Chapter 276. Chapter 276.

Inside Dan City, there were huge crowds of people, and Kaimi, as Long Fei's personal independent guide, brought him to the auction house she mentioned.

As far as the eye can see, there are men, women and children all over the place, rich princes and princesses, old patriarchs and so on can be found everywhere.

"Today is the auction house in Pill City. It is specially held to celebrate tomorrow's alchemist competition. There will be such an opportunity every three years. To enter the auction house, you only need to contribute a fifth-grade elixir or above. Take it as an admission ticket!"

In front of the entrance of the auction house in Pill City, there stood a beautiful girl in a red robe with hips wrapped around her hips. This beautiful girl had a strong and charming posture, charming and charming.

Those plump and round eyes, long eyelashes, winking from time to time.

Fascinated by many male compatriots present.

"This admission ticket is okay, you can accept it!"

"Small fifth-grade pills can be easily refined!"

"I will have a place in this auction house today!"


There are constant voices of bragging among the crowd, but most of them may not be bragging, but have real skills.

They lined up quickly, paid the pills one by one, and then entered the auction house in an orderly manner.

"They are all fifth-grade pills, so why can't I give you a sixth-grade pill?" The woman who received the pills looked a little bit complaining, and spoke in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

The length of the line, people are constantly filling the line in the aisle where people come and go, so that this line has the will of the Great Wall that will never die.

Soon, Long Fei and the others will arrive.

"Do you have the fifth grade elixir?" Long Fei looked at Kaimi.

Kaimi puffed out her chest and nodded proudly: "It's just a fifth-grade elixir, of course I have it! Don't you even look at what kind of pharmacist I am!"

On her left chest sleeve is the badge that symbolizes the identity of an alchemist, and six points of light are lit on it.

Represents a sixth-grade pharmacist.

The junior grades are the sixth-grade pharmacists. I mean, there are a lot of sixth-grade pharmacists on the continent of Zhongzhou.

"It's fine if you have it," Long Fei said lightly.

"Then do you have any? It's okay, if not, I can pay you together!" Kaimi looked at Long Fei, a stranger who didn't know Dancheng at all, so he knew it was his first time here, but the other party was able to get one with a high level of cultivation. Rank five elixir is a piece of cake.

Moreover, Long Fei didn't have a pharmacist badge on him, which meant that this person was probably not a pharmacist, so she became even more proud.

Long Fei said indifferently: "No, you give it to you, I'll give it to me."

After listening, Kaimi snorted softly, and heard the woman's voice: "You two, it's your turn. Are you going to pay together?"

"No!" Kaimi took out a fifth-grade elixir from the ring and handed it to the woman: "Hey, please take a look, this is a fifth-grade ice panacea!"

There was not much surprise or other colors on the woman's face, but there was a look of boredom, all of them were fifth-grade pills, and there were only a few fifth-grade pills, and they were almost the same when they came and went. Everyone would be bored, but she still smiled and said: "It is indeed a fifth-grade ice-cold pill, please come inside!"

After finishing speaking, the smile died of laughter, and then looked at Long Fei.

Kemin pursed his lips and walked directly inside without saying anything.

"It's your turn, sir." The woman smiled faintly and looked at Long Fei.

With a calm expression on his face, Long Fei took out a elixir from the ring and handed it to the woman, and said flatly, "This is the seventh-grade elixir, Xuanlong Pill."

Letting go, the pill fell into the woman's hands.

The woman's beautiful eyes widened. At first she thought she would receive a fifth-rank pill, but she didn't expect the other party to directly skip the sixth-rank pill and directly reach the seventh-rank pill.

Although there are many seventh-rank pharmacists, there are very few who can refine Xuanlong pills of this purity. This pill is top-notch in terms of color and fragrance.

She swallowed her saliva in shock, and asked uncertainly: "My lord, do you really want to use this seventh-rank Profound Dragon Pill as an entry ticket?"

Long Fei nodded: "Why, can't it?"

The woman nodded fiercely and said, "Of course! Sir, since your elixirs are of a high level, we will arrange for you to have an independent noble room for you to rest and auction!"

She gave a seventh-grade elixir with no expression on her face. This person must be a ruthless person, or the power behind it is extremely huge, and she will not offend such a person.

These great people need to be served carefully.

"Yes." Long Fei nodded.

The woman smiled and quickly called a woman behind her and said, "Take this young man to the VIP room on the third floor!"

"Yes!" The woman nodded, then looked at Long Fei and said, "My lord, please come with me!"

After speaking, he turned around, Long Fei walked in, stopped in his footsteps, and said, "Wait a minute"

The woman stopped in her tracks.

Turning his head to look at Long Fei in doubt.

Long Fei pointed to Kaimi who was sluggishly on the other side, and said lightly: "This person is my guide and will go to the VIP room with me, is it okay?"

The woman shook her head quickly, and said with a full smile: "Of course there is no problem, let's go together!"

Long Fei came to Kaimi and slapped her on the head, waking up the sluggish Kaimi.

She groaned and complained looking at Long Fei: "Why are you hitting me!?"

"keep up"

After finishing speaking, Long Fei looked at the woman: "Let's go."

I didn't pay any more attention to the idiot Kemi.

Kaimi hurriedly followed, with an angry and surprised tone, he said, "I didn't expect that since you were able to take out the seventh-grade Profound Dragon Pill, who the hell are you?"

Long Fei blinked his eyes, and said lightly: "What's the matter, there are many people in Zhongzhou who can produce this level of pills, so why are you surprised?"

Kaimi immediately retorted: "No! Even if you have all of them, this kind of pill is a seventh-grade pill, and others will call it out with conditions. It hurts so much. But since you are different, since it seems worthless, you just gave it to someone who is not worth much. Someone you know? You don’t change your face, don’t you feel sad?"

After hearing this, Long Fei laughed directly, and said with a sneer: "In my eyes, the seventh-grade elixir is really not straightforward. I just grab it as much as beans. If you want it, I can give you one, do you want it? "

Kaimi's eyes were wide and watery, and he said in disbelief: "Really, really? If it's really given to me, of course I want it! Only fools don't want it!"

That is the seventh-grade pill, Xuanlong Pill!
Even if she collects it or puts it up for auction, she can exchange it for something of great value.

"Here, here you are." Long Fei took out a Profound Dragon Pill from the ring and threw it to Kaimi like a trash.

Kaimi thought that Long Fei was joking, but unexpectedly he actually came, and immediately put his hands in his hands carefully.

"It's really a seventh-grade Profound Dragon Pill! This color, this fragrance, and this plumpness! They are all top-notch!! You are really willing to give it to me!? We just met, you don't have any other intentions, do you? "Cami's cheeks were flushed, and some unsuitable pictures flashed in his mind, frightened like a little rabbit.

And the woman who led the way ahead was also envious, shocked, and shocked when she saw this.

The move is to give away the seventh-rank Xuanlong pill to anyone, it is so generous, why don't you give me one too?

(End of this chapter)

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