Chapter 395.
After the two youths heard the voice like phantom chants, their faces changed drastically the moment they realized that they were trapped in the formation: "Impossible, when did it happen?! Why didn't we find out at all just now?" at this point?"

When the two looked at each other, they could see the unbelievable and unbelievable turmoil in their eyes.

In any case, both of them are genuine first-level true immortal powerhouses, how could they not even realize this.

"When exactly did it happen?"

From the faces of the two of them, I can read the flustered expressions, neither front nor back, and now they are really in a dilemma.

Closing their eyes, they need to calm down now, and think carefully about when they fell into the formation barrier before.

Soon, they discovered the problem from the details of memory, and they fell into it at the moment when they felt something was wrong.

It should be before!
That's right, it was that time!
When the two of them chased Long Fei half way through!
"This person's attainments in formation formations are terrifying!"

The two people who opened their eyes looked at each other with shock and shock, and at the same time, cold sweat flowed from their foreheads.

"Being able to have this strength does not mean that what you said before is true or false, thief! Let us out quickly, we are members of the Ye family in the central palace! It is not something you can provoke, as long as you let us out now, And apologise, we can let the past go!"

The two young people didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, not only didn't reflect on their own problems, but continued to say these unpleasant words even more.

"You two should come out on your own, I don't have time to waste time with you two trash-bye!"

"The fastest way to get out is to stab each other deeply as I just said. Whether you can do it or not is up to you, hahaha!!"

The sound of Long Fei's laughter reverberated in this world of formations and barriers, and became pastime.

Ye Jin, a young man holding a blue long sword tightly, looked angry and gloomy: "Damn it! You bastard!"

Another young man with a red long sword, Ye Chan, looked at the red long sword in his hand, and said: "Let's see if we can break this formation according to what we have learned, don't be angry, that bastard has disappeared, now The most important thing right now is to break through this damn formation barrier."

Compared with Ye Jin, Ye Chan seemed to be extraordinarily calm to think about the current issue. He was also angry, but now that the matter had come to this point, it would be of no use even if he sent it out. He understood this.

Ye Jin gritted his teeth: "Okay, my young master wants to see what's so great about this formation!"

The two began to look for unusual places in the formation and made a series of formation-breaking moves they had learned.

The first two people here are busy, but the scene outside is the bodies of Ye Jin and Ye Chan standing motionless in the corridor of the original real world.

Long Fei's figure didn't leave, but walked back and forth beside the two of them.

The enchantment formation he just made was mainly to draw the souls of the two into them unconsciously, which would make people think that it was the body itself, but it was actually just the soul.

Now these two bodies are empty shells that have lost their souls.

A godlessness can be seen in the double head.


Long Fei smiled and said proudly: "Play with me? I don't care about the Ye family or the Ye family. Anyone who makes me unhappy must be taught a lesson. I hope you can take that step, otherwise you will only be trapped for the rest of your life." It's in that formation enchantment."

"No one comes, no one sees, you two have fun, I'll go first."

After placing the empty shells of the two of them in a corner aside, Long Fei decisively turned around and left.

Although there were some unexpected episodes in the middle, Long Fei still walked out of the Central Domain Palace smoothly, and came to the outside of the Central Domain Palace to play. I have to say that the lights are feasting, the crowds are crowded, the traffic is busy, and the streets and alleys are noisy and lively. .

This kind of night atmosphere is a part of people's life.
In Changlong, the master of the central domain, Xia Taiyang, who was fishing with a delicate bamboo pole in the pool garden, raised his head slightly to look at the sky above, slowly frowned with his relaxed brows, and then said to the old man accompanying him: "It's night, go and see when Xiaoyou Long will have dinner, and make preparations for him. Now that he is our noble soldier, we can't neglect him, otherwise he will humiliate me as a landlord."

This old man is not one of the two elders Li Xu and Luo Lian, but the housekeeper who manages each room on weekdays.

The old man who received the order nodded and bowed: "Yes, domain master, this old slave must make proper arrangements to ensure the satisfaction of our little friend Long and your soldiers, and will never lose face for our Luohe domain."

The domain master Xia Taiyang smiled kindly: "Well, go ahead, I can rest assured that you can do things."

The old man smiled thickly after hearing Xia Taiyang's praise: "Yes!"

Then he turned and left, but just after walking a few steps, he called the bird that usually wandered around the palace, and learned the news about Long Fei from the bird's mouth: "Oh, interesting little friend."

After saying that, he turned and went back behind Xia Taiyang.

"What's wrong?" Xia Taiyang was a little puzzled.

The old man said respectfully: "Master, Qingque told me that Xiaoyou Long has just left the scope of the Central Domain Palace alone, and he should have gone shopping. If this is the case, we will not be able to arrange dinner. Compared with him, he will be outside. taste."

Flying is prohibited in the Luohe area, and people are prohibited. I think these lives that need to fly are not among the prohibited objects.

That's why birds can also fly in the central palace to know Long Fei's movements.

This is what Xia Taiyang promised.

After hearing this, Xia Taiyang slowly stroked his long beard and nodded: "In this case, then stop and prepare my share."

Both of them looked like old men, but Xia Taiyang was several times older than the housekeeper. Anyway, Xia Taiyang was the oldest and most powerful existence in Luohe Region.

Xia Taiyang is [-] years old, and the old man in front of him is only [-] years old just like Li Xu and Luo Lian.

The old man smiled mysteriously: "Yes, besides this piece of information, Domain Master, Qing Que also discovered an interesting thing."

"Oh? An interesting thing, about Long Xiaoyou?" Xia Taiyang seems to be very concerned about Long Fei now.

As long as it was about Long Fei, he wanted to hear about it.

"It belongs to Xiaoyou Long." The old man said, "He also met two little guys, Ye Jin and Ye Chan from the Ye family, but these two are strangers to Xiaoyou Long, and they think they are thieves who sneaked in. I drew my sword and wanted to grab it, but I don’t know why the two suddenly stopped moving.”

After listening to the old man's description, although it was not very detailed, Xia Taiyang roughly understood it.

Frowning: "It seems that the people in the Central Domain Palace still don't know Long Fei's identity, you can go and spread the news in a while, so as not to cause inconvenience in the future, those who don't know are for the safety of the Central Domain Palace. Don’t punish them, now you go and move the bodies of those two little guys over for me to have a look.”



(End of this chapter)

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