Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 207 207. Both parties plan

Chapter 207 207. Both parties plan
After Long Fei finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and then his mental power quickly enveloped the entire Scarlet Heaven Sect, deliberately avoiding those elders and suzerains of the Dou Zun level.

A few minutes later, the eyes of the spiritual power locked on a valley of the Scarlet Firmament Sect.

The buildings here are incomparably orderly, and there are some institutional flavors. There are many strange things piled up here. Needless to say, this is definitely the treasure house of the Scarlet Heaven Sect.

Moreover, there is a mysterious force around this treasure house that is always protecting it, which is created by the formation.

Look at this to prevent outsiders from sneaking in.

After finding the treasure house, Long Fei withdrew his mental power.

Seeing him open his eyes, Yao Tianhuo was curious and hurriedly asked: "How, how, did the boss find it?"

"I found it." Long Fei smiled deeply.

Raising his hand, he absorbed a ray of light into Yaotianhuo's mind, and Yaotianhuo digested the information in the ray in the next second.

"So it's here, I didn't expect the treasure house of the Scarlet Heaven Sect to be so well hidden." Yao Tianhuo grinned.

"Now that we know the location of the treasure house, we are not in a hurry to do it. There are still several hours tonight. Let's practice first." Long Fei took a deep breath and said.

Then he took out two red crystals from his hand, these are the flame crystals obtained from the tomb of the Wood Wind Saint.

Long Fei guessed: "If the huge flame energy in this crystal can be completely absorbed and refined, I guess you should be able to upgrade to the seven-star peak Dou Zun."

After all, he has never used it before, and he is not sure, and if this flame crystal is really so powerful, why didn't the wood wind sage absorb it all by himself? In this way, he might be able to get the experience to upgrade from the semi-sacred peak to the first Star Dou Sheng.

Or is this flame crystal only useful for those under the one-star Dou Sheng?

Or it doesn't matter whether it is a saint, a semi-saint or a battle saint, as long as it is in the realm of the holy character, the experiencer will be incomparably huge like an abyss and a huge sea?
"Hey~ There are good things and bad things to come to the original world." Long Fei sighed, feeling secretly in his heart.

If Long Fei didn't mention it, Yaotian Huodou forgot that there was such a treasure, and quickly took one.

"Thank you lord, the energy of the flames here is extremely strong. I am also playing with fire. It is very suitable for me. I hope that after absorbing all of it, I can make a breakthrough in my cultivation." Yao Tianhuo said, and suddenly sighed: " After all, it is not so easy for the level of the Seven Star Dou Zun to continue to rise."

"Give it a try, while there are still several hours before the dinner, as much as you can absorb, go." Long Fei said lightly.

"The old man understands!" After finishing speaking, Yao Tianhuo got up and walked away, found an open space and sat cross-legged in the air.

Started to extract the flame energy in the flame crystal, and as soon as the flame energy came out, Yao Tianhuo's eyes brightened: "This flame energy is too thick! This one is just like this, so how many are my fifty pieces?" energy!"

Then run the exercises to absorb these thick energies into the dantian of the body, followed by refining with eyes closed.

Long Fei didn't talk nonsense, and began to extract the flame energy of the flame crystal, and began to absorb and refine it.

His current cultivation is a five-star peak Dou Zun, he has enough information to absorb the energy of this flame crystal and break through to a six-star Dou Zun, which may be more than enough!

Chi Xiaozong

In the fantasy room
At this moment, there is another person besides him.

This person is Zi Yuetian who is fighting against Yaotian fire.

"The suzerain means to recruit these two people into the sect?" Zi Yuetian stood behind Huantian, stepped forward, and said.

"Just now, my sect and them simply tried it out. These two people are definitely not as simple as they seem." Huantian said lightly with the deep color in his eyes.

After hearing this, Zi Yuetian asked tentatively: "The origin is unknown, the suzerain really doesn't believe that these two people come from a small place in the Eastern Tang Dynasty that has never been heard of, right?"

Huantian snorted coldly, and said: "You really think that this sect looks so stupid, so you can believe it so easily?! This sect never believed it from the beginning to the end, it's just that the saint is pretending!"

After hearing this, Zi Yuetian breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the suzerain was just pretending, that's good, that's good, at first he thought there was something wrong with his suzerain.

Huantian frowned: "It's just who these two people are and where they came from. Unless they really open their mouths, no one will know the origin of these two people. They came too suddenly. Don't come, don't come late, but why did you come when something happened to Fangtian Auction House? Don't you think it's strange?"

Zi Yuetian is not a fool, he immediately understood what Huantian said, and he also had the idea that Huantian had, but he didn't speak up because of the previous situation, and these two people were also the three of Zhu Sui. The one brought back by the guy is even more difficult to tear down.

Zi Yuetian said: "The suzerain suspects that these two people have something to do with what happened at Fangtian Auction House? Or. They did it?"

After hearing this, Huantian waved his hand, turned around, and walked lightly: "It's hard to say, but it doesn't rule out the possibility, but it's a pity that all the people there died, and there is no proof of death, so it's hard to explain."

He continued: "If we forcibly determine that the other party is the murderer, it is nonsense and groundless, and if we really fight with the two, our Scarlet Heaven Sect may not necessarily lose in strength, but we will definitely suffer unprecedented heavy losses. After all, the other party has no Scruples, but we can't, we still have two big scruples of Scarlet Heaven Sect and Fang Tiancheng."

Turning around and looking at it, he said, "Zi Lao, you understand what I mean by now."

"I understand, suzerain." Zi Yuetian nodded.

"Is the suzerain going to turn a blind eye?"

Huantian shook his head: "No, if you really find the evidence, if you really want to be an enemy, then try to cover up the killing intent as much as possible, and kill them with one move when they are not prepared! This is the best choice."

"Did the people you sent find the news?" Huantian looked at Zi Yuetian.

In fact, he was also unwilling to fight against two powerful high-level Dou Zun for that group of ants.

I still hope that the other party can join them, or become friends.

If it really comes to that step, no one wants to.

Zi Yuetian nodded: "I came here this time to repay the suzerain for this matter."

"Say it!" Huantian was a little surprised.

Zi Yuetian said: "Our people found that there seemed to be lives fleeing the scene, and they went to the Xuan family to investigate the life jade of the young lady Xuan Mi and the guard Jin Kun, and the life energy was still there. Existence, and the luster is clear, indicating that these two people are not dead, and the people who fled the scene are probably these two people."

"The person who sent us the message before was also Xuanjia Xuanmi, right?" Huan Tian said.

Zi Yuetian nodded: "Not bad!"


(End of this chapter)

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