Chapter 210 210. Fighting?




"Good wine!"

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo laughed loudly, raised their glasses to face everyone, and said: "Everyone, I have finished my two cups, and there is no ambiguity at all. How can you forgive me for being late?"

Huantian opened his mouth and said consummately: "Everyone, the two of them have punished themselves with a cup to set an example. Let's stop here!"


"Okay, okay, the suzerain actually spoke up, so naturally we won't ask any more questions!"

"Two, please sit down!"

The Hall Master and the others burst into laughter immediately, changing faces faster than women.

"Take your seats quickly, the banquet is getting cold." Huantian said.

"Okay, then we're not going to be polite!"

After finishing speaking, Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo directly sat down on the two empty seats.

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo really didn't regard themselves as outsiders, they sat down and picked up their chopsticks and made a vague sound, and were about to start eating with them.

"Let's eat, let's eat," Huantian said helplessly.

Everyone moved their chopsticks to eat.

While eating, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Suddenly, Huantian looked at Long Fei and Long Fei, stopped the chopsticks in his hands, and asked with a smile: "By the way, how are you two thinking? You said that you will give me an answer to the question of this sect at the banquet. It just so happens that everyone is here, please express your opinion, we will be a family from now on."

There is a needle hidden in the words.

As soon as Long Fei heard it, he could hear the hidden meaning in Huantian's words. He was smiling on the surface, but in fact there was another side in his heart.

Dude, what a time to ask!
Yao Tianhuo looked at Long Fei and said, "This issue is still for him to decide."

After finishing speaking, he continued to lower his head and eat his own food, and let Long Fei take care of his worries.

Everyone looked at Long Fei one after another, and Long Fei immediately fell in love with Alexander.

Long Fei's chopsticks had no choice but to stop at this moment, and swallowed the food he was chewing. He straightened his body, looked upright, closed his eyes, thought deeply for a moment, and when he opened his eyes, a ray of light flashed .

Then he looked at Huantian, smiled slightly and said slowly: "Sect Master Huan, I have been thinking about this question you asked for a long time. I like to be able to save the surprise for the end. Let's finish the banquet first, and everyone will be able to come back later." Happy."

The meal is still to be finished.

After all, the ingredients are so abundant, it would be a pity if the ingredients on this table are gone after everyone is upset and angry!

What Long Fei said surprised everyone. Huantian seemed to understand Long Fei's words, nodded and said: "It is true that we are in a hurry. Anyway, we will be a family sooner or later. There is no rush. Let's finish the banquet first. Let's talk about it later."

Soon, everyone started to move again.

It took half an hour for the banquet to be wiped out.

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo are enjoying themselves.

"Not bad~~ The chef at Master Huan's house is very good, this craftsmanship is really memorable!" Long Fei drank a glass of wine, enjoying it all over his face.

"Hahaha, since both of you are satisfied, that's good!" Huan Tian smiled deeply, looked at Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo, and said, "It's okay that you two like my cooking skills so much. We will be a family from now on. As long as you stay in Akasaka Sect for one day, you will be able to eat such a profound and delicious banquet!"

"What Sect Master Huan said is true! Hey, but it's a pity." Long Fei gritted his teeth, stood up, looked at Huantian and said: "Sect Master Huan, this meal is indeed very good, and at the same time, I would like to thank Sect Master Huan for his kind invitation , we have thought about it carefully, as for joining the Scarlet Heaven Sect to become an elder or elder Keqing, forget it, we still don’t like to be bound by something outside the cup, thank you, Sect Master Huan! "

Saying that, Long Fei cupped his hands towards Huan Tian.

After hearing this, Huantian's complexion immediately changed, he was not as happy as before, his lips moved, a chill flashed in his eyes, and a voice came out of his mouth: "Hehehe, Long Zunyou, you are playing the sect! ! Such a waste of my patience? Do you really stop thinking about it?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the originally peaceful banquet hall changed 360 degrees.

Everyone can feel that the banquet hall, which was still hot before, has become extraordinarily cold now.

Long Fei looked at Huantian and the others indifferently, the corners of his mouth were drawn together, without the slightest sign of fear, and a flat voice sounded: "What? This is uncomfortable? This is turning your face? You are the master of a sect, how can you be so easy?" Just to expose Minai's side? And Suzerain Huan, do you really want to start a war with us?"

Yao Tianhuo took out a thin toothpick from nowhere and picked his teeth, and said with a nonchalant face:
"Illusory Sect Master, I see that you are also a smart person. For the sake of this banquet, I advise you not to start a war, stay calm and calm, and you cannot be your own people in the sect.

We can be friends, but brothers? Besides, one more friend is better than one more enemy, right?And the two of us who were really going to fight didn't have the slightest scruples, but do you have any scruples on your side, Master Huan? "

At the same time, a breath suddenly appeared between Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo.

As soon as this breath came out, the expressions of the rest of the people present changed drastically.

Huantian, the eight-star peak Dou Zun, even changed his expression even more.

With a look of disbelief, he said in astonishment: "How could it be?! Seven-star peak, when will you be in the middle of six-star!?"

"Good luck, even though we were late just now because of meditation practice, our cultivation base has also been improved."

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo sang together.

Zi said angrily: "Even so, so what, are you really afraid that we will fail the two of you? We have 21 people here!"

The rest of the people also showed fighting energy when Zi Yuetian's words came out, which was very powerful.

The entire banquet hall has become a battlefield of confrontation between the two sides.

"Then try it." Long Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Enough! Shut up for this sect!!" Huan Tian said angrily.

The terrifying energy of the eight-star peak Dou Zun on his body rushed out.

However, it didn't shatter the banquet table in front of it, because Huantian controlled the range of power output.

The whole place went quiet.

Huantian looked at Yaotianhuo, and said in a deep voice: "Yaozun is right, since we can't be a family in the sect, then we can be friends or brothers, one more friend is better than one more enemy, and You are also right, our scruples are the entire Scarlet Firmament Sect."

Zi said to Tian: "Sovereign."

Huantian snorted coldly: "Shut up!"


"Sit down, don't create such a disharmonious atmosphere." Huantian continued.

Soon, the scene returned to the eating attitude just now.

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo looked at each other, and said through sound transmission: "You see, I told you that this old man would not dare to do anything, otherwise I wouldn't mind demolishing him, the Scarlet Heaven Sect."

Yao Tianhuo voice transmission: "The suzerain is awesome!"


(End of this chapter)

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