Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 248 248. Chen Tianfeng

Chapter 248 248. Chen Tianfeng

Yao Tianhuo was overjoyed: "Master!" He knew that nothing would happen to Long Fei, a perverted evildoer!
Long Fei stood there calmly with his hands behind his back.

Yao Tianhuo had already arrived in front of him.

"Where are those Mr. Long?" Jin Hai's tone was a little dull.

He didn't want to believe it, and even more so, he didn't want to believe that the Jiujiu Supreme would lose!
That's a terrifying existence that respects only Rank Nine Dou Zun!

It would be reasonable if there was an accident at one end, but now there are nine heads!
"Naturally, I was killed by this seat." Long Fei's tone was flat.

"Kill?! Impossible! How is it possible!!" Jin Hai felt extremely absurd, and his whole body was hit like a bolt from the blue, and his footsteps kept retreating behind him.

Yao Tianhuo, who caught the opportunity, immediately boasted, with an extremely proud expression on his face: "You just think it's impossible, just taking the nine-headed old thing is not enough for our lord's teeth!"

Long Fei nodded: "Indeed."

"You do not believe?"

Looking forward to Jin Hai, who looked stunned, he raised his right hand and palmed, and a cyan light appeared.

The next moment, with a wave of his hand, nine beads popped out, and nine familiar figures appeared in front of the three of them.

These nine figures were covered with green streamers all over their bodies, and their pupils overflowed with blue light, giving people a feeling of being like a shell with vitality.

"Jiu Dachi!" Jin Hai looked terrified, but he had already discovered that these nine people were unusual.

"I'll pay my respects to the master!" Nine Puppets knelt down on one knee to Long Fei in an orderly manner.

Long Fei smiled, and said: "Wrong, Mr. Jin, now these nine people are not Nine Pool Masters, but nine puppets of my Long Fei, and now they are all my trophies."

"What!!" Jin Hai's pupils shrank, his complexion changed drastically, fear and panic were all over his face, cold sweat splashed down his forehead, and his body trembled.

"Worthy of being the leader of the gang, you are really powerful!" Yao Tianhuo shouted.

Long Fei was in charge of the output, and he was in charge of shouting 6666, that's all.

Moreover, Long Fei gave them a different feeling at the moment, more oppressive than before.

A little bit of breathing can make the people present enter a state of suffocation and die in pain.

The two sides of the nine puppets separated, and Long Fei walked slowly towards Jin Hai from the middle, and stopped about a meter away from Jin Hai, with a kind smile on his face, and said softly: "Old Jin, I see you That’s right, now I’m giving you a chance to surrender to this seat, you have to cherish it, these nine people just didn’t know how to cherish the opportunity given by this seat, so they became puppets, it’s really pitiful.”

Pausing for half a second, he added: "You have seen this scene now, if you don't make a good choice, this seat will turn you into experience points."

Sui Jin Hai didn't understand what the experience value in Long Fei's words was, but he was already shocked by Long Fei's words and his current record.

After a moment of silence, Jin Hai sighed heavily and nodded: "Old. I understand. I surrender!"

Even the Jiujiu Supreme is like this. It is conceivable that this young man or the Qinglong Gang behind him is completely beyond his cognition and control. Existence like Jiuzun is dead, let alone him alone. The second turn of Dou Zun.

Long Fei smiled even wider: "Very good, Mr. Jin, you made the right decision!"

With a hand, an ancient parchment scroll appeared.

"Mr. Jin will drop a drop of blood on this."

Jin Hai froze for a moment, then did as he did.

After a drop of blood, the parchment turned into particles and soared into the sky, disappearing into the thunderous sky.

Seeing this scene, Jin Hai was shocked again.

What is the means of this.

Immediately afterwards, his body was startled, and countless strange and powerful memories in his mind quickly swarmed in like a tide.

His soul was slowly digesting in it, and he couldn't bear so many memories coming in at once, and his head hurt.

"As a member of the gang, you can enjoy the benefits of rejuvenation."

Just as Jin Hai was digesting his memory, Long Fei directly used the field of resuscitating all things to him.

Huge and thick life energy quickly poured into Jin Hai's body, endlessly, endlessly!
His old body is getting younger little by little, and in less than a minute, he completely turned into a 1-year-old appearance.

The whole person exudes youthful vitality.

Why did he only return to the appearance of his 40s? It was because Long Fei thought it was enough.

No need to really go back to being too young.

After waking up, Jin Hai found the changes in his body and shed tears of gratitude.

I can't wait to throw Long Fei down and lick a few mouthfuls.

"What does the boss need to do?" Jin Hai asked, and his tone of voice became stronger after he was young.

Long Fei said briefly: "For the time being, you stay here. After a while, I will take down the domain master here and unify the entire Northern Territory pool. At that time, this will be a branch base of our Azure Dragon Gang."

"I understand!" Jin Hai nodded.

"Take me to find your domain master." Long Fei turned his head to look at Jiu Puppet and gave an order.



Beiyu Pool, the main peak of Yucheng.

"It's really a hidden place." Long Fei looked at the environment while flying.

In front of him, Puppet is leading the way.

At this moment, Long Fei's mental power in the semi-holy realm has been greatly improved by leaps and bounds. With a thought, he swept across the world in an instant, and all the scenes were projected in front of his eyes.

Soon, he found a place to retreat alone.

This person is the domain master of Beiyuchi, Chen Tianfeng.

The next moment, his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the sky.

When it reappeared, it was already in an extremely empty secret room.

In front of him, there was a tall, long-haired old man sitting cross-legged and meditating.

This old man exudes a trace of semi-holy power, but it is not a semi-holy, but very close to a semi-holy.

This old man is the mysterious domain master of Beiyuchi, Chen Tianfeng.

"Sooner or later, you will be a member of my Azure Dragon Gang. I will give you a chance." Long Fei moved his finger while speaking, and a cyan light shot directly towards Chen Tianfeng.

However, when it was touched, it was resisted by the magnetic field released by Chen Tianfeng's body, but it was not a big problem. The next moment, the magnetic field was broken through and rushed directly into the center of Chen Tianfeng's eyebrows.

Chen Tianfeng felt as if he had been electrocuted, his tightly closed eyes opened suddenly as if he had seen a ghost, and there was a look of astonishment and fear in his pupils.

The surrounding energy quickly gathers towards it.

"Who are you!? Why are you here!?" Chen Tianfeng's expression changed drastically when he saw Long Fei, but just as he was about to move, he found that his body was locked by a terrifying force and he couldn't move at all.

Long Fei said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, take a good look at the opportunity this seat gives you, whether you can break through the semi-sage is up to you."

Chen Tianfeng was taken aback, no matter what, he should absorb this opportunity first.

He became serious, and then he couldn't move his body, but his hands could still move.

Skilled operation, frequent imprints.

Soon, he was surrounded by a blue energy.

An hour passed--

The secret room in the cave suddenly shook!
The next moment, the light on Chen Tianfeng's body was planned.

Then he flew up.

His complexion was extremely ruddy.

"Great, the old man has finally become a semi-saint!!!"

"This is half holy!"


(End of this chapter)

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