Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 257. Chapter 257. Back to Zhongzhou Continent

Chapter 257. 257. Return to Zhongzhou Continent
The city lord was shocked: "What kind of formation is this that can block the attack of the semi-saint?!"

"To be able to block this saint's attack, this formation is definitely not ordinary. It seems that this group of people is a bit interesting, but I don't believe that your formation can last forever. After the old man breaks through this formation and captures the three of you. Hehehe!!!"

The old man narrowed his eyes, he could see the extraordinaryness of this formation after the move just now, and revealed a hint of deep laughter as he spoke.

"Xuanfeng finger!"

As soon as the old man stretched out his fingers and released his skills, the terrifying semi-holy power released his fighting skills and hurricane-like big fingers to attack directly!

"Not good! This old man is so shameless that he still uses fighting skills when he beats us!?"

Yao Tianhuo blushed angrily and said angrily.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, and fully supported the formation, the next moment.

Boom——————! ! !
The huge shock wave and destructive force caused the formation to vibrate violently, but it didn't shatter directly, and it seemed that it could hold on.


However, the impact caused Yao Tianhuo and the two inside the formation to spurt out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Yao Tianhuo's face was pale: "Damn, this is the strength of the semi-saint, there is no way the difference in strength is too big, after the gang leader comes out, he must be pressed to the ground and rubbed hard!"

The magic dragon and tiger couldn't exert their full power in the form of a human, and the next moment it directly turned into a monster body to get a greater boost in power.

"It's pretty tough! Since it's a monster in shape!"

The two were shocked.

"Huh! Broken!" The old man snorted coldly, and hit hard directly, Xuanfeng pointed out that this time he directly crushed the formation.

With a loud bang, the Xuanfeng Finger exploded directly in front of the two of them.

"not good!"

The formation was broken, Yaotianhuo and Yaotianhuo's internal organs seemed to be crushed under the impact of the terrifying force, it was extremely uncomfortable, and they shouted angrily when they saw that the attack in front of them was wrong, but it is impossible for them to escape now!
"Master, help!!!"

Yao Tianhuo and Demon Dragon and Tiger played their last cards, and only hoped that Long Fei would wake up after refining, otherwise they would really die!
At this moment of crisis, a voice appeared in front of the two of them.

Then with a wave, the terrorist attack in front of him was instantly annihilated.

The person who came was Long Fei.

"Guard Master!" The two looked excited. Seeing Long Fei was like seeing the holy herb for life, and their eyes sparkled.

Seeing this scene, the old man was extremely shocked, but he tried to remain calm on the outside: "You are the leader of the two of them!? Since you can annihilate the old man's attack so easily, it seems that you are also a semi-saint powerhouse!"

"Half saint!" The city lord was also shocked by Long Fei's appearance and casual blow.

Unexpectedly, since this young man is a semi-saint powerhouse!
Terrible, terrible, when did the semi-saint become so easy to practice?
Why can't I?

"The little brother in this seat is also something you two mere ants can move?" Long Fei's eyes flashed coldly, killing intent emerged, without too much nonsense, he pointed at the old man and tapped lightly out of thin air.

In an instant, terrifying power surged out of the surrounding sky like a wave, and the space in the sky distorted and then collapsed!
"No!! This is not a half saint!! He is a fighting saint!!!" Feeling the absolute pressure far above him, the old man yelled in horror.

"Die, ants!" The corners of Long Fei's mouth curled up in disdain.

The space swayed violently at this moment!

The city lord's body was instantly crushed by a terrifying pressure weighing tens of millions of tons, turning into a blood mist.

Just died like this, the old man's eyes stared out in horror, and the cold sweat continued.

"Cao Yu!!" The old man exclaimed.

"It's your turn, old man." Long Fei was not the first to kill the old man, but because he wanted the old man to watch his companion die with his own eyes, and there was nothing he could do.

Along the way, Long Fei pointed at the old man again.

"No, don't! Dou Sheng Your Excellency, I will definitely offend you, please spare my life, I am willing to surrender to you!" The old man was terrified in his heart, the gap between the semi-saint and the Dou Sheng was as huge as that between heaven and hell, he In any case, it is impossible to be the opponent of the other party.

His body trembled with fear, and there was endless horror in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I like puppets more than living people. After you die, I will turn you into a puppet so that you will be obedient and obedient forever!" Long Fei's smile was extremely creepy.

The old man's face was extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Your Excellency, Dou Sheng, are you really going to do everything!!?"

"Yes" Long Fei smiled.

"You forced me! The old man fought with you!!!" The energy in the old man seemed to have been prepared long ago, and at this moment, there was an instant riot.

The light bloomed on his body.

"No, this old thing is going to explode!" Yao Tianhuo shouted angrily.

"Self-destruct? Do you still want to self-destruct in front of me?" Long Fei disdainfully shook his hand.

The body disappeared in a flash, reappeared close to the chest of the old man's body, and a palm with mysterious energy directly hit the old man's body.


The old man's eyes popped out, and his screams resounded through the sky.

This energy that invaded his body was crushing his soul very quickly, and then was forcibly swallowed.

In the end, the screams disappeared, and the old man's soul also disappeared.

If he didn't want to keep this semi-holy body, Long Fei could turn it into blood mist with a flick of his fingers.

The power of the blood, the Qinglong training!

Long Fei didn't talk nonsense. After the old man's soul was devoured, he immediately activated the slave refining mode. The blue energy wrapped around the old man's body. The next moment, familiar blue lines appeared on his body.

Afterwards, the first green dragon's blood entered the semi-sage's imprint, and now, as a one-star Dou Sheng, he can raise the strength of this puppet to the peak of the late-stage semi-sage.

So now this puppet is already at the peak level of the late half saint.

"Meet the Master"

"What's your original name?" Long Fei asked.

"Chen Tianxin" said the puppet.

Long Fei: "From now on, you will be called Sky Puppet."

Puppet: "Yes!"

"come back"

The sky puppet turned into a blue bead and merged into Long Fei's blood.

"The matter here has been understood, we should leave here and return to the Zhongzhou Continent."

After solving these matters, Long Fei slowly turned sideways and said.

"Then let's go."

Long Fei led the two of them directly through the void wormhole. Now that he has the location in Zhongzhou, he doesn't need to use the previous teleportation wormhole to teleport.

Soon, the figures of the three disappeared in place.

It was quiet here again, as if all this had never happened, and the three of them had never been to this area again.

Now Long Fei has mastered six different fires, and the subsequent ones are all lower on the list of different fires, but it doesn't matter.

Everything should be done slowly, and the order of eating is slowly moving from the least delicious to the most delicious.

This is the perfect rhythm.

In the void wormhole.

Long Fei is now thinking about the disappearance of the other strange fires.

Long Fei muttered softly: "I don't know where that guy Xiao Yan has gone now, it's almost time to go and bring back Yao Lao's ancient spirit Lenghuo."


(End of this chapter)

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