Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 273 273.2 Azure Dragon Flame

Chapter 273. 273. Twelve Azure Dragon Flames

Inside the Qinglong Pavilion, a beam of flame rose.

Accompanied by the violent vibration, it once again aroused the curious eyes of many disciples in Qinglong Pavilion.

The next moment, in the light of the fire, the figure of Yao Tianhuo stood here.

"Old man~ I have finally become a semi-sage!" Yao Tianhuo's extremely happy voice sounded, and as the fire light disappeared, the rosy color on his face became extraordinarily intense.

Yao Tianhuo saw Long Fei with his eyes, and immediately landed from mid-air, came to Long Fei and said, "Guard Master, this old man has lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully promoted to the semi-sage!"

Long Fei smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, very good!"

He stretched out his hand and patted Yao Tianhuo's body. During the promotion, Yao Tianhuo's body also changed. He was no longer the child before, but a young man similar to Long Fei, but he was two times shorter than Long Fei. size.

"From now on, you will sit in the Qinglong Pavilion and look like the other semi-holy puppets. I also have things to deal with." Long Fei gave an order.

Yao Tianhuo nodded with a serious expression: "Don't worry, leader, anyone who offends me in Qinglong Pavilion will step on the old man's body!"

"it is good!"


After explaining the matter, after perfecting and upgrading the formation, Long Fei went to Dan Tower alone.

Above the sky, Long Fei was flying alone, very fast, and muttered to himself: "Since the Sifang Pavilion has changed, I think this Pill Tower will also change. In the original book, the three giants of Pill Tower are the strongest. It’s just a junior semi-saint, I don’t know how the strength of the three giants will be improved to that extent in this special original world, I’m really looking forward to it!”

After he finished speaking, he turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared into the sky with a bang.

The speed of Ji Ting Flash Leaping Step is terrifying, and now he has reached a step of a million miles in Dzogchen.

And Danta is actually quite far from where Qinglong Pavilion is located, after all it is almost in the center of Zhongzhou.

And Qinglong Pavilion is only in the Zhongwei area of ​​Zhongzhou.

The Heavenly Fire owned by Danta is the [-] Yanhuo ranked ninth on the Heavenly Fire List. This thing is very strong, but Long Fei is not afraid. Now that he has absorbed twelve kinds of Heavenly Fire, he also has Wuji Longevity Kung Fu As he grows, his physical strength has reached a very terrifying height!

Moreover, the twelve kinds of different fires were fused together in his body under the nourishment of the chaotic green dragon's bloodline to produce the emperor's flame similar to that produced by absorbing all the different fires. The current flame has twelve kinds of different fires. The color is extremely terrifying, powerful and perverted.

From the perspective of the number of different fires, 22 kinds of different fires absorbed and produced the No. The existence of the Half Emperor Yan, although its power is far inferior to that of the Emperor Yan, but because it is contaminated with the blood of the Chaos Azure Dragon, it will be more terrifying than half of the Half Emperor Yan's power.

But Long Fei gave it a name, Twelve Azure Dragon Flames!
Twelve Azure Dragon Flames can also be dismantled and refused according to Long Fei's needs, completely free and unrestricted.


In the central area of ​​Zhongzhou, the head here is very big, and almost all the powerful forces are here.

In a certain place, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky like a magic trick and half turned into a figure.

This person is the little bastard Long Fei.

The chaotic green dragon pupils opened, and the eyesight was greatly improved in an instant. Thousands of miles, thousands of miles of holes were seen, and soon they saw a place where the sky was full of pills.

And this lot belongs to Dancheng, because the name hangs high on it.

The Dan Tower is within the Dan City.

Pill City is very large, and inside it is the holy land of pharmacists. There are as many high-level and low-level pharmacists here as there are ants.

In those small places, there are a lot of fifth-rank, sixth-rank and seventh-rank pharmacists here.

Anyone who goes to a small place can become a top measuring pillar to support an imperial power.

But it's not good here, the pharmacists of these grades are completely out of the eyes of these people, and they seem to be very ordinary.

"Dancheng, Danta, I finally found you, the ninth and third thousand Yanhuo on the Alien Fire List will soon be mine!" Long Fei showed the victor's wild smile, and an extremely coquettish flame appeared in his hand. Come out, the flame has a cyan brilliance on its body.

This is the Twelve Azure Dragon Flames!

"Soon you will be the Thirteenth Azure Dragon Flame." Long Fei looked at the strange fire in his hand with satisfaction, and the more he looked at him, the happier he was. In a good mood, he set off directly to Pill City.

In just a few minutes, at his current speed, he arrived outside Dan City in an instant.

To enter Dan City, one needs to have the alchemist badge certification.

Unfortunately, Long Fei didn't have the pharmacist's badge certification, so he was stopped outside by the guards.

The guard said indifferently: "Please show the badge of the alchemist for authentication, otherwise you will enter the Dan City, which is the land of the alchemist!"

And there is also a badge of a pharmacist on the chest of this guard, with a total of five stars, it is a fifth-rank pharmacist!

Here in Zhongzhou, a fifth-rank pharmacist is just a janitor. In a small place, such a thing is unthinkable. The fifth-rank has been worshiped as a demigod!
And Long Fei frowned. To be honest, he didn't like this person talking to him like this. As the highest leader of the Qinglong Gang, his arrogant attitude naturally existed, and he couldn't be insulted. How could he bear this kind of anger? Got it.

Long Fei said coldly: "I don't like your tone when you talk to me. You'd better have a better attitude, otherwise I don't mind sending you into the six realms of reincarnation!"

As he said that, the twelve green dragon flames appeared directly in front of the guards while Long Fei flipped his hands, and there was a terrifying coercion!

This guard was a fifth-rank pharmacist, but he was only a one-star Douzong. He was immediately frightened, trembling with fear.

"Heavenly fire!? No, what kind of different fire is this? Why haven't I seen it? And" The guard exclaimed in fear.

"Hmph, you're just a little one-star Douzong, so you've seen very few things. I have a strange fire, do I count as a pharmacist?"

Long Fei snorted coldly, sarcastically.

The guard swallowed his saliva and nodded: "Forget it, but this is the Pill City, and inside it is the Pill Tower. Although your cultivation level is much higher, the forces in the Pill Tower are not something you can fight against. You are like this. Afraid of Danta's revenge?"

Long Fei shook his head: "You just don't know how to be a human being. You were already dead in the past, and this seat is still a five-star fighter. How many people in the Pill Tower can compete with this seat? Little thing!"

"You are only a one-star Douzong, how could you feel the power of a five-star Dousheng? It's ridiculous, ridiculous." Long Fei continued to shake his head.

But it was just his performance, the aura on his body suddenly changed the three giants in Danta.

Xuan Kongzi


The three of them felt the power of Dou Sheng coming from outside, and they just happened to be in the same place again.

"This aura is so powerful, at least at the level of a five-star Dou Sheng, who the hell came to my Danta?"

"This breath came from outside Dan City."

"I think that a strong person of this level should not be outside the Dan City. If you want to enter the Dan Tower, it is very simple."

The three spoke.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look, just in case!"

The three reached an agreement and left Danta.


(End of this chapter)

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