Chapter 1863 This world is unfair
Xiao Yichen gave Leng Yueyao a grateful look, he never expected that at this critical moment, Leng Yueyao would stand by his side instead of throwing stones at Yueyue.

Xiao Yichen continued: "Right now, medical sages and famous doctors from all over the world are rushing to Qidu. I believe that we will be able to defeat the plague. Regardless of natural or man-made disasters, I will stand with you. So, starting today , I will sit in the hardest-hit area of ​​Qidu, and together with everyone, we will defeat the plague and the epidemic.”

Xiao Yichen's words made everyone excited, and said one after another: "Defeat the plague, defeat the epidemic!"

Seeing this scene, Leng Yueyao frowned slightly, and was very worried in her heart. After all, the plague is merciless. If Xiao Yichen really went to the hardest-hit area, he would be lucky if he was infected with the plague.

Leng Yueyao said: "Your Majesty, you are the backbone of the people, how can you go to the hardest-hit area? If you have any troubles, what do you ask everyone to do?"

Ji Changfeng was just grumpy, but his heart was still good, he was just a little ignorant. Now that he heard Xiao Yichen say that, he respected him more, but he felt great for his efforts to protect that witch, Shui Lingyue. anger.

Ji Changfeng yelled in his broken voice, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is right. You are the emperor and the backbone of all people. This time is not the time to act on your will. What's more, killing a demon girl can solve the problem." Why did the emperor put himself in danger? Is the life of the demon girl more precious than the life of the emperor, and the lives of all the people in the world?"

Xiao Yichen's complexion immediately became gloomy, and he shouted sharply: "Ji Changfeng confuses everyone with his deceitful words, come here, and drag this deceitful person down and put him in the dungeon!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, soldiers came out from left and right, and detained Ji Changfeng.

Ji Changfeng laughed loudly, and said: "I, Ji Changfeng, have made great contributions to Northern Qi all my life. I wholeheartedly serve Northern Qi, the emperor, and the people of the world. Unexpectedly, I end up being deceived by rumors and thrown into prison." The end, hmph, that witch can enjoy peace in the palace, this world is unfair.

Your Majesty, Ji Changfeng's death is not a pity. I only hope that Ji Changfeng's death can make the emperor wake up and realize the danger of the witch, and eradicate the witch for the Northern Qi and the world. Ji Changfeng's death is a worthy death. "

The soldiers were about to bring Ji Changfeng down, but at this moment, many ministers knelt down and pleaded with Xiao Yichen: "Your Majesty, Lord Ji is a hero of the Northern Qi Dynasty, so he cannot be killed!"

In the crowd, someone yelled, "Master Ji begs for the people, please the emperor to eradicate the demon girl and eliminate harm for the people!"

Those ordinary people are all ignorant. The plague was serious and some of their family members were infected with the plague. They had already panicked. Now they heard that it was because of the witch, and for their own safety, they naturally became entangled. Driven by that invisible force, they came to the gate of the palace to petition.

Now that someone shouted this sentence, their fear of the plague was mobilized in their hearts. The fear turned everyone into a devil, and they wanted a weak woman to pay for this natural disaster.

All the people knelt down, followed the voice just now, and shouted loudly: "Master Ji begs for the people, please the emperor to eradicate the demon girl, and eliminate harm for the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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