Chapter 379 379. Seiko
"You can only smoke once a day?"

Long Fei felt that he had heard wrongly before, so he was making sure again.


The system's answer completely verified that he did not hear wrongly, and all of this was true.

Long Fei: "It's really picky!"

System: "." "Then do you smoke?"

Long Fei: "Pump!"

"After confirming, 1000 million fairy coins will be deducted in exchange for [-] system coins, and the [-] system coins will be automatically consumed, and the lottery function will start—"

After the familiar mechanical sound of the system sounded, at the same time a ball of light flickering very fast appeared in front of Long Fei's pupils.

Only he can see this ball of light, and no one else in the carriage can see it.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the smelting platform, which has been placed in the system warehouse, please check!"

The long-awaited voice finally rang out. After hearing the word smelting platform, Long Fei quickly checked the system warehouse and asked, "System, what is this smelting platform for? Do I need to use it?"

The system's answer: "The smelting table can be specially used to smelt weapon props, which are divided into primary and secondary weapons. The secondary weapons will be smelted and differentiated and all attributes will be integrated into the primary weapon. The success rate is 50.00%, and the failure rate is 50.00%. Please use it with caution! You don’t need to take it out, you just need to tell the system to activate the smelting table, and the system will take over the operation.”

Long Fei rubbed his chin: "This is a good thing after all, but the success rate and failure rate are a bit hesitant."

In his short time, the carriage has already reached Liusha Town.

The carriage stopped before he terminated the conversation with the system, just wait.

"We've arrived, the three young masters can come down now." Cheng Huan landed first.

Zhang Qinian was the first, Liang Ping was the second, and Long Fei was the third. They all landed on the ground.

There is a road ahead, which is Liusha Town, surrounded by yellow sand, but those who live here have already adapted to it, it does not affect their lives at all, and they also use the yellow sand reasonably.

The name of Liusha Town makes people feel that it is a very backward and remote town where no one comes, but in fact there are quite a lot of people here. Walking in all the way, you can see hundreds of households and shops. There are many.

People come and go, mostly tourists.

Cheng Huan led Long Fei and the three of them directly towards the hall.

The hall of Liusha Town is as grand and spacious as a royal palace.

On both sides, there are thorny warrior guards wearing golden iron armor, holding three-pointed spears, standing here like unfallen mountains, with piercing eyes!

Seeing Cheng Huan and his group walking towards this side, the two of them approached the center, and the three-pointed long sword in their hands was released to form a cross shape, and then the two indifferent voices sounded: "This place is the hall, What are you four doing here?"

"Hehe, don't you guys remember me?" Cheng Huan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Just when the two guards were curious and looked at Cheng Huan's face thinking, they saw a ray of light appearing in the latter's hand, and then a blue token was in his hand, and the pattern on it was exactly a sword stuck in the ring. The center of the hunting ground can be divided into two halves.

"This is it!" The guard was surprised.

"Do you remember now? We came all the way today to buy a new generation of listening devices. Please let me go!"

Seeing the startled face of the guard, Cheng Huan chuckled and directly expressed his intention of coming.

"It turns out to be the general manager of the animal hunting ground, please come inside!" The guard stood back to his original position, and the road ahead of the four of them opened.

Cheng Huan nodded in satisfaction, and walked in with Long Fei and the three of them.

Come to the hall and continue to follow Cheng Huan.

A bright woman standing in front of her seemed to be waiting for someone, or she was waiting again because of her position.

"President Cheng, you are finally here."

When the woman saw Cheng Huan, the smile on her face became even more intense.

"Well, Xiao Jing, take us there." Cheng Huan smiled faintly, looking somewhere ahead.

"Yes, everyone, please follow me."

Following the woman, the four of them quickly entered a room. The layout design of this room was all in a noble style.

There are four golden rays of light floating in the center of the room.

"The four groups of golden lights here are the latest generation of listeners I prepared for the four!" Su Jing came to the four groups of lights and introduced.

Cheng Huan, Long Fei, Zhang Qinian, and Liang Ping could all clearly see a palm-sized circular object within the light cluster.

"Can I take it down?"


Cheng Huan took the lead and reached out to take it, and the rest followed suit.

After receiving the latest generation of listening devices, the four of them played with Su Jing's introduction and explanation.

The listener also had its own listening number, and the four of them added a number to each other and began to greet each other simply.

This thing is similar to WX, but it is much more advanced than WX. After all, this thing can achieve contact beyond the astral world, but the current ordinary technology of human beings cannot easily do it.

From Su Jing's explanation, Long Fei learned that although this listening device is only as big as a palm, there are indeed tens of thousands of special formations contained and designed in it. Tens of thousands of formations are condensed into such a small It's not an easy task to run things inside.

This is a proper high-level project, it is very difficult, but it is also very powerful. These formations are also specially made for this listener, and cannot be used externally. No wonder this generation of listeners is so expensive at 5000 million fairy coins!

Sure enough, expensive naturally has its own reasons!

Su Jing said: "If you need to upgrade in the future, these formations will have a synchronous connection with the central console, and they can be automatically upgraded, but you need to go to the hall to upgrade and pay the relevant upgrade fees. .”

"Okay, I think it's good, just give me the money." Long Fei said.

Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping nodded secretly, this small listening device actually has tens of thousands of formations concentrated, it is really terrifying, the function is even more powerful, 5000 million is indeed worth it!

Cheng Huan has long been fond of the products of this new generation, and with a wave of his hand, five bags of money came out into Su Jing's hands.

"Each bag contains 1000 million fairy coins, and five bags are exactly 5000 million fairy coins!"

Cheng Huan had already done the deal directly, and Long Fei and the other three were naturally unambiguous, and they just threw away the 5000 million fairy coins and went out again.

Long Fei's face was calm, but Zhang Qinian and Liang Ping were really in pain. Although these fairy coins were copied by Long Fei, they were still uncomfortable.

5000 million is gone if you say no, there is a feeling of being robbed.

"Wait a minute, everyone!"

Su Jing took the front and quickly came to the front desk, implemented the extremely fast counting mode, and quickly calculated the answer.

After the transaction was successful, the four left the hall directly.

Cheng Huan asked: "Where are the three going next?"

"It's been more than half a month since we left the Azure Dragon School, it's time to go back and hand in the mission." Long Fei said.


(End of this chapter)

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