Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 224. Gathering Outside Ice Sky Valley

Chapter 224. Gathering Outside Ice Sky Valley
At this time, a large group of people had already gathered here in the area thousands of miles away from Ice Sky Valley.

Some of the people were talking and laughing as if they had seen old friends they hadn't seen for a long time, but some of them remained silent.

Suddenly, just as they were speaking, they felt a particularly unusual force coming from behind.

Immediately shutting down without saying a word, they all turned their heads and looked in the direction behind them.

I saw another group of people, and the most prominent position of this group of people was the big man they were all familiar with, the Sovereign of Chixiao Sect, the eight-star peak Dou Zun Huantian!
"They are here, our leader this time." Someone said here.

All the people present here are Dou Zun level venerables, but they still respect the powerful ones.

Adding up these people, the total number of Dou Zun here is as high as 27!Long Fei and Long Fei were also included here, and they were the two extra.

Among the crowd, Long Fei looked past these people.

All of them were unfamiliar faces, none of them knew or seen each other.

Zhongzhou is Zhongzhou. If this lineup is placed in a world other than Zhongzhou, it must be a powerful super top force. It is very difficult to find a place to find, let alone a Dou Zun or even two Dou Zun, let alone a full force. 27 places.

Those outside of Zhongzhou are definitely the existences that rule the mainland!
Under Long Fei's gaze, the fourteen Dou Zun who were unfamiliar in front of him were all seen through by him with a single glance.

Among the fourteen people, ten of them have cultivation bases within the range of four-star Dou Zun to four-star peak Dou Zun.

As for the remaining four people, two are five-star Dou Zun, one is six-star Dou Zun, and the other is six-star late-stage Dou Zun.

It seems that most of them are composed of low-level Dou Zun. This lineup looks very powerful, but after entering the Ice Sky Valley, the changes are very big. All great.

Now Long Fei's cultivation base has reached the level of the Seven Star Dou Zun. I have to say that this flame crystal is really a good way to cheat, but it is a pity that it may not be of much use when he is a half saint.

It's really normal for this kind of awesome thing to have a limit, not to mention that at the peak of the nine-star Dou Zun, you still need to go through nine turns to become a semi-sage, and this may not be possible.

The experience required for each turn is surprisingly huge, which can be completely understood as the total experience from a line of Dou Zun to a nine-star peak Dou Zun.

Therefore, the difference in strength between each of the nine turns is terrifyingly huge!

And the energy of a flame crystal at the back may not be enough to upgrade.

They are interchangeable between two people.

They come, the security.

"Everyone from the Scarlet Heaven Sect!"

"Phantom Sovereign!"


Soon, everyone warmly greeted each other.

These fourteen people included members of the family sects in Fangtian City.

For example, Fang Tiancheng's two gates and three families are all there, and people from Lian Xuan's family are also here.

Although he is acting in a low-key manner now, he will stand up when the safety of the entire Fangtian City is at stake, although not everyone will stand up.

"Sect Master Huan, why are you bringing two dolls here for such an important event?" Xuan Zhongtian in the crowd fixed his eyes on Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo at this time, and asked jokingly, and his expression and tone showed that I don't know the unexpected color when I saw it for the first time.

As soon as his words came out, he immediately attracted the attention of the other 13 people.

Their gazes were all on Huantian before and they didn't find Long Fei at all. If Xuan Zhongtian hadn't opened his mouth, they would have been buried like this.

"That's right, Sect Master Huan, we are going to a dangerous place. Did you bring these two dolls here to feed the monsters? Haha!" Some Dou Zun directly laughed and teased.

And some Dou Zun's eyes fell firmly on Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo without ridicule, only dignified and shocked.

These two people can't see through their cultivation.

I don't know if I really don't know or pretend I don't know, maybe not all of these people have joined Huantian's plan.

But the old guy Xuan Zhongtian definitely knew about it.

Those joking Dou Zun are all low-level existences, but they couldn't laugh when they saw the serious appearance of some people.

The smile froze, and he saw Long Fei and the two of them again.

After taking a closer look and feeling the different aura seriously, everyone's pupils shrank and their complexions changed.

These two brats are not kids!

So strong!

That breath is not weak to them at all, and even surpasses them!

Huantian looked at Xuan Zhongtian with a smile and said: "Hehe, these two are not children, and Patriarch Xuan must not talk nonsense, otherwise this sect will feel very troublesome when something happens."

Xuan Zhongtian also laughed: "Oh? So, these two people are indeed not simple. Could it be that the old monster is rejuvenated? I think it must be!"

Pretending to be ignorant, he asked: "Then I don't know what kind of cultivation these two people are? If even Dou Zun can't reach Ice Sky Valley, it will be a burden and a dead end." There was a hint of condolence in his words.

As if caring about the two of them.

"Hahaha! Except for the Huantian Sect Master, the cultivation of the two of us is higher than that of everyone present here!" Yao Tianhuo laughed childishly.

After everyone heard this person's arrogant tone, and it was mixed with a hint of old age, they agreed in their hearts: Is it really the old man who blames me for rejuvenating?No, could this be the body of Seoshe's child? It seems that this person is not easy to mess with.

"That's right, except for the Huantian Sect Master, he is more advanced than everyone here." Long Fei raised his forehead slightly, his tone flat.

These people dare to underestimate the two of them, what kind of onion skins are they?

Really funny!
After finishing speaking, a terrifying coercion was released from the two of them.

One is the Seven Star Dou Zun, the other is the Eight Star Dou Zun, the aura of the two coercion is not something these rubbish things can bear, not to mention that Long Fei himself is a cheating existence, the coercion will only be stronger, and it has already surpassed Yao Tianhuo.

Huantian's pupils shrank, his complexion changed drastically, and his heart was turbulent.

how is this possible! ?
Seven Star Dou Zun! ?Eight Star Dou Zun! ?
What the hell did these two do? ?How could there be such a terrifying improvement in these short three days! ?
Could it be that they were hidden with hidden treasures before! ?
Thinking of this, this is the most likely possibility. When it comes to the first air conditioner, what are these two people hiding? If this is the case, then this will completely disrupt the previous plan.

In addition, the faces of everyone who felt this terrifying coercion also changed. As Dou Zun with such a level of cultivation, they now only feel that there is a big stone on their bodies, and it is difficult to breathe on their chests!

"Since it is a high-ranking Dou Zun!" The other 14 people showed panic on their faces.

This is true even for members of the Scarlet Heaven Sect!

These people were just a five-star peak Dou Zun and a seven-star Dou Zun in three days, who would have thought that three days had passed, since the change was so terrifying!
Everyone looked at Huantian one after another, and Huantian's complexion couldn't be better. His expression was unpredictable, but he still forcibly stabilized.

Plans have changed, don't do anything without my order!

Huantian's lips moved very slightly, transmitting the sound to the person in the plan.


(End of this chapter)

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