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