Chapter 242 242. Come, Angry
"Guild Master, it seems that this Nine Great Ponds is really going to be photographed, and it will only waste time if it goes on like this." Inside the Fangge, Yao Tianhuo said.

"It doesn't matter, I have plenty of time." Long Fei said.

Yao Tianhuo said: "But we have already written five chapters for the auction, and if we add this chapter, it will be six chapters. Book friends will say that we are counting words!"

After hearing this, Long Fei frowned: "It's five chapters, so, it's really a lot, then well, I'll just buy it at a one-off price, anyway, I'm not short of money!"


"The Azure Dragon Gang bids 100 billion!"

A full increase of 80 billion!

Who can resist this!

People in each room sprayed out the water that had just been put into their mouths.

His complexion changed in shock: "What!? 100 billion!!? Just raised 80 billion!?"

"What kind of power does this Azure Dragon Gang need!? It doesn't matter if you have money!?"

"How can people play with this!?"

As soon as the price of 100 billion was announced, the audience immediately entered into a frenzy of discussion.

"100 billion" Jin Ya was also dumbfounded.

"100 billion gold coins?" Ten people in the Nine Great Pool Pavilion were dumbfounded, and the tenth person was Jin Hai who had just been called in.

The leader of the eldest pool asked, "Jin Hai, what kind of power is this Qinglong Gang!? It's even more generous than our Nine Dachis, and they let us openly fight against us!?"

The rest of the eyes were all focused on Jin Hai.

Jin Hai sighed and told what happened before.

"So there are only two of them? Do you guess that the strongest person is the peak nine-star peak five-rank Dou Zun?" Nine Great Pond Master frowned, thinking.

"Hmph! What a prestige, a mere Rank [-] Dou Zun dares to fight against our Jiu Dachi!" the boss domain master said coldly.

Lao Qi said: "100 billion, what a big tone, Jin Hai, go and ask them if they can really get the money, if it's just a trick, it's breaking the rules of the auction house! It should be dealt with according to the rules of the auction house !"

"Yes, Lord Seven Pools!" Jin Hai nodded.

Turn around quickly and leave.

"Wait! I'm going with you, I want to see what these two people are capable of!" Old Ba stopped Jin Hai, stood up and said.

"Yes, Master Bachi!"

Soon the two left the room one after another.

"The next step is to wait."


Yao Tianhuo excitedly said: "There is no sound? No price increase? So this piece of imperial peach is ours!"

"100 billion gold coins, you are really willing to give it up!"

After hearing this, Long Fei smiled lightly: "It's only 100 billion, I have plenty of money!"

"Now this news, if my guess is correct, someone will come to verify it soon."

As he spoke, Long Fei touched the ring in his hand, and then streaks of golden light appeared.

In the eyes of everyone in the room, a huge money pouch was piled up in the original open space in the entire room, and every bag of money pouch was extremely full!

"This!" The rest of the women were dumbfounded when they saw it.

A lot of money!

The room was immediately filled with a strong smell of money.

At the same time, the auction below temporarily stopped, because Jin Hai had already given Jin Ya an order.

Jin Ya followed suit and announced the matter.

Everyone was also very curious about whether the Azure Dragon Gang was just talking about it, and the 100 billion gold coins would come out as soon as they said it! ?
Soon, two people came in from the streamlined energy gate ahead.

These two people are Lao Ba and Jin Hai.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the house full of gold in front of me.

Good guy, these two people have already predicted that they will come back!

"Is there any news about Elder Jin's sudden visit?" Long Fei ignored the old man beside Jin Hai.

However, he could feel a very powerful aura of venerable from this old man, and his cultivation must be higher than him.

If the guess is correct, this old man is one of the nine great pool masters.

"I don't know what your name is?" Jin Hai asked.

"Long Fei"

Jin Hai smiled and said: "Hehe, Long Zun added 80 billion gold coins with a big move. It is reasonable to say that although the emperor's peach is precious, it does not have such a high price. The old man came here this time mainly to look at the dragon. Can Zun really come up with 100 billion gold coins, but the current situation in this room"

As he said that, he smiled wryly and shook his head: "There's no need to look at it anymore, Long Zun is really rich, and he will come out with 100 billion in his hands."

"Oh, isn't Huangji peach worth 100 billion? Then how much do you think it's worth?" Long Fei played with his taste.

"Up to 40 billion." Jin Hai said.

Long Fei looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "It's okay, I don't care about the 100 billion if I have money."

"This..." Jin Hai was very difficult to do, and looked at Master Bachi beside him.

Master Bachi laughed: "This old man is the eighth of the masters of nine ponds. Fair competition is normal in the auction, but can Xiaoyou Long show me some face? This imperial peach means a lot to us! Can you give it to me Our Nine Great Pools?"

Note that he also mainly mentioned Nine Great Ponds here.

This is the first deterrent.

But Long Fei doesn't like this set.

Long Fei shook his head and said, "It's said to be a fair competition, why should we give it up to you? You can increase the price if you want, not to mention that I still have to reward my assistants for the filming, which is of great significance to us. Sorry, we can't let it go!"

Immediately, Master Bachi's complexion sank, including Jin Hai's.

A mere rank five peak Dou Zun, he is so polite, he doesn't even know how to praise him!Lord Bachi's heart became cold and angry.

"Little friend, do you really want to fight against our Jiu Dachi? Now that I'm giving you face, you really don't think that you, a mere rank five peak Dou Zun, will be our opponent in Jiu Dachi? No, you don't even have me None of his opponents are opponents!!" Master Bachi finally couldn't bear it anymore, he was so polite, and now he was really annoyed, his mouth was full of hostility, and the coercion of Rank Nine Dou Zun on his body directly pressed towards Long Fei.

Long Fei's face was indifferent, and he didn't have the attitude of being suppressed at all.

Lord Bachi was surprised when he saw this.

How could it be possible that a little rank five peak Dou Zun could withstand the pressure of his rank nine Dou Zun! ! ?

"You!" Master Bachi was surprised, and his voice did not continue.

Could it be that this kid has a treasure that can withstand this level of coercion?

After thinking about it in my heart, I finally had to continue to look at it.

Long Fei said indifferently: "It's impossible to deter me with this kind of coercion. Now you either continue to compete fairly, or give up. The one with the highest price wins. I just abide by this rule."

"Hehe, good! Very good! You have been talking to us like this for so many years, boy, you really have the guts! If that's the case, let's wait and see! Hmph!" Lord Bachi was furious, and here he It's not easy to make a move, after all, it will damage the identity, so after the anger finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Old Jin, is there anything else?" Long Fei asked with a smile.

"Hey, you are so young and young! I really don't know what to say about you!" Jin Hai also shook his head angrily, turned around and left without paying attention.

"There will be a good show next."

"It seems that we will not go well after we go out to the auction house this time."

"And we also need to use the formation of Beiyuchi to enter Kitakami Prefecture."

Yao Tianhuo walked forward, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said.


(End of this chapter)

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