Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 215 215. The Contest Begins

Chapter 215 215. The Contest Begins

After some inspection, Long Fei found that these strange black air were quite similar to the air emitted by the puppet technique in the tomb of Saint Wooden Wind.

The next moment, the original black energy in his hand disappeared.

Yao Tianhuo came to passerby A to check. This person's pupils were white and not black at all, and his eyes were protruding. He was dead.

Yao Tianhuo frowned, feeling puzzled, then turned to look at Long Fei and asked, "What did you find, Chief?"

Long Fei said lightly: "This black air is somewhat similar to the air emitted by the puppet technique in the tomb of the Wooden Wind Saint."

Yao Tianhuo's brows became even tighter: "So, the person behind this has something to do with this Wooden Wind Sage or a relative?"

Long Fei nodded, not intending to veto, but agreeing: "Things in the world are very strange, maybe they really are, or they have obtained a technique similar to that kind of puppetry, and I have never The black gas is found to be incomplete, which means that these people have not fully grasped it, and the people in front of them are their experimental subjects."

Yao Tianhuo snorted coldly, and said rather angrily: "What a group of people with no conscience, such a vicious sorcery is used on the people!"

Then he raised his head and asked, "Master, have you found any suspicious people in Fangtian City?"

Long Fei shook his head: "No, if there is one, I will be the first to catch it."

Yao Tianhuo sneered: "It seems that these people left Fang Tiancheng after doing this step well, they are quite cautious."

Long Fei frowned, and said: "Yesterday, I didn't have the feeling I have now. I guess it started last night."

He continued: "I want to see what kind of tricks these people are going to play."

Yao Tianhuo looked at Passerby A's body and said, "Guard Master, look at the way this person died and the features on his body. It doesn't look like he just died at all. Instead, it's a corpse that has already died."

Long Fei quickly took a look: "It is true that he died a long time ago, but it was not too early. If my guess is correct, this person should have died late last night."

"It seems that those people with black bodies are already dead." Long Fei looked at those people outside the road, and there was a thick black air floating on their bodies.

"What should we do now?" Yao Tianhuo asked.

Long Fei said: "Let's burn this corpse first. As for what to do, let's wait and see what happens. I think it won't be long before the people behind the scenes will appear."

Moreover, the death of the people in Fang Tian City has nothing to do with them. The Dou Qi Continent is so big and has an extremely large population, so it doesn't matter if some people die and have nothing to do with him.

"it is good"

Bright flames appeared in Yaotianhuo's hands, and the fire directly burned the corpse.

This kind of corpse disposal is what he does specially.

"Let's go, find a place to practice."

After Long Fei finished speaking, he took Yao Tianhuo directly into the void.

Take out the flame crystal and continue to absorb it.

They absorbed this to spend the night last night.

There were originally fifty pieces, but now there are only 46 left.

One and half with Yao Tianhuo.

It will take more than ten days to absorb two pills a day.

After all the absorption is completed, I don't know how far the cultivation base will reach.

Long Fei was looking forward to it, and so was Yao Tianhuo.

Soon, the two entered meditation to absorb.

Today, outside Fangtian City, everything was dead, but no one noticed anything wrong, even the huge families of Scarlet Heaven Sect.

However, everyone in Scarlet Firmament Sect is preparing for tomorrow's martial arts competition.

time flies.

In a flash, another day passed.

In today's prosperous age, many young practitioners in Fangtian City gathered at the foot of Zonggu Mountain of Scarlet Heaven Sect.

The purpose is to wait for Scarlet Heaven Sect to open the sect and let them enter the place of martial arts trials.

The Scarlet Heaven Sect's martial arts competition is not outside but within the territory of the Scarlet Heaven Sect. There are designated places, and the first pass needs to climb the valley with bare hands according to the habit of previous years. There is a corresponding coercion in the valley, but it is not so easy. , Only when you go up can you be eligible to join the contest and become a leader.In previous years, many people were eliminated after failing to pass the first test.

The elimination rate of Akasaka Sect is very high.

"It's already seven o'clock, why is the gate of the Scarlet Heaven Sect still not open?"

There were several passers-by who spoke.

Just when these people sounded suspicious, the gate of Scarlet Heaven Sect opened, and a sacred light burst out.

Everyone looked up, their mouths were slightly opened, golden light shone in their pupils, and everyone showed longing expressions.

Then a middle-aged man in a golden robe flew out from the gate.

The body is straight, as if no matter what strength there is, it cannot be shaken.

The terrifying power aura on his body enveloped the entire area under the Chixiao Sect.

"This old man is the deacon of the Scarlet Heaven Sect, and I will preside over the recruitment of this year's competition!"

With a serious face, he said: "This year's Scarlet Heaven Sect Youth Grand Competition has officially started, the first pass is climbing the valley! Only those who pass the valley can enter the next pass! Flying ability and fighting skills are not allowed during the valley climbing process, only use Act on the flesh! Violators will be considered eliminated!"

Without too much nonsense, let's start directly.

Everyone also likes such a straightforward deacon.

"Come on! I want to join the Akasaka Sect!"

"Come on! Scarlet Heaven Sect, here I come!!"


A large group of people shouted, their morale soared, they rushed towards the valley, and began to climb up.

Among the crowd, there are two people who have not acted yet.

There was quite a distance between the two, and one of them was Mao Yan who was wearing black clothes and a black hood.

The other young man with green clothes and long hair is Mao Ji.

Both of these two men's cultivation bases are at the Douwang level, such a young Douwang has great potential in the future.

It's a pity that the two of them are enemies of life and death, and one of them must die, otherwise this grievance will not disappear.

At this moment, Mao Ji has not discovered the existence of Mao Yan, because in his eyes, Mao Yan had already died three years ago.

How a waste could appear here is completely a fantasy!
But Mao Yan recognized this enemy right away and killed his so-called brother!

Mao Yan clenched his fists tightly, the grudge energy spun in the fists, his pupils widened, with endless hatred pouring out, wishing to kill Mao Ji right now.

If he could, he would chop Mao Ji into pieces, skin her muscles, and torture her to death.

Although hate.But now he is still very rational, and he can't reveal it yet. It's not the time yet, according to the information he inquired about.

There are a total of three customs clearances for the Scarlet Heaven Sect.

The first hurdle is valley climbing.

The second hurdle is to enter the illusion.

The third pass is the contest.

This is a layer-by-layer absolute screening, weeding out a lot of people, and all those remaining in the end are elites.

And Mao Yan planned to get rid of the scourge of Mao Ji in the second stage of the psychedelic realm.

As time passed, many young people were eliminated in the first hurdle of this session.

Many people are basically reaching the top.

At this moment, the long-awaited Mao Yan and Mao Ji and some other smart geniuses started to act.

They jumped up one after another and stepped towards the high valley in front of them.

Soon, these people felt a coercion coming.


(End of this chapter)

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