Chapter 250 250. Kitakami

The Northern Territory Pool is very large. Before the unification began, the Ten Puppets used formations to block the entire Northern Territory Pool, just in case outsiders came in and insiders escaped.

Soon there was turmoil in Beiyuchi.

The huge army began to march against the great forces in the Northern Territory Pool, and all surrendered could survive, and those who did not submit would be killed directly.

Under the leadership of the ten puppets, those who resisted were mercilessly killed, and they had no ability to resist at all.

There is no way that the gap in strength is too great.

There are nine nine-turn peak Dou Zun ranks and a semi-saint powerhouse. Although Beiyuchi is powerful, the forces in it simply cannot produce such a super top.

"You have no choice but to surrender or die!" Ten Puppet's cold and expressionless voice spoke to the remaining people in Beiyuchi who were still alive.

The voice spread like a devil in the ears of everyone in Beiyuchi.

The people who had no energy to resist showed fear. In order to save their lives and to pass on their power, many people chose to surrender.

In two days, all living beings in the Northern Territory Pool surrendered.

The battle for reform has come to an end.

Those who choose to surrender are forced to join the Azure Dragon Gang with a drop of blood, until the sky thunders down, and all the dust is over.

At this moment, Long Fei was in the sky, and there were five people in each of the ten puppets, and the lineup was huge, coercing all living beings in the Northern Territory.

Long Fei's voice was indifferent, condescending to all sentient beings: "This seat is the leader of the Qinglong Gang, and also your leader. Everyone can be surprised by sudden changes, but everything will change dramatically after this seat unifies the Northern Territory Pool. From now on, the Northern Territory The pool was officially renamed Beilongyu, and it is a large distribution of our Azure Dragon Gang!"

"I'll see the guild master!" The voices of all living beings in the Northern Dragon Territory were loud.

After some long-winded words, they left.

In one place, the ten puppets put all the resisting corpses on the ground.

Long Fei saw that there were 20 people in total.

He doesn't care what the identities of these people are in front of them. Now they are dead bodies, and after a while they will be puppets.

"The 20 people in front of them are all Dou Zun level, and the highest level is the peak Dou Zun." Puppet One said respectfully.

"Okay, you guys go and complete the task I just gave you." Long Fei waved.


Ten puppets left.

Then Long Fei moved, because these people were already dead, there was no need to activate the Dragon God Domain to keep the corpses, and they directly activated the Azure Dragon Refining Service to refine the corpses of twenty Dou Zun into puppets at the same time.

Twenty drops of dragon's blood entered the marks between the eyebrows of twenty puppets, and the puppets were officially completed.

This only took about 20 minutes.


Twenty puppets shouted in unison.

Long Fei was already tired of listening to these two names, his face was not disturbed, and he raised his hand and twenty beams of light directly entered the minds of twenty puppets.

"Let's do it." Long Fei's voice was flat.


Twenty puppets left one after another.

After some things were done, Long Fei went to meet Yao Tianhuo, and then the two of them were led by Jin Hai to the front of the formation leading to Beishangzhou.

"Master, this formation leads to Kitakami Prefecture." Jin Hai said with a smile.

"Okay, you go down." Long Fei nodded, and then raised his hand to input terrifying power into the formation.

"North Shangzhou, I'm here." Long Fei's lips were full of smiles.

The next moment he and Yao Tianhuo walked in.


The Beast Spirit Fire is in Kitakami Prefecture.

Time flies, and the days in the teleportation pass day by day.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo finally saw the exit, and then they quickly exited the tunnel wormhole.

Long Fei said lightly: "This is Beishangzhou? Sure enough, it lacks a strong flavor compared to Zhongzhou."

"Guangzhu, how should I find that strange fire next?" Yao Tianhuo was curious. Although Beishangzhou is not as big as Zhongzhou, it is still very big. Among them, there are many geographical locations, and the two are very strange when they come here for the first time. .

Long Fei himself didn't know where the Myriad Beast Spirit Fire was, but he recalled some memories and hurriedly took out the parchment scroll he got from the tomb of Saint Mufeng, and opened it to have a look.

Still a familiar scene.

It only marked the location of the Beast Spirit Fire, but there was no location information. If you really want to find it, this is a hell-level search.

Long Fei stayed in the sky and closed his eyes, swept everything around with his huge mental power, and then formed a map and appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he carefully searched for all clues according to the parchment in his hand, the geographical location on the map, the direction of the mountain topography, and so on.

After half an hour of comparison, the hard work paid off, and Long Fei finally found an extremely similar position.

"Although I don't know if this is true, I'll know if I don't go there." Long Fei murmured, since he already has four different fires, and there will be a connection between different fires.

After getting close to this position, he will be able to judge based on the four different fires in his body.

"Let's go take a look at this location." After speaking, Long Fei directly stretched out his hand to press Yao Tianhuo's shoulder, and then disappeared into the midair.

Mountains of Beasts
Two figures of Long Fei appeared in the sky.

At this moment, it is a coincidence that not far from the front is a desertified rocky area.

There, two teams were engaged in an accumulated battle, and some people had been injured and some people had been killed.

Long Fei and the two approached slowly. With their current cultivation bases, as long as they didn't voluntarily discover the existence of the two of them, it would be impossible for the people in front of them to discover their existence.

"Two five-star fighting sects, three five-star fighting emperors, and three five-star fighting kings, this number is quite average." Yao Tianhuo muttered.

After watching for a while, Long Fei flew out directly.

Immediately, the breath on his body was released.

The people in front were stunned and stopped fighting one after another.

At this moment, the abnormal fire in Long Fei's body appeared abnormally.

Long Fei murmured in his heart: "The strange fire is pulled by a mysterious force, it seems that the beast spirit fire is here."

At the same time, he is also happy that he will soon be able to obtain the fifth strange fire, which is one step closer to absorbing all the strange fires on the list.

"What a strong breath!"

"Completely crushed us!"

"Could it be Dou Zun?!"

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Everyone stopped fighting in their hands, sweating profusely, trembling with fear, thinking of all kinds of possibilities in their hearts, and at the same time they opened their mouths in shock.

Long Fei was indifferent, not bothering to look at them, and said indifferently: "You don't need to know who I am, but did you fight because of the strange fire inside?"

"Your Excellency also wants to play the idea of ​​​​Heavenly Fire!?" Someone asked.

A cold light flashed in Long Fei's eyes, and a thought came to the person who spoke.


The sudden explosion startled everyone.

Looking over, I saw that the man who was originally alive had turned into a pool of blood.

Everyone here was trembling with fear, cold sweat poured out of their backs, and they held their breath.

After taking a breath, everyone was afraid to think: a single thought could kill a five-star Dou Zong into blood!What a terrifying and powerful existence this is! ?

Long Fei said coldly: "Too much nonsense, what do you answer when I ask you, and dare to question me? Mayfly!"

Then his eyes were on the people in front of him.

Everyone's frightened legs softened and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy: "Sir, let's say! Let's say, please don't kill us!"

"Yes, we fought for the strange fire inside. There is a strange fire inside. According to the investigation, it should be the rare beast spirit fire ranked 22 on the strange fire list!"


(End of this chapter)

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