Chapter 254.

Imperial City.

Today is very lively.

There is a news spreading in the streets and alleys that today is the apprentice recruitment ceremony of the three major sects in Huangtian City.

It is selected in the form of a contest challenge.

In the big square, surrounded by a large number of guards, there are some ordinary people who are setting up street stalls beside these guards. These ordinary people are all watching the fun and shopping. There are so many people here, which is a very good source of traffic. This time of year is their favorite day, because they can make a lot of money in these short three days.

The most important thing is that the people of the three sects did not intend to expel them.

A large crowd gathered here, and on the high pedestal sat three middle-aged men who looked dignified and smiled.

These three people are the heads of the three sects.

On the left is Huan Yun, the suzerain of the Huanjian Sect, in the middle is Bai Chen, the suzerain of the Baiyun Sect, and on the right is Zhou Hai, the suzerain of the Dijue Sect.

In addition, the people sitting in the other positions are the elders of these three sects, there are at least two people, and there are as many as three people, not all of them are counted.

They watched the current game, admiring the performance of the younger generation.

Huan Yun laughed and said, "Which of the two suzerains are looking for a good seedling?"

Di Zhouhai stroked his prickly beard, and said with a smile: "This sect thinks that little girl is pretty good and intends to accept disciples."

Bai Chen said in a deep voice, "That kid is not bad, he suits my taste."

"Hehe, good." Huanyun nodded, then moved his eyes and said, "Do you two have any ideas about that strange fire?"

The two of them froze when they heard it.

Bai Chen's voice sank: "Isn't that strange fire already reserved by the pharmacist in the city? Why should we join in the fun?"

Di Zhouhai nodded: "That's a sixth-rank pharmacist. If you can get the six-fold reincarnation, you will be able to break through to a seventh-rank pharmacist. It will be a good thing for us in Huangtian City, and we are not alchemists. Useless."

Huan Yun nodded secretly and said: "Indeed, although the strange fire is precious and attractive, it is very dangerous. People like us who don't make medicine should not touch it."

Di Zhouhai smiled deeply: "But we can go over and have a look at that time, Fangzheng just said that it is enough to protect the Dharma in the past."

He also wanted to see the power of this strange fire.

At this moment, three strange figures appeared in the sky of Huangtian City.

three people.

These three people are the three of Long Fei.

Standing high in the sky, looking at the scene below, Yao Tianhuo said: "It's very lively below the guild master, it looks like he's looking for an apprentice in a martial arts competition."

Demon Dragon and Tiger suggested: "Shall we go down and join in the fun?"

While the two were talking, Long Fei's eyes fell on the three leaders.

His hearing is very good, just now when he heard the conversation between these three people, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up. It's really lucky that I met him while walking around.

Different flames, six reincarnation flames.

How could he not know these two extremely important words.

"Then go down and watch the excitement." Long Fei saw through the strength of the people below at a glance.

The strongest is only a five-star Dou Zun, and the two four-star peak Dou Zun are infinitely close to the five-star Dou Zun.

These three people are the three heads of that sect, as for the rest of the elders, Long Fei is not interested at all, they are all little rubbish at the Douzong level.

The three of them gradually fell down.

Feeling an inexplicable depressive force on the head below, the three of them looked up at the same time.

When seeing the three of Long Fei, his pupils shrank.

His complexion changed drastically, and an idea flashed in his mind: These two are so strong!
As for the celebrity next to him, he hasn't reached Dou Zun yet, so he will be ruled out because he won't pose a threat to them.

"You manage the order in the arena and continue the game," Huan Yun said to the elder beside him.

The elder nodded: "It's the suzerain."

Then Huantian turned to Bai Chen and Di Zhouhai and said, "Let's go up and see what's going on!"

"Okay!" The two nodded and already had this plan in mind. The three of them flew up into the sky, and this scene also attracted the attention of everyone below.

"Don't even watch, continue the game!" The elders of the three sects shouted.

The coercion came out from the body, and everyone was immediately scared. Although they didn't dare to look at it blatantly, it was okay to sneak a few glances from time to time.

In the sky, Long Fei and the other three who were descending immediately smiled when they saw the three rising up to welcome them personally.

The landing speed of the three also stopped, and soon Huanyun and the three confronted him at high altitude.

The three of them clasped their hands together, Bai Chen took a step forward, and said in a deep voice, "My sect, Bai Chen, why are you three gentlemen? What do you mean by coming to our Imperial City?"

Courtesy first, soldiers later, simple exploration.

Long Fei laughed and said: "Hehe. It turned out to be Sect Master Bai. The three of us just happened to pass by the sky above Huangtian City, but just heard an interesting thing and wanted to go down to confirm it."


The three of Bai Chen looked at each other, raised their brows and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is it true what I heard from you about the strange fire just now?" Long Fei smiled.

When the three of Bai Chen heard this, their hearts sank, their complexions changed slightly, and then returned to their original appearance.

The three of them were so shocked that they could hear their conversations so far apart?What kind of skill is this?Or what level of power! ! ?

Taking a deep breath slowly, Bai Chen said, "Your Excellency is really capable of hearing our conversation from such a distance." After admiring, he nodded, "That's right, the story of the strange fire is indeed true. Could it be that your Excellency is not interested in this strange fire?" have a thought?"

The three of them stared at Long Fei closely.

This Liudao Samsarayan is an item ordered by their sixth-grade alchemist in Huangtian City. This alchemist has a good relationship with them. If it is stronger, Huangtian City will naturally become stronger. At that time, the pills they can get will not be low. .

But if outsiders want to pay attention to this, they are probably the enemy.

So much so that the three of them were ready to fight.

Long Fei laughed and said: "That's right, this Heavenly Flame has a destiny with me, and I intend to keep it in my body. I also ask the three of you to provide me with the location of the Heavenly Fire. In exchange, I can help you once."

After hearing this, the three of them looked at each other again and were silent to each other. This person is really shameless. He just said that he has a destiny with different fires. Such shameless people are terrible!And the cultivation base is not low!
After a while, Bai Chen took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry Your Excellency, we don't need your help. This strange fire is a thing without an owner, and the people of Huangtian City also have fate. Please forgive me."

After hearing this, Long Fei nodded calmly, "That's really a pity, I like to talk about things peacefully, but you don't want to, so don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, Long Fei stretched out his hand directly to Bai Chen.

As soon as Long Fei's words came out, the three of them knew that the conversation had collapsed, and their expressions changed: "Shoot!"

The three of them teamed up, and the prepared attack was launched instantly.

Long Fei smiled: "It turns out that I have already prepared, but these garbage attacks are not qualified to touch me."

Eyes move.


The attack of the three of them disintegrated instantly!

When the three of them turned pale with shock, a force directly pulled Bai Chen out into Long Fei's palm.

"Bai Chen!"

Huan Yun and the two were startled, and immediately made a move, but just as they were about to make a move, they found something was wrong, his body could not move, and was controlled by a mysterious force.


The next moment, his internal organs vibrated, his face was painful and grim, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

What power!
too horrible! !

The other party didn't make a move, just a tight look? ? ?
What a terrifying existence this is!
(End of this chapter)

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