Chapter 397. Chapter 397.
On the other side, after Long Fei finished his meal, it was time to pay the bill.

Looking at the numbers on the bill, his expression was not the slightest bit moved, he just threw out fifty thousand fairy coins in the woman's hand, got up and left.

After leaving the teahouse, he hadn't warmed his stomach yet, and planned to go to the interesting places around, but at this moment, a strange old man came in front of Long Fei.

"Hello, Young Master Long!"

The old man who came was the housekeeper who was ordered by the domain master Xia Taiyang to invite Long Fei back.

Long Fei frowned, his eyes were condensed, he could feel a very powerful charm from the aura emanating from this old man in front of him.

This old guy started at least at the Xuanxian level.

For a while, I made a decision in my heart.

Could it be that the family members of those two little guys came to find trouble?
Then I thought about it in my heart, and it seemed that this was the only possibility.

Long Fei's tone was quite flat: "Who is the old gentleman?"

The old butler smiled slightly and said, "I am the steward who manages the affairs of the domain master's house. I have come to invite Mr. Long to go back to deal with some matters by the domain master's order."

"What about those two little guys?" Long Fei said what he had guessed in his heart.

The old butler nodded slightly: "That's right, although those two little guys offended Mr. Long, they are members of Ye's family in our Central Domain Palace after all. Those two little guys don't know Mount Tai, so please ask Mr. Long to look at it." For the domain owner's sake, don't measure with it."

Long Fei showed a meaningful smile: "If I don't measure with them, then they or the people behind will come to me to measure?"

The old butler once again brought up Xia Taiyang to speak: "The words of the masters of the Luohe domain are heaven, they dare not disobey, otherwise the price is not something they can afford."

"Okay, then take me there." Long Fei nodded, anyway, he had seen enough after he came out, and it was time to go back to sleep after eating and drinking, the journey was just on the way.

After Long Fei nodded in agreement, the old butler waved his hand, and two rays of light appeared on the two of them, and then disappeared in place without knowing what kind of secret technique was used.

This kind of secret method can't be used at any time. It must be located in a place first, and the position where the old housekeeper lives in the palace for many years is naturally there.

In the blink of an eye in the next second, the scene in front of Long Fei changed drastically from the one just now.

There are three people ahead.

Each is familiar.

There are two young people standing still, Ye Chan and Ye Jin, and the other is Xia Taiyang, the eldest brother of the domain owner.

"Master Long, Master Long is here." The old butler said.

The domain master Xia Taiyang smiled kindly: "Little friend Long, it's disturbing you to have you come here at this time, but you need to help me unlock the spells on these two little guys, otherwise I can't talk to their family members." Confession."

Long Fei slowly shook his head and said softly: "It seems that they still don't have the courage to take that step, otherwise they would have come out long ago."

"That step? What is it?" Xia Taiyang and the butler were both curious and puzzled.

Could it be that there is some misunderstanding that the two of them don't know about?
Didn't Qingque see it?

The old housekeeper was suspicious.

Then I heard Long Fei say: "I sent the souls of the two of them into another formation barrier, but the souls of the two are still inside the body and cannot be awakened. I told them how to crack it, all you need is for the two of you to stab deeply into the hearts of both of you with long swords."

After hearing this, Xia Taiyang and the butler were stunned for a moment, their eyes widened, their faces twitched a little, and soon they calmed down and understood what was going on.

Xia Taiyang said speechlessly: "Your method of deciphering is really different from human beings."

"What about the external solution?" Xia Taiyang asked.

"External cracking method. Naturally. That's it."

Long Fei said meaningfully, quickly pinched three times with one hand to form different prints, and then penetrated into the foreheads of the two.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a voice resounding in the souls of Ye Chan and Ye Jin, and then they recovered from their dull-eyed bodies.

The bodies of the two trembled greatly, and the touch just now was like the soul that had been pulled out of the body was forcibly called back into the body.

The two of them turned pale for a while, recalling what happened just now, it was like a dream, and then they began to burst into anger.

"Are we out?" The two murmured, and the first thing they saw was a familiar figure, it was Long Fei.

"Damn it! It's him, kill him!" Looking at Long Fei with a smile on his face, he was furious and wanted to kill him, but at this moment, an inexplicable coercion descended on the two of them.

"Presumptuous!" A cold shout sounded from Xia Taiyang's mouth.

The two bodies were startled suddenly, both of them were quite familiar with this voice, and then turned their heads to see that their faces froze in vain, gradually turning into fear, and their voices trembled: "Master Yuyu! You. You. Why are you here?"

Their already pale faces became even paler after being frightened.

"This place is the pond garden of the old man, why do you think the old man is here?"

Saying that, Xia Taiyang snorted coldly: "Also! You two dare to take action against the old man's noble soldiers. Are you courting death?!"

He looked at Long Fei with his eyes.

The two of them immediately understood, swallowed their saliva: "Are you really a noble soldier?"

Long Fei's expression was indifferent: "Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you two first-level true immortals? If I really want to kill you, do you think you can still stand here talking and fearing?"

For these stubborn children, such a lesson will be the most effective means.

Xia Taiyang's eyes locked on Ye Chan and Ye Jin: "You guys have received the punishment you deserved and let it go. Do you two have any problems?"

Both of them broke out in a cold sweat from the fright, they were so frightened that they were dying, how could they dare to ask any questions?
Guo Guo nodded and shook his head again: "No, no problem! Just end it like this, we really didn't know that this son is really a noble soldier before."

Ignoring what the two said later, Xia Taiyang gave a warning: "After returning to your Ye family, you two are also smart people, you should know how to say and do it?"

"Understood!" The two nodded.

"Very good, let's send the two of them out." Xia Taiyang didn't want to take another look at the two of them, so he gave an order directly to the old man's butler.

"It's the domain owner."

The old butler received the order and looked at the two of them: "You two, go back."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a ray of light appeared, and the three disappeared in place.

As for why the old man still needs to follow, there is naturally his reason, after all, this is also the domain owner's order.

"Master, can I leave now?" Long Fei asked.

Xia Taiyang's tone softened: "Tomorrow you have to participate in the alchemist competition, go back and rest early."



(End of this chapter)

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