Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 383 383. The assessment begins

Chapter 383 383. The assessment begins

"It's really unbelievable!"

The staff took a deep breath, looking at Long Fei's appearance and figure, he never asked the second question in his mind, how old are you, because he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the stimulation.

"Now I can pass the exam as a first-grade immortal alchemist?" Long Fei looked at the staff with a flat gaze, and didn't feel anything because of his words of praise, after all, he was already numb.

"Okay! I'll arrange it for you now, and it will be your turn after this group of people finish refining." The staff began to operate on the mechanical equipment, and Long Fei didn't look at it, just turned around and observed those who were refining the alchemy monk.

Those who failed and those who succeeded all left together, and the new group of people were also waiting in the waiting area after being arranged by the staff to undergo the same test as Long Fei.

And the staff hurriedly went to the side of the three examiners and told them about Long Fei, a monster.

The three of them recalled the terrifying soul power just now, and they originally planned to search for it, but because of the reason for investigation and the soul power disappeared in an instant, they ran aground there.

"The powerful spiritual power just now was actually emitted by this young man!" The three of them were stunned after hearing this, their pupils shrank slightly, and their expressions changed in shock.

"Where is he now?" The three of them said in unison, to be able to possess the soul power of a Xuanxian level in the mid-seventh level of a true immortal, this is a monster that is rare in ten thousand years!Now they can't wait to go to this young man's side to do a quick research, and the staff will say that he is very young, but they didn't ask his age for fear of being unable to bear the excitement.

The three of them were speechless for a while when they heard the staff's words.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't ask, the three of them will ask!

"It's in the waiting area, it's the next group of people." The staff member said, holding up his glasses.

After hearing this, the three of them stopped when they were about to leave, and the middle-aged man behind said: "Don't worry, Fangzheng can't leave either, he has the soul strength of the Xuanxian level, and so on is his alchemy!" , we can observe it first, don't startle the snake!"

After listening to his persuasion, the other two middle-aged men stroked their beards and nodded: "Okay, I will do as you said!"

All three of them looked like middle-aged men, but their real ages had already been calculated in hundreds.

"This batch is over, you go to prepare the next batch."

The middle-aged man on the left ordered the staff.

The staff looked at the group of monks who had already left and nodded: "Yes, elder!"

That's right, it turned out that these three people were not only the examiners this time, but also the elders of the Alchemy Masters Guild.

And the silver-white badges on the chests of the three of them are the symbol of alchemists, and four dots are lit inside the silver-white badges.

All three of them are all immortal-level fourth-rank alchemists!

This is the symbol of their identity and status. Although compared with other high-level alchemists in the star world, they are not in the eyes of others, but they do have the same prestige as the fifth and sixth-level powerhouses of Xuanxian on the Dazzling Continent!

Even some Xuanxian ninth-level peak powerhouses are very polite when there is no absolutely superior alchemist.

Of course, these all depend on the person.

Not everyone will be polite.

If some people don't like you, they will probably kill them.

After all, from most perspectives, such a situation rarely exists at present, and most alchemists focus on alchemy, and their own cultivation is not really too high.

But it is not an existence that anyone can bully.

You must know that if these three are placed on the Douqi Continent, they will also be super emperors who surpass the emperor rank pharmacists.

All sentient beings can be destroyed with a single gesture!
Of course, this can only be done in the Lower Realm, and it is absolutely impossible to do it in the Ascension Realm. Of course, some abandoned star relics can make this dream come true.

The staff came to the waiting area and said to the young men and women in front of them: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time, I won't talk nonsense, and it's your turn next, there are fifteen seats, randomly assigned , draw your numbers here."

As he said that, a red square box appeared in the hands of the staff as if by magic.

Fifteen people came to them one after another and stretched out their hands to draw a number, and what they took out was a round ball.

It is marked with the numbers that are drawn for the check-marked seats.

When it was Long Fei's turn, Fangzheng reached in and took it casually. When he came out, he saw that the number was eight.


Long Fei groaned softly and followed the people in front towards the alchemist examination platform. Everyone took their seats according to their number, and he was no exception.

Soon came to stand behind the No. [-] table.

Seeing that all 15 people have found their positions, they are ready to go.

The three elders above nodded lightly, and intentionally or unintentionally, their eyes stayed on Long Fei on channel [-] for the longest time.

It must be him who the staff said.

The three of them had seen the picture of the appearance shown to them by the staff, and immediately recognized Long Fei, and Long Fei was the only one with a bald head among the fifteen young men and women at the scene, which was also the best way to distinguish.

The elder in the middle said: "Not much nonsense, you are all monks who came to take the first-rank alchemy master, no matter whether you ascended from the lower realm before, or you are from this realm, no matter you You have never refined elixir, and it is completely different to step into the immortal level and below the immortal level, so this time your assessment task is to refine a first-grade immortal bone pill!"

"You have two hours, and you have two chances. If you don't succeed, it's a failure. Come again next time!"

Having said that, his voice stopped, and the three of them wanted to take a good look at the expressions of these people.

Sure enough, when they heard that the content of the assessment was the words "Xian Sheng Bone Pill", except for Long Fei, the expressions of the other fourteen men and women changed in surprise.

"What. Since it's the Immortal Bone Pill."

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being an alchemist of the immortal level, even the first-rank exam questions are so difficult"

Everyone frowned and dared not take it lightly.

Although this Immortal Bone Pill is also sold in the market, it is not easy to refine, and the materials are quite expensive.

"Wait a while, we will send you materials. Each of you has two pictures, that is, two chances."

The elder's voice continued to sound, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at the staff member below.

The staff member nodded, with a serious face, and understood.

Then he turned around and went in. Under the eyes of everyone, the staff was very fast. When they reappeared, although their hands were still empty, when they came to the stage, they waved their hands and flew out of the ring. Both the good-looking and the ugly medicines were in one light group, and then all the light groups were divided into two groups and fell on the table of 15 people.

And what is surprising is that there is a refining step map in the light group.

But even if there is a picture, it may not be able to be refined.


(End of this chapter)

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