Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 278 278.1 Billion Shot

Chapter 278 278 million photographed

Kaimi muttered: "What kind of gang is the Qinglong Gang, I have never heard of it."

She was thinking in her heart, the Azure Dragon Gang felt unpopular just by hearing its name, whether she would be tricked into some kind of big pit.

All of a sudden, I became vigilant in my heart.

Long Fei laughed contemptuously: "Haha, the mainland of Zhongzhou is so big, little girl, do you understand everything? There are so many hidden forces in Zhongzhou, do you really understand? You are still not convinced by saying that you are a little girl , this seat is the head of the Azure Dragon Gang, it is your blessing and fortune to personally invite you to join the gang, why don't you agree quickly?"

Long Fei continued: "Just now I easily killed the five Dou Zong outside, you can see how good I am, right? Do you think I'm a liar?"

"I" For a moment, Kemi didn't know what to say, as if he had no right to speak at all.

And at this moment, the voice below sounded: "6000 million!"

At this moment, 6000 million gold coins have been auctioned for the sixth-grade Huangji Dan. This gold coin has almost reached the limit price of the sixth-grade Huangji Dan. Generally speaking, there will not be too many people to increase the price.

After all, although it is precious, it is not necessary, and it is only a sixth-rank elixir, and there will definitely be a seventh-rank elixir that is higher than the sixth-rank. It is a bold guess that there may be an eighth-rank elixir, but it should be very unlikely up.

If the eighth-grade elixir is successfully refined, the Calamity of Pill and Thunder at that time cannot be taken casually.

Generally, pills at the seventh rank will experience thunder calamity, and pills baptized by pill thunder will have spirituality, the more powerful the thunder calamity, the greater the spirituality.

Therefore, the eighth-grade elixir is extremely precious, and generally it will not be auctioned.

Gold coins can no longer be measured, and some items need to be exchanged for the same amount as the items.

Of course, people who need gold coins are not ruled out, but this is very rare. People who can refine the eighth-grade elixir have a high level of self-cultivation. There is no shortage of money, but the lack of cultivation resources.

"Don't hesitate anymore, it's already 6000 million now, if you hesitate any longer, the Huangji Pill will be taken away by someone else." Long Fei's voice rang in Kaimi's ear.

Kemi, who was in a daze, woke up immediately, and nodded like a ghost: "Okay, I agree to join you, hurry up and help me take pictures of Huangji Pill!"

Her eyes looked at the elixir emitting a warm light on the screen, and her eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"No problem." Long Fei smiled lightly. Since the other party had already agreed, there was no way he could go back on his word, because he would not give the other party a chance to go back on his word.

His hand directly pressed the price increase, and he pressed it many times in a row.

On the field, the high price of 6000 million has reached a feverish stage, and no one is going to increase the price, but the person from the faction who shouted 6000 million is relieved and lying on the chair, showing a satisfied smile: "Six Pinhuangji Pill is very good, no one will increase the price, my son is expected to be promoted to Nine Star Douhuang!"

But then the sudden price increase bell made his face freeze, his heart trembled, and he had a premonition that he was very uneasy. Sure enough, at this kind of time, the last thing he should do is relax, and the later the later, the more frightened the moment.

The whole set was awakened by the price increase bell.

Xingya looked at the origin of the ringtone, and said in surprise, since it is the VIP room of that person, it seems that he is going to make a move. Pin Huangji Dan?

What the hell is this man thinking?
"The Azure Dragon Gang offered [-] million yuan!"

A voice sounded, and everyone was shocked!

"What!? Is this person sick? Or making trouble?"

"A direct price increase of 4000 million?"

"The sixth-grade Huangji Pill sold for [-] million yuan!"

"My God, it's so terrifying!"


There was a stunned and shocking sound at the scene, and everyone couldn't understand it.


The man who was in joy suddenly became angry and put his hand on the handle of the chair. He looked at the source of the sound with a fierce expression, and showed a bit of fear on his expression. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Damn it! , why do you have to destroy my joyful mood at this time!"

"Hey~ Shit!" The man can only curse and can't do anything.

It is not easy for people who can sit in the VIP room in the Dancheng Auction House, and they are not something they can provoke.

This time, I can only swear angrily and can't continue to provoke.

"This person has too much money and no place to spend it. One hundred million gold coins to buy the sixth-grade Huangji Dan? This is really big!"

"This old man from the Qinglong Gang is a little curious."

There were many voices in the venue talking about it, but there was no voice of raising the price.

Xingya said, "Is there a higher price?"

"If not, then it's decided, once for [-] million, twice for [-] million, and three times for [-] million! Congratulations to the Azure Dragon Gang for winning the sixth-grade Huangji Pill at a high price of [-] million!"


Following Xingya's voice and the auction hammer's slamming price, the sixth-grade Huangji Pill is already in the hands of the Qinglong Gang!

"Give it to him." Xingya said to the man behind her.

The man bowed slightly and nodded: "Good miss."

Then he took the pill and walked carefully towards Long Fei's VIP room.

On the way, the box was closed.

In Long Fei's room.

Kemi was also shocked and paled: "You are really rich, you added 4000 million in one go, [-] million gold coins is a lot!"

"It's nothing." Long Fei didn't care. If they knew the price he auctioned in Beiyuchi, these people wouldn't be surprised at the small one hundred million now.

Anyway, Long Fei was really rich. As for where the money came from, that was his own problem.

Anyway, he is not short of money, not short of money, not short of money!

The important thing must be said three times!
There was a knock on the door, and Long Fei said lightly, "Come in."

After consent, the door was opened, and the man walked in, accompanied by a woman beside him.

The man carefully brought it in front of Long Fei, and respectfully said, "Young Master, this is the sixth-grade Huangji Pill you won, please have a look."

Stretching out his hand, the box opened, revealing the fragrance and color of the sixth grade Huangji Dan.

Cammy next to him swallowed reluctantly.

This is really the sixth-grade Huangji Dan, she is not dreaming, she really got the sixth-grade Huangji Dan!

It's not far from the Six Star Fighting Emperor!
If you're lucky, you might be able to be promoted to Seven Star Fighting Emperor!
This temptation is very huge!
"Give it to her, I'm not interested in this thing." Long Fei waved his hand, then took out bags of money pouches from the ring and put them on the man's plate.

The man instantly felt that the plate was extremely heavy.

"One hundred million, one cent is not much, one cent is not much, I am the most honest." Long Fei said.

"Yes, then we will leave first."

Seeing that Kaimi took the item, the man nodded quickly.

At present, the number should not be faked, let alone a person of this level should not bother to cheat.

He didn't have to worry too much, he just turned around and left.

"Now is the right time, you can eat it and see how it works." Long Fei also looked expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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