Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 369. Chapter 369. Luohe Domain Alchemist Conference

Chapter 369. Chapter 369. Luohe Domain Alchemist Conference
"All right! Two fairy coins are two fairy coins!"

Xiao Er was helpless, the price was too low, and he didn't want to provoke the three of them, so he could just admit it.

Long Fei smiled, took out two more fairy coins and handed them to Xiao Er, saying: "Okay, you go and prepare meals."

"Okay, three young masters, wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Er put away all the fairy coins, turned around and went out the door. The door was closed.

After Xiaoer left, Zhang Qinian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "We've lowered his price so much, will this guy see that we don't like adding something to the food?"

Long Fei's face was calm: "He dare not, if I really find out, I will make his whole family die miserably."

If he dares to do this, he must think about the consequences of doing it!
Although his face was calm, Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping saw the icy coldness in his eyes, which made people shiver unconsciously.

From this alone, it can be judged that Long Fei is not joking.

The three of them waited while chatting about the Abyssal Beast.

Time passed little by little.

Soon Xiao Er pushed the dining car into the room.

"The three young masters have been waiting for a long time." Xiaoer said with a smile on his face.

Then he carefully moved the food from the dining car to the dining table, and a strong fragrance rose from his nostrils, which made him feel very comfortable.

After all the food was put on the table, Xiao Er took out a recording office and put it on the table, and said: "Please look over the dishes, three gentlemen, and if there is no problem, please pay for the meal. This is our inn. According to the rules, everyone is in the same order."

The reason why the three of them are not worried about the food being tampered with is because they haven't paid the money yet. If they find something wrong, they will get up and leave immediately. In that case, only the other party will be hurt.

Long Fei's spiritual sense swept across and saw all the structures of these dishes, but he didn't find anything bad.

"No problem" Long Fei said lightly, then picked up the record office and looked at it.

The names and prices of all the dishes are clearly listed on it, and the final price is: two thousand fairy coins.

"Two thousand fairy coins, is the food here a fairy product?" The corner of Long Fei's mouth was drawn.

"What?! Two thousand fairy coins??"

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping's eyes widened, but they didn't speak, but were shocked in their hearts, and then carefully looked at the dishes in front of them, and suddenly had some self-doubt.

Nima's, so expensive!
This was the first time they had such an expensive lunch!

Xiao Er looked a little displeased, but quickly disappeared, and said, "Master, you are joking, the ingredients we use are all top-notch and the best, so the price is very reasonable."

"I'm joking with you, do you think I can't afford these two thousand fairy coins?" Long Fei said disdainfully, took out a bag of money from the ring and put it in front of Xiao Er's desk: "No A lot, a lot, exactly two thousand fairy coins, let's count them."

"Yes Yes"

Xiao Er forgot the previous contempt, and weighed it in his hand. Having been Xiao Er for so many years, he naturally understood the weight of two thousand fairy coins. Thousand fairy coins.

Xiaoer's smile became more intense, and he nodded quickly: "Three sons, taste slowly, the little one will leave first, so I won't disturb you!"

"Go!" Long Fei waved.

Xiao Er pushed the dining car away quickly, and closed the door by the way.

Long Fei opened the wine, poured it into the wine bowls of the other two people and then poured it into his own bowl, and the three toasted and briefly touched each other.


The three drank it and tasted it.

"Hmm! It tastes good, no wonder it's so expensive!"

"These ingredients are also very unusual, they are all fairy-level monster meat!"

"Now that I think about it, two thousand fairy coins are not too expensive."

Zhang Qinian changed his view immediately after eating with Liang Ping.

"Come to the wrong place, it's really delicious!"

Long Fei also ate with big mouthfuls, without too much nonsense.

As time goes by, the time for a meal passes quickly.

After eating, the three chose to open three rooms next door to live in.

Now that I know where the Yuandi Beast is, I don't need to be so eager. Anyway, I have been tired for so many days, so I should take a rest.

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping chose to practice meditation, while Long Fei had a big heart, so he directly chose to lie on the bed and snore and sleep.

His current cultivation base is already a mid-level seventh-level true immortal, and this is just a mission to practice and experience, and he will soon be away from Xuanxian. Naturally, he needs to have such advanced things for him to devour and convert into experience points, otherwise everything It's all nonsense, take your time.

When he was sleeping, all the power in his body was serving him, and the pendant around his neck was also slowly improving his experience.

The outer city of Luohe Region is also the city where Long Fei and the three are currently located. It is very lively at the moment, as are the surrounding cities, as if some kind of joint celebration is being held.

There are many people, walking on the road with each other.

"Today is the alchemist's competition, and the venue for this competition is Zhongwei Central Square in Luohe Region!"

"Today is just a rehearsal, tomorrow is the official match!"

Among the chaotic voices, there was a majestic voice.

As soon as the voice came out, those noisy people all quieted down to listen.

In fact, many people have already received news of the venue, but since the voice rang out, these people still gave face one after another.

After all, the owner of this voice is the president of the Luohe Alchemist Guild in the Luohe region!
The news came as a surprise to some.

Many people have chosen Zhongwei Central Square in Wanluohe area.

But at this moment, Long Fei who was asleep in the room slowly opened his eyes, and after stretching, he immediately felt comfortable.

Get up, and then push open the door of the room.

Just walking to the corridor, I saw the scene of those passers-by rushing in one direction.

He who just woke up naturally didn't know what happened.

But there was a middle-aged man watching beside him, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

Long Fei approached: "Hello, big brother, I want to ask you something, what happened? It's so lively all of a sudden?"

The middle-aged man looked at Long Fei with some surprises and said, "You don't know about such a grand and big event?"

"I fell asleep too soundly just now so I don't know what happened, and now I don't know what's going on." Long Fei shook his head, opened his mouth and snorted.

The middle-aged man looked at the room behind him, nodded secretly and said, "So that's the case, so it's not surprising."

He continued: "This year's Luoheyu alchemist conference has begun. This afternoon and evening are previews. It will officially start tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be many times more lively than now!"

"The Alchemist Conference in Luohe Region?" Long Fei muttered, and became a little curious.


(End of this chapter)

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