Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 371 371. Reappearing the Mirror!

Chapter 371 371. Reappearing the Mirror!

"Small problem? Apart from this alchemy master conference, do you have other ways to get money quickly, Junior Brother Long? Of course, don't make money out of other people's ideas."

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping looked at each other, and the immediate feeling was that this guy Long Fei thought of an idea for quick money.

"Hehe, don't worry, those methods are generally not used." Long Fei waved his hand, and then glanced behind the two's buttocks, with an evil taste: "I think your butts are pretty good, why don't you become a duck? I think there must be a lot of rich women in this Luohe region!"

"Fuck! Get out!!"

When Liang Ping and Zhang Qinian heard this, their faces turned red and shy, and they cursed at Long Fei loudly.

"Ahem. Just kidding, just kidding, don't get excited, don't get excited!" Long Fei coughed dryly and smiled mockingly.

Zhang Qinian crossed his arms and bowed his head: "Junior Brother Long, don't make such a joke, quickly come up with a plan for quick money, while we have time now, let's buy and slaughter the Yuandi Beast first, and then we can Go play in peace."

"Come on, give me your fairy coins first." Long Fei stretched out his hands and grabbed them out of thin air, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, look at Long Fei's cheap expression.

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping squinted at him for a while, then looked at each other, and then took out two bags of money from the storage ring, and Long Fei took out his share of money.

"The money will not be exposed, we will enter the house first." Long Fei walked towards the room with the money.

"Let's see what kind of tricks you're going to do!" Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping followed quickly, and closed the door. Just in case, the two of them still used the spirit formation technique in the entire room.

Although these formation enchantment techniques may not be as powerful as Long Fei's, they are still very good.

Long Fei opened the three bags of money, and with the help of the fairy power, the 400 million fairy coins were suspended like dense candy lumps, filling up the whole room at once.

"Hoohoo, I didn't expect such a magnificent scene after 400 million fairy coins were spread out. It really is amazing!"

The eyes of Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping were momentarily dull, fascinated by the scene in front of them.

In their eyes, these fairy coins are no longer trading money, but beautiful starry sky-like paintings of stars!
Liang Ping said stupidly: "There are still 600 million fairy coins, how do you want to get them out, Junior Brother Long?"

The corner of Zhang Qinian's mouth twitched slightly, and he answered, "You don't mean to just let these fairy coins float here and let them transform themselves?"

"Of course not, you guys are watching!" Long Fei smiled mysteriously, and immediately waved his hand towards the front, and suddenly there was something like a void in front of him, and his hand was just under the eyes of the two of them. Stretched in.

People who don't know because Long Fei took things from the void, but Long Fei himself knows what's going on.

This empty hole is directly leading to the system warehouse, and only he can trigger and use it. This is also a good way to pretend after the system upgrade.

Sure enough, the Know Me System!

His heart is synchronized with the system warehouse, as long as he thinks about what he wants, then something will appear behind this empty hole.

What Long Fei wanted now was the 100% replica mirror that hadn't been used for a long time.

Both of them were very curious about what Long Fei could get out of this inexplicable void, and they kept their eyes on and a little eager.

The next moment, Long Fei's hand was slowly retracted, and soon, gradually, a mirror with blue edges and a transparent center appeared in Long Fei's hands, and it also appeared in the eyes of the two of them!
"Mirror mirror???"

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping were taken aback for a moment, their pupils widened in disbelief, they looked at Long Fei and said in shock: "Junior Brother Long, what are you doing with a mirror?!"

Zhang Qinian frowned, and his face became a little displeased: "At this time, you still have the mind to make such a joke?"

"Junior Brother Long, you didn't take it wrong, did you?" Liang Ping, who said this, wanted to let Long Fei down the stairs.

But things are not as useless as they think.

Long Fei didn't care about it, he knew that the two people in front of him had misunderstood, everyone would misunderstand.
Long Fei smiled faintly: "Two senior brothers, don't worry. I brought out a mirror. Naturally, I have my reasons. I didn't take it wrong. It is this thing that can solve our current plight of lack of money."

After a pause of less than half a second, he continued to speak calmly: "And, Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Liang, take a closer look and feel the mirror in my hand. If there is any difference, you will soon find something strange. Here it is!"

As soon as the hand holding the mirror was released, the mirror moved slowly in the air, and there was a very mysterious energy fluctuation at the edge of the mirror.

This mysterious energy fluctuation has certain rules or laws.

"I feel that this mirror is unusual!" Liang Ping was stunned for a moment, and now he recollects it carefully, takes a closer look, and uses his fairy power to feel that the mirror coming out of the void in front of him is really extraordinary!
"This feeling is so strange." Zhang Qinian stretched out his hand to touch it.

However, the moment his fingers were about to approach, the mirror was taken back into Long Fei's hands. Zhang Qinian was stunned for a moment, and then heard Long Fei say: "This mirror is called the copying mirror, and it can copy the world within its copying range." anything, except that which is alive cannot be reproduced."

"This mirror is so heaven-defying!" Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping both showed eagerness after hearing this, but they wouldn't be so stupid as to snatch it, after all, they couldn't beat it, and now Long Fei could bring out this heaven-defying treasure to them Look, it is enough to prove that Long Fei really regards the two of them as his own!

For Long Fei's attitude, the two of them were very moved!

Although the two of them are a little lower in rank, they will never do anything like treacherous traitors!

Zhang Qinian's brain turned quickly, and he understood everything at once: "So, Junior Brother Long, are you planning to use this copy mirror to copy all these fairy coins once?"

Liang Ping let out a loud oh, and Zhang Qinian's words made his brain turn faster.

All of a sudden he also understood that this was the case!

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up!" Liang Ping shouted excitedly.

"You guys are wrong!" Long Fei said righteously.

"What's wrong?" The two were taken aback.

Long Fei said with a mysterious smile: "I took out this magic weapon, so how could it be possible to copy so little once? First set a small goal, excluding the 2000 million fairy coins to buy Yuandi Beast, Each of us is worth a hundred million fairy coins!"

Hearing this, both of them breathed heavily.

"One billion fairy coins!"

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly: "Sure! Sure! Brother Long, we two are really lucky!"


(End of this chapter)

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